WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
What view are people using? I was using the CLOSE-Behind ship view untill yesterday. Some friends came over (one a veteran psp wipeout player) and we switched to in-ship view. Was a bit awkward at first but once we got used to it, we noticed lap times coming down quite a bit. seems a lot easier to judge your line and i am able to line up the speed-pads a lot easier. I really enjoy the barrel rolls in the in-ship view. Then he played one of the zone races (forgot track) he was using the behind-Close view but he reached super-zen stage and it was insane. He admitted to much practice on that one track but still impressive to keep the ship off the walls! :)👍
I'm using the far-behind view mostly, but otherwise was using the close-behind view... the in-ship view was making me nauseous :ill: But I haven't given it a proper go yet - I guess it should get better once you are used to it. I've never liked the 'in-car' view on car racing games either (specifically GT!), but WipEout is a different beast, so I might have to give it a try.
Far behind view for me. I need as wide a view as possible to judge ship movement properly. Especially with some big inclines/descents on track.
Far behind view for me. Its what I am used to mostly with earlier WipEouts so stuck to it when Pure, pulse and HD came along.
Internal one here !

Lets doo a meeting, we're counting many players here at GTP :dopey:. I can't create the match since my DSL is slow (the beauty of living in a lost part of my island), so please some one create one and lets race the skies !!. Anybody playing right now?
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My connection reaches a steady 7Mb/s at night, so I suppose I could host :) Though I'm guessing some of us are in different time zones...

I'm a far behind too, always used it in my games, everything else feels wrong :P
a GTP game/race would be fun although i probably would not be able to link up as i am in america and most of the ones shown interest are over seas. Maybe on the weekend some time. I'm working my way through the campaign mode and finally reaching the races with the faster classes which is good fun.

Has anyone tried using the "Motion Controls" for Pitch And Steering? I would like to see someone using the tilt/motion controls in the phantom class acing a track. :scared:I could barely make a few turns without leaving paint and parts of the ship on the track walls....
Oh my god i'm so terrible at steering with the motion controls it's unbelievable :P
It's not you. I can count the number of games with good sixaxis control schemes on one hand, and that includes the ones that only use it for a specific thing, like balancing.
flOw and Flower both use it well :D

Not really seen it in any other games i have aside from aiming grenades in Uncharted...
flOw and Flower both use it well :D

Not really seen it in any other games i have aside from aiming grenades in Uncharted...
You just named three of the four I had in mind. Uncharted also used it for balancing. The fourth is in Resistance where you shake the controller to shake lose after you have been physically grabbed by an enemy.

Other games have attempted similar schemes to what Resistance does, but I found myself cussing more often than not.
Ahh i didn't remember that bit... And is the shaking thing in Resistance 2? I didn't like it as much as the first and my mind has somehow purposefully forgotten most of it :P
flOw and Flower both use it well :D

Not really seen it in any other games i have aside from aiming grenades in Uncharted...

Rainbow Six (and GRAW I believe) used it quite well for setting your stance, which worked quite well; and its use in SOCOM for aiming and peaking around/over cover is excellently done.

SOCOM is one of the few games that I found motion controls feel natural in, but this has got a little off topic now.


I'd be up for GTP/Wipeout competition. if I go online to play it is usually around now or a couple hours earlier, I'll keep my eye out for familiar tags. I'll be using souperwally or supahwally, I'll update when I figure it out.
No motion controls for me, although it might come in handy to push the nose of the ship up or down, I prefer the stick for steering.
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Depending on days and time I'd be interested in some races. My last exam is tomorrow so that frees me up a bit for a while.

Also note I tend to be up till 3-4AM GMT+10 often :)
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now that i'm on some of the faster classes, i was doing some experimenting and my fastest/smoothest laps were the Close-behind view, which is now my preferred view. What ships do you guys like? I'm really stuck with Assegai right now, seems to have the best handling for the way i use the controls. I wanted to say piloting, but didn't want to go that far.

