WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
I managed to convert one of my remaining Novice golds (Sol 2, Single Race, Phantom class) into an Elite gold last night, and need to repeat it at Chenghou
Talk about pride before a fall :ouch:

My butt is still sore from the ass-whippin' this game gave me last night. Infact, the only time you are likely to see more ass-whippin' than this is at Max Mosley's birthday party :ill: The best I got in 2 hours of trying was 5th place, and, to add insult to (almost literal) injury, I reverted to 'Skilled' and still got my arse handed to me, managing only 3rd :grumpy: I seriously need to improve at this circuit, but on Elite difficulty, a race win is epically hard. I'm rather relieved to hear, however, that I'm not the only one who thinks this - and apparently Sebenco Climb is equally tough (although I got the Skilled gold there already). I tried every craft, and was surprised to find that Goteki 45 was giving me a chance, but my usual weapon of choice - Icaras - is too fragile...
In the game I noticed a strange behaviour with the AI on that time. If you keep racing for that kind of challenges with the same ship, it's always hard. But if you change to another one, it's like a reset for the oponents..

The hardest for with the Elite Gold trophy me were Chenghou and Sebenco. I think I did both with AG-SYS or Harimau (the rest of the golds were done with Feisar most of the times but for those 2 particular circuits I needed a different propulsion).

Good luck mate, keep pushing !
Chengou is a nightmare for gold elite phantom, I think I spent a solid 6 hours doing it, it depends on luck I think, you need a run where you don't get beeped over by bombs and mines!
Ugh, I have now decided to stop trying Chenghou when I start to get mad at it - like that last race for example - I reached 2nd place for the first time ever, only to be smashed out of the way and overtaken by the entire field on the first turn, and then blown up at the next corner :ouch: My only consolations are that I am getting better at using side shifting to get a better line through the trickier corners, and have brought my race record down to a time that I know has a chance of winning (in a "slow" race) of 2.15.04, although I still have not finished higher than 5th. I have also learned a few things - like never use the Auto Pilot unless you have to (i.e. on the first turn) as it is terrible. Also, using the pitch to keep the nose down in the turns is very important, and certain ships are worse than others at cornering. So far, Feisar seems to be the best all round craft for the job...

edit 1: I just got an Elite Bronze, and a time of 2.14.42 :)

edit 2: And another, two races in a row, and a new record of 2.13.63 :D

edit 3: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! 2.11.69 and a race win in my sights :( :( :( 2nd place only...

edit 4: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Leading on the last straight but missed the speed pads and lost by 0.21 s :eek: First time I've ever lead the race though...

(If that needs translating, please read rest of post above)

And the music that can take credit: Blue Monday by New Order

Winning race time: 2.11.90
Winning craft: Feisar
General strategy: almost exactly as Aero-R describes below! :D
No. of beers consumed during attempt: 5 (3 last night, 2 tonight)
No. of beers consumed in celebration: 0.5 (1 remaining in fridge)
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You're close mate !!

Try to do 2 barrell rolls on each lap: one after the 1st hard turn and one after before the tunnel with the chicane (so, after the 2n jump), and keep absorbing to restore the rest. If you get an Auto Pilot, try to use it just inside the first hard turn, so it'll help you too on the other next turn (the ones that up-pitch your ship because has a strange floor level). And the most important, don't lose any speed panel. Many of the parts of that track needs the ship with the nose down-pitched.

On the chicane before the finish line, forget about the weapon pad. Just get the speed pad since it gives you a better line to take the chicane without touching the walls. That's a good reference that helped me a lot.

EDIT: Oh I've seen now that you got it. CONGRATULATIONS !!!!!!
:D Thanks, I'm having a cold beer to celebrate...and thanks for the encouragement, there were times when I was ready to throw the PS3 out of the window.

All I can say is that all of that advice is bang on, and hitting that speed pad before the last chicane gave me the crucial edge (and line) to hit the last double pad and seal the win.

I might try a few more this evening while I'm "hot" :lol:
hitting that speed pad before the last chicane gave me the crucial edge (and line) to hit the last double pad

