WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
It just seems like everything is fast, and yet slow, and somehow hard to control, all at the same time. Is it because I'm still on the Venom class of the racers, and they're slow?

Also, when I gain 'loyalty' by using a specific manufacturer's vehicle, it says I gain loyalty points, like '1650,' '780,' etc, but the meter never seems to go up; it visibly stays at zero, as far as I can tell.

And what's the point of using the beat up old models when you can simply use the newer models from the same manufacturer and they're always better? I'm getting the feeling that these things are for people "in the know" to understand, and I'm feeling either put out or confused, or both. Somebody care to explain?

Edit: I have 3080 loyalty points in Feisar, and the bar is barely even visible. The progress is literally a couple pixels wide. I've done like 30 races; what's up with this?

The bar is meant to be like that.

And the old ships are just for nostalgia's sake. You could use the new ships, but sometimes the old ships look better after a while.
It is great fun, especially if you like games that are a challenge (on Elite level) but not so ridiculously hard. Once you get in to it, it's easy to pick up and play for 15-20 minutes.
So, there's a few people who obviously like this game, should we organise a big race/hover/fly day? A big tourney may be too much of a hassle, but just a set date where you join and race could be fun :D

Assegai version.LEGO

I got really bored, so I re-created the team I win with most.
With working airbrakes:D
So, there's a few people who obviously like this game, should we organise a big race/hover/fly day? A big tourney may be too much of a hassle, but just a set date where you join and race could be fun :D

The issue is that most people who have Wipeout HD are not on it when others are:dunce:
I was playing Wipeout last night and I had two thoughts. One was that seeing as how they announced Wipeout 2048 on the Vita will have cross-play with the PS3, will we see another DLC pack or will it be limited to tracks that are in both Fury/HD and 2048? Secondly, I was thinking, has anyone made a Wipeout cockpit? It would be a lot of effort and money for one game that I rarely play, but I want to do it. I was thinking, if it's possible to split an HDMI output between two screens at once, you could get a cheap old DVI monitor and rig up a load of light sensors or a camera to 'rip' the HUD off the game then re-implement it with a real life HUD. Like I said, that would be obscenely expensive, but it could be done fairly easily I think.

Also, I played 2097 the other day. I hope the HD re-release thing that's going around reaches Wipeout as well, I loved 2097 when I was younger but I can barely make out what's going on when I play it now, my eyesight has been softened by 1080p. In fact I'm just desperate for them to release more Wipeout on the PS3, it's one of the very few games that I keep coming back to.
I'm quite surprised that no one else here joined on this. It's really fun!

All participants are broken up into groups based on their time zones (so I've been grouped with some Aussies and another Kiwi. I'm in the middle of Round 2 which is an online Tourney using all speed classes. And so far I'm last :P
Like Neema T says, probably down to availability.

I enjoyed the game but did find the difficulty to be quite frustrating. I battled for a while with new track on Wipeout Fusion back on the PS2 - but got there. With this it just seemed so hard to improve my times or position.

I then felt miffed when Wipeout 2048 got released as a Vita only title. Don't get me wrong, I still enjoy Fury/HD but only play occasionaly these days.
Fusion was so much better than HD imho, it makes me sad to think of it. :indiff:

Its crazy that Sony reduced their efforts on one of their most well known game titles so much that its now basically a pimped portable port. Sigh. Just compare the tracks of Fusion and HD, fusion had so much more details and the tracks were about twice as long. To think of what an original new wipeout made to max out the PS3 could look like... sigh.
Fusion was so much better than HD imho, it makes me sad to think of it. :indiff:
That's why I got so upset about Wipeout 2048 not coming to the PS3. It was the more open style tracks in Fusion that the 2048 game was harking back to that made me eager for it.
One of the first demos I put on my PS3 was WipEout HD. Just last night, I bought the WipEout HD Bundle. I am currently downloading the HD Fury upgrade to this game. The whole deal is just vintage WipEout goodness... for the most part. I do love the graphics and the action. I am a WipEout veteran. My experience: XL/2097, Wip3out, WipEout 64, and WipEout Fusion.

This game is supposed to be collection some of the best ships and tracks from past titles including some brand new stuff. Sadly, I can only remember more of the ships than most of the tracks. I still like this game and all it has to offer.
I'm quite surprised that no one else here joined on this. It's really fun!

All participants are broken up into groups based on their time zones (so I've been grouped with some Aussies and another Kiwi. I'm in the middle of Round 2 which is an online Tourney using all speed classes. And so far I'm last :P

Yeah, Tourney is shaping up to be a belter! Won 9 of my 20 races last night and outright won the Rapier tourney, was really happy with my performance. Cant wait to see the Round 2 points results. Came 4th in Round 1...just couldnt find my groove!
I absolutely do not see myself right now getting that Trophy for winning every Racebox Single Race event at Phantom Speed on Elite difficulty. Of course, I'm fairly new to this game that's been out for years. I am actually kind of trying to get the Trophy for Loyalty. So I am using the Feisar team for all or most of my racing. Besides Feisar, I've found myself racing Harimau a lot. The sorriest ship I've used is Auricom.

