WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
I've been using the analogue stick to fly but I'm wondering if the d-pad might be better. I'm thinking that barrel rolls would be easier. What do you guys use?
The d pad should be easier to use. But I have tried to adapt to it and just can't do it. So analogue stick for me.
I use always de Analog Stick for the air line, but for the Barrel Roll I use 3 different modes depending of the air line and circuit:

- D-Pad
- Analog Stick
- Analog Stick in circles

The third one is by doing circles with your Analog Stick instead of LEFT RIGHT LEFT or RIGHT LEFT RIGHT sequences. By doing circles you pass for those positions and at the same time it's easier for some players to do a Barrel Roll. I use mostly the D-Pad buttons for Barrel Rolls, but every track and hill have its own best button method in my opinion, since in some you've to perform a Barrel Roll while turning, and in others you don't.
I've been using the analogue stick to fly but I'm wondering if the d-pad might be better. I'm thinking that barrel rolls would be easier. What do you guys use?
I use the d-pad and my left thumb for steering, and I use to the left analogue stick to execute barrel rolls - although I have a pretty sketchy success rate with that method. If I absolutely, positively must land a barrel roll (say for an Elite gold in a Time Trial) I sometimes switch to using two fingers (index and middle) on the d-pad so that I have a better chance of hitting L-R-L quickly, but that has the problem of shifting my fingers quickly (and accurately!) enough in the first place. In order to avoid this, I tried steering with two fingers on the d-pad so that I didn't have to switch to execute barrel rolls, but that didn't work.
I mostly run the sticks, gotta try the circles technique. Good idea Aero.

My problem isn't the left hand, it's the right. I squeeze the X button (throttle) so hard that my right thumb is just destroyed after a few races. I can't seem to consciously use only the amount of pressure needed for full throttle, and I almost never lift in this game. It's not a new problem, I've been doing it since 1983 with the Intellivision controller. I'm surprised my thumb hasn't fallen off or become totally useless by now.
I would laugh if I didn't suffer from the same thing - albeit in my left thumb, and I know it is no laughing matter - seriously, it isn't worth losing the ability to unbutton your trousers or take lids off jars, just for the sake of a few games... sadly, in my case, it is permanent damage :indiff:

That said, have you switched the controller sensitivity to 10%? The default is 30%, but bringing it down to 10% (the minimum) makes the accelerator more responsive (but gives you less fine control I guess), but if you are full throttle all the time anyway (as am I), then it's worth a try...
That said, have you switched the controller sensitivity to 10%? The default is 30%, but bringing it down to 10% (the minimum) makes the accelerator more responsive (but gives you less fine control I guess), but if you are full throttle all the time anyway (as am I), then it's worth a try...
Exactly the setup I did when I bought the game. I did set it to 10% and I changed the air-brakes too to recieve more response and less control (but of course not to 10% for those). And.... there's no need to not being at full throttle 24/7 in WipEout :dopey:. Seriously, the only part where I thought I need to not puss the throttle was the first turn in Chenghou Project.. and forget that, it isn't about throttle, it's all about the line, so I confirm it: you can get everything in everypart without leaving the finger from the X button. The secret is on the air-brakes (at least with the ships I normally use, which are maybe more focused on control).

I highly suggest it too superwally 👍
Thanks guys, I've almost been afraid to mention that I keep the throttle pinned all the time, I figure I just didn't have the finesse with the buttons that other players had. Pressure sensitive buttons are not much use to me unfortunately, I just press too damn hard all the time. I've tried mapping the throttle to different buttons, but had problems with the brakes-I use R1/L1 for those, less trigger travel works better for me-I'm not used to the feeling of holding R2 down all the time while squeezing and releasing R1/R2 for braking. Maybe this is why I love zone mode so much, just worry about cornering!

I dream of taping or gluing the X button down........

