Will KY/PD be able to deliver on the expectations ?

Will KY/PD be able to deliver on the expectations ?

  • Yes

    Votes: 79 32.0%
  • No

    Votes: 75 30.4%
  • I hope so

    Votes: 93 37.7%

  • Total voters
I hope so... I bought a friggin PS3 to play GT5 and I am already dissapointed in the PS3 already (another story)... I don't need GT5 adding to that whenever it finally comes out.

The main issue with your question though is that a lot of people have different expectations. Some would be happy with an HD GT4, some probably won't be happy unless GT5 is EXACTLY everything they expect and want and more.

My fear is that perhaps what made GT great was that KY just made it exactly what he wanted it to be and focused on that. Fortunately at the time earlier GTs came out, wha the wanted was actually very impressive for the average gamer.

However I have to wonder if what KY dreams about is no longer what the market calls for anymore... perahps KY's desires are becoming dated?

Where I could see this going wrong is if KY has to do things he doesn't personally desire and thus the product reflects this.

Example: You have a chair maker who loves making wooden chairs. No tables, no beds, just chairs. And no cloth, no padding, just a wooden chair.

And he makes exquisite chairs... and at his prime, the world just uses wooden chairs - no one has invented a good table or put padding on a chair, all the word knows is wooden chairs and his are the best. He loves crafting them and as a result, his chairs are top notch.

Then the world progresses... people want tables and beds and they want pads on their chairs... the chair maker still only dreams of making the perfect wooden chair...

But he has to put food on the table.

So he starts making tables and starts padding his chairs because the guy down the street is selling padded dining sets and that's what people are buying.

Poor chair maker is now no longer doing exactly what he wants, he is doing what the people want so he can continue to make chairs at least some of the time...

But he doesn't like making tables, he doesn't like tables, doesn't use tables, doesn't want tables. So his tables aren't so good becuase they aren't designed and made by a person who understand and wants tables and can thus make a table how you would want one.

He doesn't like padded chairs so his padded charis are just plain wood chairs with padding stapled on. He hasn't designed the chairs to work with the padding, it's just added on and so feel wrong and lumpy and sits funny.

I have to wonder if that's what's happening to KY... I think while he was creating his vision he was doing great things as he was making his dream. And it was fortunate that at the time he was doing it, it was what the people wanted.

But now maybe times have changed but his dream hasn't? If he is the wooden chair maker making padded dinner sets.... it's quite possible the result will dissapoint both the plain wooden chair lover as well as the dedicated dinner set enthusiast...

Great post.👍 It's kind of like the discussion Walter Bejamin had in the 30's about the work of art losing it's "aura".

(For those that haven't studied media, the reference: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Work_of_Art_in_the_Age_of_Mechanical_Reproduction )

KY often views his work, his vision of GT as "art" so maybe it's a struggle between this concept and the logic of selling more, and shipping fast.

I think sports games are more fit to the theory of Benjamin, but every game publisher faces some sort of pressure.

In the end, KY is making his art to sell.

It's just a conflict game developers will always have to live with it, but it's normal in the society we live in. Music artists are often singing what it sells rather than what they like.

We are fortunate that KY big vision is to replicate real racing and car encyclopedia in a game. If he sticks with this, we shouldn't be worried. The rest are just details and minor bumps on the road.
Some of us have realistic expectations. Others seem to have far fetched ideas about the capabilities of a PS3 an 10meg inet connection.

That may be so, but I think even many of the people with realistic expectations in their mind have gotten, over the 5 years of waiting, large expectations of how fun it will all be. Its hard to explain and I'm sure a phyc could explain it better than this, but its like the grass is greener on the other side. Even if you done have massive technical expectations (you aren't expecting weather, you dont think the physics will be awesome, you aren't expecting damage to be realistic, etc etc), over 5 years your mind builds up this "when it comes out its gonna be so awesome to play for hours on end", but then when it does actually come out it turns out to be nothing more than any other game you've played but only waited for a few months (between announcment and actual playing).

That's poorly explained, but yeah. I know there have been games in the past where my technical expectations were no higher than what the game turned out to be, but when the game actually came out and I played it I realised I expected it to impress me more, even though it had all the technical things I was expecting.