I am still enjoying this game regardless. However, it doesn't feel much like a vintage WipEout title. The last game in the series I've played through was WipEout Fusion. Even Fusion remains classic in look and feel. My favorite one is really WipEout XL/2097. I do like the diversity in modes by the Detonator mode and Zone Battle. I still have yet to understand how to play Zone Battle. I won one or two events in Zone Battle, but I don't understand this mode.
Last night, I accomplished something I've almost NEVER accomplished- a perfect flight! I did the Warped Time Trial event around Moa Therma and completed all three laps without hitting any walls. I may have a Perfect Lap every now and then, but the rare Perfect Flight was a brand-new experience for me as a WipEout veteran.
There is an 'assist' setting for keeping off the walls, but that's no fun. It's also possibly the most annoying thing online, trying to find rooms that don't rely on this - equivalent I suppose to all of the racing soft lobbies in GT5. It's a good feeling alright to achieve a clean lap let alone a string of them, which the upper level time trials tend to rely upon to obtain a gold.

As for the Zone Battles - I'm not entirely sure myself. I know you need to reach the target score before anyone else - it's all about hitting the boost pads and being tactical about when to release the boost charge - also not blowing up or hitting the barriers sown by the other players when boosting.

I found the later zone battles too hard (for me) to get, what with the AI seeming to conspire together to spatter me no matter what, therefore I'm about three levels from completing the racing series and cannot seem to get any further. There are plenty of folks who have, so it must be more down to me and my reaction times :sly:

I still like the game though and will return once other games are done. I do agree that it doesn't have quite the same race feel of Fusion - but it does have something. I just wish it wasn't quite so tough. A challenge is what online is for :)
I have been playing WipEout quite a lot in the past 2 and a half years. I can now do perfect races on Phantom often, Barrel Roll like no tomorrow and get sub World 30 times.

The thing I love about it is that there is no skill cap...you can ALWAYS improve! :D
That's true - I suppose I have not dedicated enough time to the game to make a really fair judgement on the difficulty level. My lady wife has almost completed it on Elite difficulty - but she can't stand being beaten by a game :)
That's true - I suppose I have not dedicated enough time to the game to make a really fair judgement on the difficulty level. My lady wife has almost completed it on Elite difficulty - but she can't stand being beaten by a game :)

Wow, that's really impressive! 👍
I have been playing WipEout quite a lot in the past 2 and a half years. I can now do perfect races on Phantom often, Barrel Roll like no tomorrow and get sub World 30 times.

The thing I love about it is that there is no skill cap...you can ALWAYS improve! :D
I think I've found my skill cap... :ill:

I've got several gold trophies and I've won every HD track on Elite/Phantom (albeit not in Arcade Mode, so Arcade Perfect still eludes me), but getting back up to that standard is probably beyond my present capabilities... it takes a serious amount of time and effort to get to the point where you can win the Elite/Phantom tournaments, and I'm some way off being back at that level right now.

But some trophies, like the Zone and Detonator trophies, are well beyond my current capabilities... still, I have some tricky trophies, like Beat Zico and the Elite Campaign Legend trophy, but I doubt that I'll reach those dizzy heights again any time soon...

FWIW, I reckon this is the best PS3 game bar none - coupled with your own soundtrack, it is hard to beat the buzz you get from a race win on Phantom/Elite - although I have also nearly smashed a controller (many times), smashed a window (atleast twice), and broken my own face (once) during fits of "Wipeout Rage" :sly:
I agree with you about the best PS3 game comment Touring Mars. Easily.

and believe me, Beat Zico is unreal. I really do love having the Plat for this game...I would love to host a GTP room for racing! :D
although I have also nearly smashed a controller (many times), smashed a window (atleast twice), and broken my own face (once) during fits of "Wipeout Rage" :sly:

Well I'm glad it's not just me who gets that. Also Tekken Rage.

However I am sad that I don't have any of the properly tricky trophies, I haven't Beaten Zico, I haven't done the Elite Campaign one, I don't have Zone Zeus nor Airbraker... Ah well.
WipEout rage you say?


:lol: Done this last week, had to buy a new white controller, it still works but it was bugging me...gutted, quite liked my Yellow controller!
Beat Zico was just...

I must have done what, 200+ laps of Anulpha Pass before I finally got it. Well worth it though. :P

And although not strictly related to HD/Fury, but on WipEout Pure, I think I was 4th on the WipeoutZone leaderboards for Sebenco Climb Rapier. :P
Nice one! I go on WZ all the time, currently in a tournament across all modes...but I never EVER do anything outside Time Trial, Speed Lap and Races.


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