WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
Silly psn store is down again. Was really looking forward to getting this game right fast. Should've d/l'ed it last night :banghead:
Silly psn store is down again. Was really looking forward to getting this game right fast. Should've d/l'ed it last night :banghead:

I'm downloading now as we speak.
Are you sure.

I'm on wireless and its taking ages. (infamous)
DL'd this one too yesterday. Gotta admit, very good racing game :cheers:. Hard though.... oh so difficult at times. For grins I attempted the trophies for 20 consecutive clean zones and 50 zones only using the air brakes. Yeah, probably need ALOT more practice before going after those again :ouch:. And winning races on Elite difficulty can be maddening as well :mad:.

Is it just me or are the default air brake and thumb stick controls too sensitive? IE when trying the air brake challenge I was having huge problems keep the ship from over rotating. Seems to me that like only pulling the trigger halfway in equals full air brake extension to the game's code.
I'm really loving Wipeout, stylish game and lots of fun but it does take some getting used to.

The only issue I have with it is like it doesnt have 4:3 aspect ratio support (old tv), nearly all other games auto adjust but Wipeout cannot and everything is squished horizontally.

I'm really loving Wipeout, stylish game and lots of fun but it does take some getting used to.

The only issue I have with it is like it doesnt have 4:3 aspect ratio support (old tv), nearly all other games auto adjust but Wipeout cannot and everything is squished horizontally.


Well if it did it wouldnt be Wipeout HD would it? it would be wipeout SD :dopey:
Well if it did it wouldnt be Wipeout HD would it? it would be wipeout SD :dopey:

Sounds like a great title :lol: But it all seriousness it still should be able to do 4:3 as all other games that are in HD can.

I think it can also be played with the Sixaxis so that's the closest your going to get to steering wheel support :sly:
One thing I don't like about this game is the voice chat. Everyone's voice is really distorted. That's an update to look forward to!
You could use your feet for the air brakes and a button on the wheel for acceleration 💡. Just imagine Zone 80 with a wheel :lol:
The game is hard enough with the ds3. I don't even want to try with a wheel!

One of the most fun games but because it feels like nothing else you would have ever played it is hard to get used to and it doesn't help it is impossibly hard.

By the way. Turn pilot assist off. It slows you down.
I had turn on the pilot assist because all I do is bang walls and the airbrakes are doing something I don't expect. I'll try turning off the assist later again tho.

Very fun game. Brings me back to the good ole days when I used to love and adore this game series 👍
For the first 2 speed classes you fairly much don't use the air brake at all. Steering with the analogue stick is enough. You would just pull the air brake if you see you are going to hit the outside wall at the end of the corner and even then only for a quater of a second.

Later on when you start using the air brakes you only just pull the brake for a split second still on the most part apart from tight hairpins.

You also need to take a bit of a different approach with each type of steering.

Analogue stick you take the corner out in out like it is a car.

With the air brake you enter the corner more towards the middle/inside and you pull the brake late in the corner (after you hit the apex). Now every time you enter the corner it will basically look like you are going to go straight into the inside wall but you wont. With the air brake you more so try stay in the middle of the track in general anyway.
I'm curious to know what settings everyone uses... when I'm doing Zone mode I barely press the Air Brakes and I slam into the wall :indiff:
And I'm listening to the Wipeout Soundtrack... so aweome :D

Pilot assist off
sixaxis tilting off

Until you hit about level 30-40 you will only use the analogue stick. After that you switch to only using the air brakes.

If you try using both you will crash most likely
Tried this last night... the game just isn't exciting; maybe it's because everything is too smooth. I still rather play SNES F-Zero.
Tried this last night... the game just isn't exciting; maybe it's because everything is too smooth. I still rather play SNES F-Zero.
You should try a few of the other game modes, such as Eliminator and Detonator... also, once you get the hang of the controls and move up to Phantom speed class and Elite difficulty, the races get extremely intense. Recommend also using a DS3 if you're not already...
Ok for grins I tried to do the Zone 50 with Air Brakes only Trophy. Now I've already found for my "piloting" style that having the AB's at 10% sensitivity works best (1st try with that setting and I made it to zone 32-ish).

Anyway I quickly noticed at this low setting that the AB's take significantly longer to stow themselves (or return to their "flat" position). So does that mean for races if I leave the setting this low that the AB's will reduce my ship's speed longer than if they stowed themselves quicker at a higher sensitivity setting? Without a speedometer it is just quite difficult to tell.
It will make it smoother making the ship easier to fly therefore quicker if you have the sensitivity low.
It will make it smoother making the ship easier to fly therefore quicker if you have the sensitivity low.

Cool. I'm sure people are good with them at higher settings but it makes the craft so damn twitchy and unmanageable for me. Thank god they added the sensitivity settings or I'd just altogether give up on the Zone AB challenge.
Woot! Got the Air Braker trophy just now. I died/disintegrated at Zone 47, retried and died/disintegrated at 49 then finally got it, even got to Zone 51 :dopey:. My AB sensitivity is 70%/80% I think.
Woot! Got the Air Braker trophy just now. I died/disintegrated at Zone 47, retried and died/disintegrated at 49 then finally got it, even got to Zone 51 :dopey:. My AB sensitivity is 70%/80% I think.

Well done 👍. That's a tough one no doubt, my best so far is about 32 or so.
Try Anulpha Pass forward and don't fall off that platform :lol:. I'm not gonna do any more Zone Mode today, it's trippy :P
Try Anulpha Pass forward and don't fall off that platform :lol:. I'm not gonna do any more Zone Mode today, it's trippy :P

Oh yeah, that's the one I've run maybe 7 times now so far. Everybody says that's the zone to make the attempt on.