There are like 4 or 5 places on WipEout HD circuits where sometimes the choice between a weapon or speed pad, guides you to a good or wrong line to a later turn. Simply because this is not a game where you can brake the ship as we can brake a car if we see we've the wrong line. Well... you slow it a lot by depressing the gas but... that's not valid on WipEout HD because you lost the race. So... the line is even more important on this game that on other racing games. One example is Ubermall in reverse. You'll find those places with the time, and you'll laugh when some people on the online try to get the weapon to hurt you and then they hurt themselves because that line guided them to a wall at that speed.
Hey if anyone wants to add me for some onlone wipeout action please do, also if anyone has the bling brigade trophy to unlock it would be cool to meet up.
A GTP race would be a great idea 👍 Once I have finished these Elite golds, I'll have plenty of time to take part in some online racing. I just completed Dropzone on Elite, and now just have 7 Meltdown cells to complete, and that's it :D Unfortunately, one of those is the 8 race tournament at Phantom Class, which I can only imagine is going to be exceptionally hard :nervous:
Hey if anyone wants to add me for some onlone wipeout action please do, also if anyone has the bling brigade trophy to unlock it would be cool to meet up.
I've messaged you a few seconds ago to check if you were online to do a few matches. If you need the Bling Brigade trophy, count with me, I'll be happy to help 👍
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AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH I suck at this game, sorry I droped out guys, I was tearing my hair out trailing at the back bouncing of every wall and mine......hateful evil game.

And yeah it's actualy very good, I even used to be able to play it, just not recently LOL
Hereward you have to get back into it for fury!!!! I love this game! Some crazy races tonight. Touring Mars add me if you want.
Wohaaaaa, enjoyed the races a lot !!

AAARRRGGGGHHHHHHH I suck at this game, sorry I droped out guys, I was tearing my hair out trailing at the back bouncing of every wall and mine......hateful evil game.

And yeah it's actualy very good, I even used to be able to play it, just not recently LOL
No problem mate, it was fun to play with all of you. I hope to see you again !!

Tonight it was really fun. Sometimes with the gun you fail some of the 30 bullets but I still remember how in Chenghou I started to gun JamboGT and every bullet of the 30 hitted him, I don't know how your ship wasn't destroyed mate, I was surprised. Oh man I enjoyed every single bullet haha :dopey:

Thanks everybody for the races. Good races JamboGT, you're good !

I also enjoyed when in one of my WiFi disconnections, I joined the tournament as an spectator and I saw Energiya throwing a plasma, I don't know if the oponent were you Hereward, but that was a total kill !! :scared:

I still have to found who was all the time launching me rockets :yuck:, I've a clue... but I'm not sure, so.. I'll have to look for revenge with everybody lol. See on the skies !!
I only blew up once, don't know how my wee Harimau survived!! So many bombs and mines. I absorbed 90% of my pick ups!:embarrassed:
I only blew up once, don't know how my wee Harimau survived!! So many bombs and mines. I absorbed 90% of my pick ups!:embarrassed:

Yeah !

You know you're playing WipEout too much when even not in front of your Playstation 3 you're always thinking about where to place the next bomb, looking for the next hard turn or imposible place to avoid. This game is a masterpiece :)

Anybody noticed that I placed a few mines and bombs just in the wall at the right of the first Chenghou Project turn?. I LOVE that place, everybody hit that wall, and if you get the damage for the hit but also one by a bomb... oh... lovely.

This game gets the worst of me :dopey:
Ah I saw the bombs there, didn't hit them though!! ;)

The worst was just after the corner getting hit by rockets and getting knocked clean off the track!

Lost so much time!
Wohaaaaa, enjoyed the races a lot !!

No problem mate, it was fun to play with all of you. I hope to see you again !!

Tonight it was really fun. Sometimes with the gun you fail some of the 30 bullets but I still remember how in Chenghou I started to gun JamboGT and every bullet of the 30 hitted him, I don't know how your ship wasn't destroyed mate, I was surprised. Oh man I enjoyed every single bullet haha :dopey:

Thanks everybody for the races. Good races JamboGT, you're good !

I also enjoyed when in one of my WiFi disconnections, I joined the tournament as an spectator and I saw Energiya throwing a plasma, I don't know if the oponent were you Hereward, but that was a total kill !! :scared:

Was that me, WOW. Its my first time playing wipeout HD. Sorry hereward if i did blow you away ( hehehe ) lol .

I have to spend same more time to unclock more crafts
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Its awesome Energiya, though it is a game where you need to learn the lines!

For someone starting I would recommend the Feisar, Assegai or AG-Systems ships, to be honest from the unlockables the only ones I use are Harimau and Icaras.

Really looking forward to Fury here.
Yesterday, Marcus Tanner (Art Director in Studio Liverpool) explained in the EU Official Blog the news with WipEout HD Fury related to the enviroment design. Don't miss the whole story: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2009/07/08/wipeout-fury-developer-diary-environment-design/#more-3441. Including answers by Tony (Games Director) and Paul (Producer). Amazing designs in my opinion.

Love this info: "Zone Battle and Eliminator are tremendous fun in multiplayer both online and in split-screen. We routinely play Eliminator mode here in the studio just for fun. The carnage is unbelievable especially now that players can turn their ship around and attack opponents head-on. You’re going to love it."

