WipEout HD/Fury

  • Thread starter Havok_
I find the Silversun Pickups "Carnavas" and other fuzz-rock sounds (Hum, a few choice songs from Radiohead's "OK Computer", older Smashing Pumkins, etc.) really complement the game well, and for a change of pace Techno/Electronic is excellent as well, the only one I have on there that immediately comes to mind is Carl Cox.

I'm nowhere near you folks in the skills department. I couldn't do 20 straight clean laps if these things had wheels on them, there must be some basic contol error/bad habit that I have that makes it more difficult than it really is. I'm going to get back at it tonight, I've been distracted by "World of Goo" (another cheap downloadable, but for the Wii) the last couple of days.
Sounds like they intended you to show off the images on your PS3, not copy them to a PC. A patch could fix that. Hopefully they will do it.

Personally, I think not. One of the greatest ever features added to the Gran Turismo franchise was its photo mode! Besides, nothing gets your message across better than 'viral advertising'.

One last thing, why do you say hopefully they will do it? It sounds like you are dead against the idea of photo mode.
This game is


Anybody beat Zico yet? :scared:

I loooooove zones, but I suck at it. @Jamez, how did you get to zone 50 using airbrakes only? My record is 28 using everything I've got :lol: I think Anulpha Pass is the best track for it, no sharp turns.
I got to zone 50 for the second time today there, but that is with steering. I think ill attempt to do the airbraker trophy before trying to push for level 75...

Also, only 4 more skins to unlock for the gold trophy :)
What is your highest loyalty rating? Mine is 20k, with Qirex...

I was using Harimau a lot, until I noticed Assegai has the same stats but with 10 more handling or shields (can't remember)
Any word on a patch to fix the online/100 friends glitch? I'm kind of waiting on that to buy this game.
What is your highest loyalty rating? Mine is 20k, with Qirex...

I was using Harimau a lot, until I noticed Assegai has the same stats but with 10 more handling or shields (can't remember)

Getting close to 30k with Icaras if I remember right.

I got to zone 50 for the second time today there, but that is with steering. I think ill attempt to do the airbraker trophy before trying to push for level 75...

Also, only 4 more skins to unlock for the gold trophy :)

Btw, the platinum skin for getting a trophy in all of the campaign grids is needed for that trophy ;)
Getting close to 30k with Icaras if I remember right.

Btw, the platinum skin for getting a trophy in all of the campaign grids is needed for that trophy ;)

Hell, I still need to get my last medal for Vertigo done, so that's going to take ages :ouch:
Also thought that the Bling Brigade could be done with the 3rd skin, but apparantly I need the platinum one for that as well.... Guess I have plenty of work to do.
Is it just me or are the online play servers down? Cant seem to connect..

In other news, ive managed to get through to the meltdown season, that looks insane ^^
Also unlocked all skins apart from the campaign platinum ones.. So i've got ~ 9k loyalty now for each team, with some exceptions for Asagai which is at 17k i think.
Still wondering on what team to max out though, probably going to be Aurecom, had some fun with that one last night online trying to work on my 50takedown trophy. :)

Is there a site somewhere that has screenshots of the platinum skins for all of the teams?
Man I wish i had more time to play. I'm so busy lately and there is a boat load of games i want coming out this week :(.......
Man I wish i had more time to play. I'm so busy lately and there is a boat load of games i want coming out this week :(.......
I'm actually using the LBP delay as an opportunity to play more Wipeout. The other games this week that I want are Dead Space and Bioshock and I already planned to get those after LBP.

Dead Space may be a rent-to-own as survival horror games are hit and miss with me.
AWESOME :D You can play your own music in WipeOut HD! :cheers:

I just blasted my way round a futuristic track listening to "Ventura Highway" by America :lol: Now for some Simon & Garfunkel, methinks :dopey:
AWESOME :D You can play your own music in WipeOut HD! :cheers:

I just blasted my way round a futuristic track listening to "Ventura Highway" by America :lol: Now for some Simon & Garfunkel, methinks :dopey:
Pay attention, your music is tied to the track. It echoes when you go into a tunnel and it fades when you jump, fading more the higher you go.

Tiny details.
Rush makes you go faster, am I right? Supertramp don't seem to work quite as well, but Black Sabbath seem pretty good as well... :dopey:
Rush makes you go faster, am I right?
I don't know about that, but according to a recent episode of Chuck the mathematical algorithm behind Tom Sawyer is the same as the one used for the pattern in Missile Command. But that episode also said that the kill screen for Missile Command contained the access codes for a secret Japanese nuclear armed satellite, so I am thinking that might not be true.

But now that you mention it, I bet Rush would make me better at WipEout. 💡
May I recommend "Animate" as a great Rush song for this game?!

I have found a major problem with the game however :indiff: It seems to affect the PS3 internal clock somehow... When I started playing last night, my PS3 clock read "9.00 pm", but when I finished it had shifted to "1.00 am". I don't understand how this could happen, especially on a week night :confused:
He he :P.... I'm paying the price for it today - a bit zonked, but it has been a while since I've felt the need for "just one more race"... especially on a school night. :crazy:

Just looking through the rest of this thread... these pics are awesome :drool: (by Sprite and Scaff respectively)



I'm an Assegai man myself, but am also quite keen on the Auricom. I have unlocked both additional skins for the Assegai, but is there additional bonuses higher loyalty scores?
I have found a major problem with the game however :indiff: It seems to affect the PS3 internal clock somehow... When I started playing last night, my PS3 clock read "9.00 pm", but when I finished it had shifted to "1.00 am". I don't understand how this could happen, especially on a week night :confused:
Yeah, I also get this issue with Metal Gear Solid, Gran Turismo, and LittleBigPlanet. Occasionally it will happen with PAIN! as well, but very few others can replicate that one.