Not to go too off topic, but a good use of the Six-axis controls was in Heavenly Sword. The little Archer sister when you had to guide the arrows in for head-shots. That worked quite well.

my psn is driftkng if anyone is on and wants to play. Still learning the tracks but definately have a better understanding. Just need to step play around in the Rapier Class a bit more before i plunge into the phantom class.
So, we have Australians, Americans, the English, the Scottish, the Irish and the Spanish in this thread, what else? :)

Reminds me of an Australian girl and Japanese guy i used to play Age of Empires III with - they stayed up late and i got up early :D
I hear it is coming very soon - I'm trying to get as much of HD done as possible before it arrives! I got the "Own The Zone" trophy this morning, and am working on "Airbreaker" (got to zone 43 on my last attempt, so I'm quite hopeful of this one!) "Zone Zeus", on the other hand, is going to be very hard :ill:

Yay! I made it - only my 3rd attempt at it too, although it really helps if you have just spent an hour trying to get "Own The Zone" first. I made it to "Zen" speed class with 100 energy, and "Super Zen" with 83 still intact, and yet I still only just made it to "Sub-Sonic" and Zone 51 before I died. Still, a nice silver trophy for me :D
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The zone zeus seems impossible (for me) just as zico time and all gold on elite. Dont think i will even try to get them done.
I've had to do zico twice now (mate of mine asked if I could do it on his account). I only just got airbreaker when i was doing the zones. Zone zeus is impossible. Let alone the phanton class/elite diffuculty related trophies. Zico is definitely the easiest one of the lot.
I'm struggling to get anywhere near Zico's time... I can't get the 3rd barrel roll (never done it yet :( ), but did get the other three in (31.87), but still a long way off. The Elite Campaign Gold is something I'd love to get, but that is going to be extremely hard - I have three Novice Golds left to do on Meltdown, and am struggling to get them bumped up to Skilled, nevermind Elite :ill: As for the Zone Zeus, I think it could be done on Anulpha Pass - but it sounds like the toughest trophy of them all :boggled:

edit: I managed the 3rd barrel roll (on lap 96 of 99), but never got the 4 barrel rolls in one lap needed to get the Zico time. Atleast I got the Lapped Out trophy though...
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It is a bit hard to explain how to do the 3rd barrel roll. You kind of veer to the complete outside of the track then turn in while barrel rolling. You also must pitch upwards the whole time (i use motion to pitch on 100% sensitivity). Also during your second barrel roll pitch downward. Time your final barrel roll carefully so it lands right on/before the speed pad.
Friend of me got the zone zeus, offcourse on anulpha pass as its the only track where i can get above zone 25-30 :P

Im also with zico's time in the 31.8... (if i remember correctly) and never did a lap with 4 barrol rolls, the one barrol roll going on to the straight high part at the end of the circuit is just so difficult (only managed it 2 times so far... and that was offcourse in laps that already gone bad anyways lol)

The campaign on elite just seems impossible as it was already very difficult to get them all gold on easy.

hopefully the new DLC will get some new good challenges.
It is a bit hard to explain how to do the 3rd barrel roll. You kind of veer to the complete outside of the track then turn in while barrel rolling. You also must pitch upwards the whole time (i use motion to pitch on 100% sensitivity). Also during your second barrel roll pitch downward. Time your final barrel roll carefully so it lands right on/before the speed pad.
👍 Very useful tips, I didn't even think about using the motion sensitivity of the SIXAXIS to pitch etc., so I'll give that a shot. Thanks for the tip :cheers:
I think i've pretty much given up getting half of the trophies...

Reminds me of one of the elite time trials; i missed out on the gold by 00:00:01 and i got up and turned the PS3 off, lol.
Moved a bit closer to that Elite Campaign Legend gold trophy last night, by bringing my total of Elite golds to 73 (of 87). I managed to convert one of my remaining Novice golds (Sol 2, Single Race, Phantom class) into an Elite gold last night, and need to repeat it at Chenghou, and then tackle the dreaded 8-race tournament at Phantom Class (which is my other remaining Novice Gold). I'm confident that I can convert the remaining Skilled Golds (12 to go!) into Elites too, although I will focus on the hard ones first...

I just smashed my race record at Chenghuo by 3 seconds, and still finished last :grumpy:
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Hey guys. Been away for a while. I've seen now that my Premium User period has ended, ouch !

Nice to hear that improvements Touring Mars !, GO GO !!!

Can't wait to see you online guys. Any idea for matchs or so on weekends or whatever?