TM, if my obsession was with controller based games, I'd likely have the same problem with my thumb/s you do. I'm mostly playing driving games, so the wear and tear just isn't the same. Lucky for me I didn't own a system of my own until 2002 or so, before that just played friends, so my play time was significantly reduced. My problem now is too much time behind a DFP/DFGT, l grip that thing like it's attached to the tow line of a rescue helicopter, and my elbows, fingers, and back pay for it!
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Maybe this is why I love zone mode so much, just worry about cornering!
I wish in high zones I've to use only the left and right directions, but unfortunately above zone 70 if you don't brake like an animal, you became history by pinbalism :nervous:
I just won the Speed Freak tournament on Elite difficulty (and my 60th Elite Gold) :D In the end it was a comfortable win, even though I had a disaster mid-tournament... I got 3rd, 1st, 1st, 5th in the first four races, and had 24 pts. But in race five, I went off track at Sebenco Climb and finished last, ruining my chances of building up a big lead before the last race. But I picked it up and finished 2nd and 1st in the next two races, giving me a four point lead into the last race at Sol 2 (not my favourite track :ill: ) but finished in 2nd. Ended up with 44 pts, and winning the tournament by 8 points :D Still, it's tough if you make a mistake since you can't restart a race... lucky it didn't cost me the Gold!

BTW, Icaras has become my weapon of choice :bowdown:
Good to hear that mate. Keep it up with that Icaras !

An example of how Vineta K should be driven, by pirahpac again... a-m-a-z-i-n-g:

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Was I the only one that said a swear word when watching that? :P I have to give that a try - but those are some fast reaction times.
I DID IT !!!!!!!!

I did by finishing with the only one that I didn't have: Zone Zeus. I reached Zone 77. After the Zone 75 there's a new color scheme that shocked me because it was really beautiful an amazing, what a gift for my eyes.

All this started on a November 25th 2008. Best € invested in many time, what a Playstation 3 gem !, and there are still many pilots to rocket & destroy in the online :D
:bowdown: Many congratulations, Zone 77 is unbelievable - did you need to use side shifting alot, or just airbraking? I'm lucky if I can reach Zone 25 at the moment, so well done indeed 👍

Thanks mate !!!!!

Only air-braking.

In general, I'm bad sometimes at side-shifting, honestly. In fact I don't know if the things I do in the turns at the WipEout HD are the right things to do on the turn: sometimes what I do while playing for exapmle in Sol 2 is a combination of air-braking + side-shifting. I do an air-braking and then when I see I don't have the right angle (I'm almost looking to the exterior wall) I do quickly a correction with side-shifting and then apply again air-braking to get a better line.

I normally use side-shifting just to avoid bombs and so on. I don't know if the way in which I play is the right one, or if there are better ways to do it, but sometimes I've experienced that by just air-braking quite before, I can avoid that side-shifting trick on the turns as the Sol 2 example I said, but loosing speed so I still use that trick at some turns in the game. It's by instinct I guess, I normally can't think what I've to do in the next turn. I think I've so much to learn with the years about WipEout. I don't have any friend near to know how they use the controller to play, so this kind of questions are quite interesting for me. At the moment I'm using the SIXAXIS sensor to move the nose up and down, it's quite usefull to do the Barrel Rolls or to avoid going outside the circuits in Sol 2 reverse at Phantom for example.
Well, what ever you are doing, it works :D:tup:

I just got the Bling Brigade (secret) trophy about about 45 mins of trying :cheers:
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I have all gold in the campaign but need to do them on arcade elite still. Also need Zico and bling brigade as well as the online ones.

Unfortunately I just got YLOD so I have to wait for my new PS3 to come (had gamecare thank god) and will get online an do these in time for FURY!!
Yes, can't wait for Fury! I just wonder how much it will cost... the same as WipEout HD itself would be fine (£13.99), but I reckon it could be cheaper, like £11.99 or even £9.99... I take it that Fury is an expansion pack, and not a stand alone game?

Also, has anyone else noticed that the ghost in WipEout HD is sketchy? I just jubilantly beat by ghost on a time trial, only to find that my time was actually slower :ouch: Still, it happens the other way around too - you sometimes finish behind your ghost only to find you have set a new record...
You should had contacted me mate for that Bling Brigade if necessary !