I'm an Assegai man myself, but am also quite keen on the Auricom. I have unlocked both additional skins for the Assegai, but is there additional bonuses higher loyalty scores?
There are some loyalty points based trophies and have you unlocked all the classic HUDs? I can't remember what the points values on those are. I think there is one at 10,000.
Ha, it seems that the PS3 timewarp is more prevalent than ever!

I got the 2097 HUD (at 6,000 points, I think?), and was delighted with that :D I only ever had 2097 before, and lost it to a mate who 'borrowed' it, so I thought it was a very nice touch to add to the game.

I agree with the general feeling in this thread that this game represents staggering value for money - although I can see me falling for some add-on stuff if and when that becomes available. A pack of classic (or atleast 2097) tracks would be sweet, but that said, I feel I have had my money's worth already, and I've only had the game 2 days!
I'm an Assegai man myself, but am also quite keen on the Auricom. I have unlocked both additional skins for the Assegai, but is there additional bonuses higher loyalty scores?

Besides 100,000 (:crazy:) I don't think so. I prefer Assegai or Icarus, for Phantom races I prefer Qirex/Feisar. I have 35k loyalty w/ Qirex.
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I think I might go for the whole skins collection rather than concentrate all my efforts on one team - which I believe you get a trophy for too?

I'm wondering how to do a barrel roll on Moa Therma, however... It's pretty tricky, after giving it about 15 laps last night.

Anyway, I made a playlist on my PS3 for in the game, and have a mix of rock and electronica! Prodigy - Girls; Metallica - Master Of Puppets; Kraftwerk - Tour De France to name a few 👍
Just looking through the rest of this thread... these pics are awesome :drool: (by Sprite and Scaff respectively)


Cool thanks for that and glad you liked the picture.

The 'photo-mode' in Wipeout HD is very easy to use and I found it quick to get some good looking pictures out of. Must play around with it some more (when I have time - too many good games).


Do you have it in wallpaper size? :D I've just taken a couple and I might use them as my PS3 wallpaper...

Here's my status so far - this is my third full night of playing, so I'm hoping to get rid of some of those Bronzes, although some of them are unlikely to be improved upon for some time!

Uplift: 18/18
Warped: 24/24
Frenzy: 28/30
Vertigo: 21/30
Head Rush: 23/30

More tunes uploaded into WipEout HD playlist: Jeff Wayne - Eve Of The War (Coming Of The Martians); Yes - On The Silent Wings Of Freedom; Ashra - Midnight On Mars (courtesy of Tom Servo); Vangelis - Blade Runner End (courtesy of Specialized); Gong - A Sprinkling Of Clouds

Some songs are great for when you are "in the zone", particularly the Ashra track on loan from Diego :D
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I'm wondering how to do a barrel roll on Moa Therma, however... It's pretty tricky, after giving it about 15 laps last night.
The very last bump as you head into the straight will get you airborne if you hit the speed boost/pad first. But you have to have your angle just right or you fly into the wall and don't land it. It gives you very little time to pull it off too, so it has to be near perfect.

When I got it I didn't even think it was clean, but it gave it to me.
Do you have it in wallpaper size? :D I've just taken a couple and I might use them as my PS3 wallpaper...

I will send the original to you via a PS3 message.



edit - on its way - I do love PSP remote play
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Thanks :)

The very last bump as you head into the straight will get you airborne if you hit the speed boost/pad first. But you have to have your angle just right or you fly into the wall and don't land it. It gives you very little time to pull it off too, so it has to be near perfect.

When I got it I didn't even think it was clean, but it gave it to me.
Hmm, it's pretty tricky - haven't managed it yet :indiff:

I noticed earlier today that the medal system has changed - you now get a differently marked medal depending on what level you did the event. Although I have done them all at Novice so far, many of them have been converted to Elite already...

Also, in the Japanese PSN store, there is two WipEout HD themes for the PS3 which are pretty cool... the icons are all different WipEout ships :D
Looks like WipEout HD is getting a difficult mode patch.

New WipEout HD patch makes your life much easier
Posted Nov 24th 2008 12:00PM by Jem Alexander
Filed under: Game Patches, News

WipEout HD is hard. If you've played the game, you probably know that and, if the newest patch is anything to go by, the developers at Studio Liverpool have also realized this. Updating the game to version 1.20, which will happen as soon as you start the game, will make getting medals in campaign mode a lot easier. You can now change the difficulty setting within campaign mode to novice, skilled or elite, just like in other modes. This changes the medal requirements, making completing the game a much simpler experience.

It also means the difficulty ramp for the game is far less steep, as you can blitz through on novice, then change up to skilled and then, eventually elite. The medals look different for each difficulty, so you can clearly see on which mode you've completed each task. This doesn't help with the most difficult trophies, but at least completing the game is actually possible for normal humans. So, if you haven't played WipEout HD for a while, give it another go. You might get sucked in all over again -- we certainly did.