The part I underlined is what we saw in the E3 trailer I guess. That was amazing.

David Glanister, from the Designer section of Studio Liverpool, talked also on July 3rd about the ship designs. For those who missed it: http://blog.eu.playstation.com/2009/07/03/wipeout-fury-developer-diary-ship-design-ethos/#more-3291

WipEout HD is for me more worthy than many of the full price Playstation 3 games. Now with this DLC... man, this is game at its finest, no doubts.

EDIT: I left 2 comments asking about the headset audio quality, which is an important problem I think. Lets see if we get a solution.

EDIT 2: Ouch, JamboGT, I saw you asked it also few comments before. Well, that's nice, they'll see it's an important thing to solve if we're many asking that !
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I can't wait for Fury either - as you say, it will add to an already fantastic game. I'd be willing to pay the same as the original game for this expansion, but it will be even sweeter if it is cheaper. I'm glad to see that the makers of WipEout are more pro-active about keeping their fans up to date, too 👍

I'm trying to "Beat Zico" at the moment, and have beaten my previous best several times already since getting home about an hour ago... 31.61, 31.54, 31.51 and now a 31.49 - all of them had three BR's, although in two I got the hardest one (the BR onto the thin track) but missed the last one :ouch: (twice!) and the other two attempts I missed the third one but nailed the other three. All I need to do now is nail all four, and hope that it sends me quicker than 30.82 :scared:

By the way, Aero... the reason I use 'GTP_Mars' in WipEout is because that has always been my PSN name, and I've been using it since before "GTP_" was adopted as the WRS tagging system for GTPlanet drivers ;)

edit: OK, that's a bit annoying: I just got a "Perfect Lap" with all four barrel rolls for the first time ever - 31.71 :ouch:

edit 2: :( And again, 31.23 this time...

edit 3: 🤬 30.95
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Well today has been a day of mixed fortunes, this morning I finally completed Zone Zeus, it was mental.

However it may have been too mental as my PS3 has YLOD just afterwards. This is just after getting it back on Monday as it had YLOD'd three weeks ago!!

So no PS3 for a week or so whilst it is getting repaired (or replaced, I have gamecare).

Was really looking forward to some races too.
By the way, Aero... the reason I use 'GTP_Mars' in WipEout is because that has always been my PSN name, and I've been using it since before "GTP_" was adopted as the WRS tagging system for GTPlanet drivers ;)
That's style !

About the Zico thing: the line is quite important, try to turn the less posible. The turn before the right pass is quite important: take the apex and then do not turn, your ship will get to the right of that turn and you won't lose time turning. And also, as more to the right you get, more air you'll get for the barrell roll in the gap before the pass.

JamboGT, sorry to hear that man. Hope you get it soon and properly, but hey, you did Zone Zeus, that's the important. The unit you've is a repaired one or a different one from the first you had?. I ask because I've heard that if someone recieves a different system, they can't log into that one later with their same ID than on the system from before (so, they lose all their trophies) but I guess that may be because the use of the ID in 5 systems already?. If not, I don't know why people had problems with that. I'm a total newbie with how that works with the people who recieve different units and then can't log in their always ID.
About the Zico thing: the line is quite important, try to turn the less posible. The turn before the right pass is quite important: take the apex and then do not turn, your ship will get to the right of that turn and you won't lose time turning. And also, as more to the right you get, more air you'll get for the barrell roll in the gap before the pass.
I'm stuck for the moment - can't get those 4 rolls in perfectly in the same lap, but thanks for the advice 👍 Annoyingly, I managed to get a perfect combo of 4 - two at the end of one lap, and two at the start of the next :ouch: In my last 10 laps (5 hot laps), I managed two 31.4's and two 31.5's :indiff: Still, I'll give it another shot later, after I have eaten something and rested my hands :ill:
On Zico, I still have to get it, can't get the barrel roll onto the narrow platform, today I did my fastest lap, only a few tenths down. Thought I would have gotten it by the end of the day alas it was not to be......

It was a repaired unit, if they send me a new one it won't be too bad as i have the data backed up to a portable hard drive which I updated on Monday so not so bad maybe.
when is wideout hd fury to be released? I'm still working on the campaign in the last tier of races in the Phantom Class, MAN is phantom intense. I am pretty good on the Forward track races, anything in Reverse :crazy:. I enjoy playing online but i can so far only be competitive in the Rapier Class, Phantom online is serious business. :nervous:
If i had to take a guess, probably some time between the start to the middle of August :)

But even the developers don't quite know yet :scared:
Its in the final testing phase now.

In my mind as they are starting to publicise it frequently in the Playstation EU blog it will not be too long.