I dont think many people actually have terribly high expectations from a technical perspective, but its obvious people are so emotionally attached to the concept that it'll be awesome when they're playing it. Just look at any thread that hints at information and see the community get into a frenzy over it.
I've been going through this since GT1. none have failed to provide years of enjoyment, with the exception of the two prologs which didn't have enough in to keep my interest.
I can wait till it comes out and I'm sure it'll have great graphics and action..

I pre-ordered GT5 last september..lol

But if I don't get a proper qualification and testlaps in GT5, this will be the last GT game i'll ever buy
Here's my opinion on how reasoanble it is to want these things. Just my take:

Realistic damage that's better than what we've seen so far in other games. Well the kind of set theselves up for this with the video of the subaru damage.

Mechanichal damage with the ability to blow tires, gearboxes, engines, brake fatigue, etc... With the exception of the blowing tires, this is all reasonable to simulate to a point a few games have done this already. As for blown tires, I could see it as doable and reasonable from a programing perspective, from a gameplay perspective I think this could just be a frustration really fast as there is often little you can do about it and really who want's to simulate a failure you can't prevent?

More than 1000 cars, only a handful of them been on previous GT's, most of them new. I am not sure exactly how this brakes down and how many cars there really are that would even be appropriate for this type of game so reasonableness there is questionable. In terms of time given to research, model and create these cars... doesn't seem unreasonable considering how long it's been underway

Porsches, lots of them. Only reasonable in that anythign can change in the world of licensing but unreasonable in the likelihood it's really in PDs control

Revolutionary online system, with realistic slip stream, realistic collisions. Not sure why this is unreasonable other than the fact that "revolutionairy" is a pretty broad concept. Forza did online pretty darn well, but I don't see how it can't be one upped.

Enhanced carrear mode, longer and better than GT4. More and better license tests too. Again considering time to do it, not necessarily unreasonable.

Dynamic weather, with different types of rain, temperature affecting grip values, etc... This one seems tricky and I would go so far as to venture had they shot for this from the get go, quite possibly doable, but to add it in now if they haven't planed for it so far, that coudl be very tricky. Also a lot depends on how accurately you want this simulated.

Custom liveries, "better than Forza". Don't see why that can't be done... you see whats out there, give the same abilities and then some, maybe improve the user interface...

Telemetry. If this is refering to telemetry like the stuff you can see in Forza about wheel grip levels and tire temp etc, I don't see why not

Lot's of DLC planned. Somehow I don't see how GT won't have a fair amount of DLC

Bathurst, Road America, and a bunch of other new tracks. Considering the time in development, I don't see why this is unreasonable, it's mostly just man hour dependant unless licensing is in the way.

F1 cars. Seems like a licensing thing to start, then how accurately they want proper openwheel cars portrayed.

Skidmarks, rear lights, "4D" real time deforming trees and all that other minor stuff people moan about. Skidmarks seems very doable, reverse lights I have no idea why they aren't already done, and I don't know if super realistic trees are necessarily what people want, but maybe things that don't stand out so obviously in an otherwise very detailed and good looking world. I think it's the contrast more than anything between gorgeous cars and cutout trees that gets people

Pace cars, girls holding flags at the start and other things to improve the overall experience. I would think pace cars are doable girls with flags... I dunno seems doable but that's really more a question of appropriate for the kind of racing

20 locations being one for each country and one being PD land. 70 tracks are unique, not counting reverses. This would be more PD's and KY's fault for not being more clear on the subject than anything, but again, doesn't seem impossible considering how long they have had to work with and their previous resources to rely on, although quite a high order all the same

At least two new revolutionary features we don't know yet to have a nice surprise. :)

Rally point to point stages. With a WRC license this seems like a normal thing to want and expect

WRC, SuperGT and Nascar 2010 cars and drivers. Cars I can see, I am not sure about drivers as GT has never really been about providing drivers... you are the driver

Full implementation of those series.If licensed I think it's reasonable to hope that the series is done justice
Just noticed something. What kind of an answer is "I hope so"? The answer is as simple as "Yes" or "No". In my opinion, those who voted for the third option already know the game won't fulfil their expectations.
No I think I am just examining why some things might be considered reasonable to want in the face of the situation.

Expect to be dissapointed then....


No I think I am just examining why some things might be considered reasonable to want in the face of the situation.

Ah i missed that word on first reply, some of them are reasonable i assumed you meant all, my apologies.
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I am not sure what you mean...

Do you mean you can't imagine a game with 5 years of work could be bad or do you mean you think they would have given up and stopped by now had they realized the game was going to be bad?

