WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
Detonator owns me, I really don't have the slightest idea how I'll ever even medal on the elite mode. I spent a couple hours online last night hosting eliminator events, much fun!
Detonator is alot of fun once you get used to it - I'm not a fan of Zone events, but this makes it alot more exciting... and weirdly, you are so focused on blasting bombs, you don't even realise that you are flying nigh on perfectly and that you are subconsciously in the 'zone' :D
Zone was always my favourite mode - the colours and the track responding to the music playing... I like being alone on the track, and for me at least, Zone seems to have more purpose than Time Trial or Fastest Lap ^.^

The bombs especially in Detonator are absolutely beautiful, it's a shame some people out there don't even know about WipEout...
The bombs especially in Detonator are absolutely beautiful, it's a shame some people out there don't even know about WipEout...
Yeh, it's hard to describe what the bombs are like to someone who hasn't played the game... it makes you sound like a spaced out old hippy if you try to describe it :lol:

I have now decided that WipEout is BY FAR my favourite PS3 game - it has everything now... online (for when I'm feeling masochistic), evil hard AI (for when I want a challenge), eliminator (for when I'm in the mood for some fun!), time trialing to your own music (reminiscent of the good old days with Vice City and San Andreas), and detonator for a buzz that doesn't cause too much stress!

The only mistake is the name. They should have called it "Epic".
Hey Guys, Concerning the fast lap time Zico with Pirannah. What gives? I have tried and tried to beat the goal, but cant come within 3 seconds running perfect laps with no wall touches hitting all speed pads What am I doing wrong ?
Do barrel rolls whenever you can and use last lap's boost just before the start of the lap to propel you over the starting line way faster than normal - effectively giving you two boosts in a single lap :)
You will need to squeeze four BR's into a single lap - check out YouTube to see where to do them. Knowing where to do them is important, but it is still very difficult actually doing them cleanly, particularly the "third" one (where you have to barrel roll onto the high single-track section near the end of the lap).

Check out a post I made earlier (which contains a link to Aero-R's advice, which helped alot!). Use the left analogue stick to steer and execute BR's too...
Hey Guys, Concerning the fast lap time Zico with Pirannah. What gives? I have tried and tried to beat the goal, but cant come within 3 seconds running perfect laps with no wall touches hitting all speed pads What am I doing wrong ?

Here is a video i made you can look at how i beat him,

It is really not that hard once you get the racing line in order and dont do any faults, i could have gotten better time cus as you see i hit the well after my triple barrel roll


i also got platinum on Wipeout HD not long ago, quite happy with that =D

Hope you enjoy


Thanks for the help guys.

Congrats Glacius on your 100% I am in awe of you guys that achieve this, really really tough to do.
So am getting sent a voucher to buy a new PS3. Am having withdrawals...

It was sent to the wrong address and now I have to wait some more. Thankfully had the lend of my brothers PS3 so got some Fury in. Still its not enough!
That's a real pain Jambo.

Great to see DaddyVDUB online last night. Online is very busy with lots of different racing going on. Good times.
Much respect to people who got all golds on ELITE in wipeout HD, I can pretty easily get gold on Elite when it comes to time trial, and speed lap, once you throw in the AI on Elite talk about frustration and stress! It's a lot of fun trying to best them, but you do need skill, patience and dedication. I just barely touched wipeout Fury, need to sit down and put some time in. The new game modes are a lot of fun. Need to get online soon as well. :)👍
Elite would be easy if you could remove mines and bombs, my science, they are all over the place!
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:lol: on the edit there, Jambo...

I got the "Da Bomb" trophy last night - pretty intense stuff, but it is relatively easy if you ensure you have an EMP ready on each lap to take the bomb out. You have to watch out for a few things, though - occasionally you need to manually shoot them (when your EMP isn't charged) and the announcer sometimes doesn't warn you the bomb is coming up - usually if the announcer has just said something else, like "EMP energized". Also, don't try to get the trophy on Anulpha Pass, Ubermall or that new one where the course splits in two, as the bombs can appear on the other part of the track from you! :ouch:
Heyyy we can't let this thread death !, it was almost in the 2nd page !, no way for a game like this ! :)

Mars the two matches today were great, we were like in a totally versus match because the other players were leaving and so on. I loved that "Plasma vs. Plasma" moment as I told you through the Playstation 3 message. It was crazy in the middle of the Anulpha Pass Inverse straight when we both launched plasma, yours was the best because you hitted me and mine failed, so I died on that hit haha

