Windows Vista, Mac OS X Leopard, & Ubuntu "Edgy Eft"

Which release are you looking forward to the most?

  • Windows Vista

    Votes: 38 42.7%
  • Mac OS X Leopard (10.5)

    Votes: 23 25.8%
  • Ubuntu 6.10 "Edgy Eft"

    Votes: 9 10.1%
  • None! I'm content with my current OS.

    Votes: 17 19.1%
  • Other (Fedora Core 6, SuSE 10.2, etc.)

    Votes: 2 2.2%

  • Total voters
Cant wait for Edgy Eft final. 👍

It could be true. Microsoft prolly feels that Vista should come first over anything else cuz its the new version of their flagship product.
when vista is released, it's supposedly going to have a method of checking your computer for any illegal software and reporting it. that's going to hit alot of people hard. plus there's no doubt it's going to be a big OS, taking up more space, more magical animations to look good making the system slower and probably some other stuff that's going to put me off it. XP FTW! \m/

that will either get cracked or they will get sued for invasion of privacy. Im running vista right now and its no slower than Xp on my system. Dont diss it untill you try it.

(from vista thread:

I'm going to say now that i'm running the vista inspirat bricopack and it does look good, but i don't like what i've heard about the full OS. I'm sure it'll be fine really and it's good to hear that it's running fine on your system. I guess i'll wait until it's full version is released and all the reviews are done, then get some feedback from the users.
So I couldn't figure out the Vista problem. It's going to sit in the CD racks for some time.

But you bet dougiemeats, I'm interested in Linux. But first, what's with the "Kubuntu, Ubuntu"....etc.?
Here's a sneak peak at Vista and Office's packaging:

As they said on Fark, "looks like they cut corners on the packaging too" :lol:


Wow, I installed Edgy Eft and it won't boot. Son of a *****

That was my last CDR too!

EDIT: Now I can't boot into ANYTHING. What gives. Anyways, I'm on the Live CD Desktop thing right now. Gonna finish up my homework on Firefox then reinstall this as the only thing on the drive. :-D
Midnight Runner
Originally Posted by some idiot I know from another forum after seeing the picture of the Vista packaging
".....w0w sh1ny n3w btnz mstt bui w3hn r3lsd wo carez bout DRM and t3h trst3d c0mp0t1ng.......lolololololololol....... .."

That is the worst grammar I've ever seen....
Since I've been through so many installations this week, I'm tempted to do a Vista Installation.

Except for the fact that you have to have a DVD drive....
......and their driver support is still terrible, which is why I abandoned my Vista RC1....
It really isn't that bad..

On every different computer I've tried it on, I was able to get it running stable with everything installed. What are you having problems with in particular?
Paul Thurrott makes this great point that I've been thinking about also.

But the problem with the five year gestation isn't that OS X and Linux have caught up and in some ways surpassed Windows, which of course they have in some respects. The problem isn't even that Microsoft promised us the world and then failed to deliver. No, the problem is that there's another OS out there that runs just fine on over 400 million computers around the world. That system is stable, secure, and gets the job done. It's Windows Vista's biggest competitor. To be fair, it's Windows Vista's only competitor. Maybe you've heard of it: It's called Windows XP.

I completely agree. After using a couple of Beta and Release's of Vista, I haven't found anything that would personally make me spend hundreds of dollars on a new OS. I mean, Aero theme is cool, but it's not worth 250$.

My XP works all day, everyday. Rarely crashes, I don't get viruses. All my programs work on it. Do I really need to change? Thoughts?
My XP is unstable. Maybe its because of my heavy internet browing and "curiosity" to install new programs that promise to be "useful". As a result I'm always wiping out my computer and starting fresh again. My PC sometimes runs so slow that I just shut it off by unplugging the power cord.

Maybe its just my PC usage, or my computer itself, but if Vista offers more stability and security then I will pay $250 to upgrade to a system that causes me less headaches.
I might just get ahold of a DVD drive and install Vista on my comp.

Seeing as how I'm back on XP because Linux didn't support a program that my mom needed.

Right now I have a 32GB partition I can delete for Vista.

You can mount the image in Daemon Tools (Or equivalent) and install it that-a-way.

Care to explain how to do this??