I meant I can't imagine a game with 5 years of work could be bad, at least not a game with that much work by a major gaming company. If they realized the game was going to be bad I don't think they would have given up. I think they would have done whatever they had to do, even if it meant going back to scratch, making sure it was good.
I meant I can't imagine a game with 5 years of work could be bad, at least not a game with that much work by a major gaming company. If they realized the game was going to be bad I don't think they would have given up. I think they would have done whatever they had to do, even if it meant going back to scratch, making sure it was good.

Well, while that's a normal way to think, it's not like the last 3 Star Wars movies are proof that previous performance is no predictor of future potential...

I don't think GT5 will be like the Episode one of the GT world but just saying you can't necessarily assume that 5 years of development garauntess a great product, even if it is coming from a known talent pool. Sometimes things just go south.
Just noticed something. What kind of an answer is "I hope so"? The answer is as simple as "Yes" or "No". In my opinion, those who voted for the third option already know the game won't fulfil their expectations.

Very astute observation Lucas.

However at this point in time, I don't think it is as simple as yes or no.
That is why "I hope so " was added as an option. From the voting thus far it is the most significant category, indicative of the confidence dilemma the game has been allowed to degenerate into and confirmed by some of the posts here.

You probably could assume that the total of the "I hope so " category is a vote for "I'm having serious doubts", without having to choose "no".

This only seeks to confirm my suspicions, that the game is suffering from a Sony induced credibility crisis, from which, expectationally it may be unable to recover.
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I think it may exceed expectations! Maybe the reason for the delay is that the headtracking is working better than expected , so that instead of being a throwaway feature it is actually essential to the experiance , therefore all cockpit views require tweeking so that its a more realistic viewpoint ie; you have to look down to see the steering wheel, gearstick etc. Thats what I'm hoping for anyway lol
A better question will they be able to deliver anything at all? Or is this just smoke and mirrors to sell consoles based on hype..
I really don't think thats the case, because I would never again buy a sony product if they did something like that...

And about this headtracking, was it canned? I seen another comment that suggested that.
Simple, this long wait should produce all of these ...


and everything here ...


Fair enough, and you know that list is still missing, Nascar, SuperGT, WRC. It also doesn't include the improvements that PD has made to the GUI, Sound, and online. Doesn't show night racing, weather, head tracking or the ability to include a ghost lap of a real car. Doesn't show the improvements in GTTV.

PD is continually adding more and more to the game and as any developer should, hasn't shown the majority of the game.

Its fair to expect all that was mentioned, anything else is dreaming.
Fair enough, and you know that list is still missing, Nascar, SuperGT, WRC. It also doesn't include the improvements that PD has made to the GUI, Sound, and online. Doesn't show night racing, weather, head tracking or the ability to include a ghost lap of a real car. Doesn't show the improvements in GTTV.
PD is continually adding more and more to the game and as any developer should, hasn't shown the majority of the game.

Its fair to expect all that was mentioned, anything else is dreaming.

Mostly because at the top of the list it says 'online features'.
I believe KY and PD set out to produce a photo realisitc game with much improved physics.

When they realised how high expectations were, and how much the competition had improved, they went back to the drawing board to add features such as damage and weather, hence the massive delays.
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Voted No !...

Even before he delivers... Already, he has NOT met our expectations...

Our expectations were to have the game by now, we still havent got it.
Therefore our expectations are NOT met... Fail.

Let's the wait continue, what else can we do?!...
But whatever will be shipped out, i dont expect anymore...
just give me anything .... anything at all ... ! :( :(
After all the childish ranting on this board, I'm not sure how many will admit to being blown away. But after feeling the thrill of the TT demo, I can hardly wait to take a Mk III Supra around Suzuka. I was already mightily impressed with Prologue.

Will I be blown away? Guess. :sly:
It depends on the persons expectations,naturally but mine? yes probably, it seems hard to justify all this waiting but come play time I think my expectations will be fulfilled.:)
After seeing the gameplay vids of the Aussie academy finals and the SLS driving experience at the ring it is safe to say me expectations are now fully met
All i know is that even if the game is exactly like GT4, just more cars and 60fps/1080p

i would buy it in a heartbeat. It can´t possible be worse than GT4.
And you all know just how much you love GT4.
With that said, GT5 will be the best driving game ever to be produced for a console.