We should do some kind of little GTPlanet competition or so just for fun ! , it was really good and I'm happy to see that with the time you've been so involved in the game. I still remember how at first you were with doubts about getting some golds in the Elite mode and now you're killing in Eliminator like a professional. That's the style !!!!!!!!! :dopey:
Hehe, a couple of good games - first (you!) and second (me!) in the full game of eight, and the one-on-one (after the other guy dropped out!) was fun, although you were never in that much danger of losing! I love Eliminator mode, but I find it very hard online, and clearly some guys have been practicing ALOT - I was lucky to get 100 points in a 300-pt match the other night :guilty: Still, I am loving the new game modes - Detonator is a blast (sorry, pun alert!) and Eliminator is challenging against the AI...
Hehe, a couple of good games - first (you!) and second (me!) in the full game of eight, and the one-on-one (after the other guy dropped out!) was fun, although you were never in that much danger of losing! I love Eliminator mode, but I find it very hard online, and clearly some guys have been practicing ALOT - I was lucky to get 100 points in a 300-pt match the other night :guilty: Still, I am loving the new game modes - Detonator is a blast (sorry, pun alert!) and Eliminator is challenging against the AI...

I've not played Fury so much, I'm a bit busy until August 19th or so. What I've played it some Eliminator matchs with my friend in the 2 players mode, and some of the career in Elite. Because of that I don't know Detonator so much but after a few days I'll spend more time on the game again.

Sorry I had to go but we were chaging some kinds in the light installation at the house, so I'd to switch down the electricity. By the way, can you connect your Playstation 3 online at the moment? I can't.. the router gives its IP and so on but when trying to connect to the Playstation Network it fails on that point, so I was wondering if SONY had a problem with the Network or so.

By the way, today is my birthday, anybody wanna join a WipEout match to recieve a plasma as invitation !?? :D
I've not played Fury so much, I'm a bit busy until August 19th or so. What I've played it some Eliminator matchs with my friend in the 2 players mode, and some of the career in Elite. Because of that I don't know Detonator so much but after a few days I'll spend more time on the game again.

Sorry I had to go but we were chaging some kinds in the light installation at the house, so I'd to switch down the electricity. By the way, can you connect your Playstation 3 online at the moment? I can't.. the router gives its IP and so on but when trying to connect to the Playstation Network it fails on that point, so I was wondering if SONY had a problem with the Network or so.

By the way, today is my birthday, anybody wanna join a WipEout match to recieve a plasma as invitation !?? :D

Happy birthday :cheers:

I got dropped out of the network about 15 minutes ago too, so the network must be down. I'll be back online a bit later too, as I need to go and eat something!

Just having a look at my loyalty stats:

Icaras: 100000
Feisar: 100000
Piranha: 37645
Mirage: 33135
Triakis: 33015
Assegai: 32490
Harimau: 30155
Auricom: 20915
EG-X: 14465
Goteki-45: 11445
Qirex: 11275
AG Systems: 10935

Total: 435475
Average: 36290

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I haven't been on the PS3 much the last while, really need to sit down and get Fury finished.

Am still all over the place with the tracks.
Pretty cool, there is alot of Wipeout fanatics here as well.

Wipeout rulz,

BTW, who here is also apart of the Wipeoutzone forum as well ???
BTW, who here is also apart of the Wipeoutzone forum as well ???
There are other forums? Next you will tell me that the Internet is more than GTPlanet. :sly:
Just stopped by here to announce you that we're lucky to have the WipEout one for free. YEAH, exactly the most stylist one for sure. The Designers Republic tribute ahead I'm sure ! http://www.thesixthaxis.com/2009/09/10/free-wipeout-hd-theme-today/
Pretty cool, there is alot of Wipeout fanatics here as well.

Wipeout rulz,

BTW, who here is also apart of the Wipeoutzone forum as well ???
Hey KIGO, good to see you again man. Shouts from The Zone ;]
I just downloaded it, looks pretty good! I prefer a less manic background though, so I can't see myself using it much, but I do like having the option of dynamic themes!
Revenge is sweet - I just got an Elite gold on a Detonator stage in the final campaign in Fury... I had managed two silvers, both just over 532000, missing out on the Gold (540000) by a matter of seconds both times. On my last run, however, I was doing much better, and had more than enough of a shield to complete the run. But to my horror, my scoring wasn't fast enough and I was running out of track. I hit one last mine on the final turn of the final lap to take me into the Gold category, and finished with 540025 :D I missed one bomb, but otherwise got a high hit rate (68.3% cleared) and still I just made it :scared: Intense entertainment, as usual! :crazy:

edit: I also just Elite golded the Zone event in "Aftermath" by only using the airbrakes! I had tried it three times with normal steering and airbrakes, but to no avail. So I figured I'd try it with only using the airbrakes and I got it first time, smashing my record my 6 zones, and crucially getting over that elusive Gold mark!
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I need to play this again, it's been awhile. Adding Fury almost made it too big, I could never decide what to do!
Hey all anyone fancy doing me and a mate a massive favour and helping us get the bling brigade trophy? Its the last one we have to do!