- 2,342
- Camboriu - Braz
- FASJ6418
I hope so... I bought a friggin PS3 to play GT5 and I am already dissapointed in the PS3 already (another story)... I don't need GT5 adding to that whenever it finally comes out.
The main issue with your question though is that a lot of people have different expectations. Some would be happy with an HD GT4, some probably won't be happy unless GT5 is EXACTLY everything they expect and want and more.
My fear is that perhaps what made GT great was that KY just made it exactly what he wanted it to be and focused on that. Fortunately at the time earlier GTs came out, wha the wanted was actually very impressive for the average gamer.
However I have to wonder if what KY dreams about is no longer what the market calls for anymore... perahps KY's desires are becoming dated?
Where I could see this going wrong is if KY has to do things he doesn't personally desire and thus the product reflects this.
Example: You have a chair maker who loves making wooden chairs. No tables, no beds, just chairs. And no cloth, no padding, just a wooden chair.
And he makes exquisite chairs... and at his prime, the world just uses wooden chairs - no one has invented a good table or put padding on a chair, all the word knows is wooden chairs and his are the best. He loves crafting them and as a result, his chairs are top notch.
Then the world progresses... people want tables and beds and they want pads on their chairs... the chair maker still only dreams of making the perfect wooden chair...
But he has to put food on the table.
So he starts making tables and starts padding his chairs because the guy down the street is selling padded dining sets and that's what people are buying.
Poor chair maker is now no longer doing exactly what he wants, he is doing what the people want so he can continue to make chairs at least some of the time...
But he doesn't like making tables, he doesn't like tables, doesn't use tables, doesn't want tables. So his tables aren't so good becuase they aren't designed and made by a person who understand and wants tables and can thus make a table how you would want one.
He doesn't like padded chairs so his padded charis are just plain wood chairs with padding stapled on. He hasn't designed the chairs to work with the padding, it's just added on and so feel wrong and lumpy and sits funny.
I have to wonder if that's what's happening to KY... I think while he was creating his vision he was doing great things as he was making his dream. And it was fortunate that at the time he was doing it, it was what the people wanted.
But now maybe times have changed but his dream hasn't? If he is the wooden chair maker making padded dinner sets.... it's quite possible the result will dissapoint both the plain wooden chair lover as well as the dedicated dinner set enthusiast...
Great post.👍 It's kind of like the discussion Walter Bejamin had in the 30's about the work of art losing it's "aura".
(For those that haven't studied media, the reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Work_of_Art_in_the_Age_of_Mechanical_Reproduction )
KY often views his work, his vision of GT as "art" so maybe it's a struggle between this concept and the logic of selling more, and shipping fast.
I think sports games are more fit to the theory of Benjamin, but every game publisher faces some sort of pressure.
In the end, KY is making his art to sell.
It's just a conflict game developers will always have to live with it, but it's normal in the society we live in. Music artists are often singing what it sells rather than what they like.
We are fortunate that KY big vision is to replicate real racing and car encyclopedia in a game. If he sticks with this, we shouldn't be worried. The rest are just details and minor bumps on the road.