JamboGT, hope you have a copy of the game save.

By the way, I've seen many people that after sending their PS3 to the SONY repair service, once they recieve it they can't enter to their old account and have to create a new one. I don't know which error did they found, but I hope this was really their fault by just not founding the proper option and not a general normal case, because if my Playstation 3 dies some day, I'll kill someone if I lost my Aero-R account.

I do back-ups of my game saves from time to time too.
Yeah i back it up, I think you can only have your accout duplicated five times so ones that have their account on other PS3's may be the ones with that problem.

At the end of the day if I have to do it again I will do it again as annoying as it it.
I couldn't think of that as the problem reason since you can't desactivate your account from ther other four Playstation 3. But I'm not sure anyway. I really hope to never lost my account, the effort I've done in my trophies until now is worth more than the effort I did in my job in days for the 350€ that my Playstation 3 did cost.
Just raced around Moa Therma on Venom and after 9 laps I set 152nd in the world (: This was the track I used to have the world record in though - I remember even taking a picture of it I was so happy xD

EDIT: Hold on a second... I just checked back and I'm now 150th o.O Someone explain how that works! :P

And by the way, i just created a smallish, very WipEout related signature - am i allowed to use an image signature here?

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I don't think so, I have 24th or something on Rapier on Moa Therma and 30 odd on Phantom, quite happy with those.
We have too many talented WipEout players here :P If I went somewhere else I'd sound good - here I sound terrible ;)

150th out of 180,000 odd = rubbish ^.^
Wohó, congratulations !

I've never seen my global rankings aside from my Zico one, but I really don't think I've anyone decent, the only TT I've done are the ones needed in campaign :indiff:

If some of you are playing these days we may arrange a few online matchs !. Just left a few hours and the name of who'll create it (I can't since my DSL isn't fine for being the host).
And by the way, i just created a smallish, very WipEout related signature - am i allowed to use an image signature here?

I'm afraid not, Shokz...

We've always had a "no picture signatures" policy at GTPlanet, despite the fact that we've seen a few very good-looking and clever ones in the past.

On the subject of records, I'm happy if I can get a top 500 ranking on an individual speed lap or time trial... I got a few in the 200's and even one in the 100's last night, but that's about my limit - my manual dexterity is simply not up to squeezing in those barrel rolls. Still, a workmate told me a few days ago that he "chewed up my records and spat them out" the other night, so I repaid him the compliment by destroying his times :D
i'm new to the Wipeout series and i downloaed Wipeout HD this weekend. AWESOME game! :)👍 I am only in the VENOM class so far, but playing with no aids, after a while when you learn the track/rythm such a fun game. I love chasing down my ghost for faster laps. The visuals and the music really make for an addicting experience. I just hate that when i put down the controller, when i pick it back up it takes me a few minutes to get back into my Groove. Great stuff and i can't wait to improve to try the Online.
Congrats on your purchase - it really is terrific value for money. If it were not for the fact that I bought Gran Turismo 3 brand new for £17 when it went Platinum, then I would have said that WipEout HD was the best value for money I've ever had from a computer game.

I won my first online tourney at the weekend - indeed, it's the only online tourney I've played so far - a friend invited me to race against him and another of his friends, and I took the win by a single point. I needed to pass my mate near the end of the final lap to secure the win too, so it was particularly sweet :D I have to confess however, that I had a slight advantage because I picked the tracks, and deliberately left out Chenghou Project (which I like, but suck at the most). I also selected Ubermall Reverse, which was a sly move, because inexperienced or new players tend not to have used the reverse tracks much, as so I won that race easily :lol: Still, my mate plans to set up a league with his mates, and apparently some of them are seasoned players, so I can expect a much tougher battle next time :nervous:
I got Age of Empires II for 50p a very long time ago and THAT was my best value purchase :D But yes, WipEout HD is at a very good price-point; I've played it more than nearly all my BluRay games - can't wait for Fury :)
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