With all the disappointment, do you think PD should have given us info earlier?

  • Thread starter tlongman

Do you think PD could have avoided some disappointment by giving us info earlier?

  • Yes

    Votes: 102 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 68 40.0%

  • Total voters
Honestly.....As long as the tuning is wicked I'm Str8. and just think about it How many other games had 170 cars......With Full interior and exterior damage. How games have lets say over 700 different cars to choose from. Remember this game is going to span at least 5 years and with this new age console nothing is written in stone. Lets pull the good out of what we know so far and get to practicing with prologue so we can be clean racers. As for the Porsche thing, Im just upset there wont be some of the older models but I highly doubt that Porsches will not end up in the game later on down the line.
With all the pointless threads, do you really think we needed another one?
With all the pointless threads, do you really think we needed another one?


It would be great the mods blocked new threads from being created. Locked every thread in GT bar about 4-5 of the current ones and leave any discussion in those topics.

If anyone finds new info about GT5 post it in the GT5 latest news and discussion and people can read it there.
KEY WORD HERE IS "IF" OKAY? they might have damage for all cars they might not I DON'T KNOW, but if it's all true and only 170 cars have damage...

I will be a tad bit disappointed, I don't own a 360 and have never played forza, I have loved all gt games, I have gt5p and I love it.


no I never heard Sony say they were going to have damage but seriously it's freaking 2009, and I think the game will be released 2010, so a game that might be coming out 2010 will only have 170 cars with damage? (it might come out this year but I doubt it)

I'd just assume with all the time they had (even with gtpsp taking some of that time) they would include damage I mean wtf forza 3 will have damage on 400 cars, and forza 2 came out 2007 wtf is that like 2 years?

PD can't even do 400 cars in 5 years, wtf anyone who says they aren't disappointed is a freaking fanboy str8 up and down seriously, the type of person who would praise it just cause it holds the GT name. I love the GT series but come on, I'm still hoping someone ****ed up and misunderstood something, and that ALL cars will have damage I mean it's not really a deal breaker but come on seriously.

I know it was just a some little video clip, I'm not getting my info from that, on some website they had some translated message saying it would have 170 cars with damage and interior models, I'm hoping some one messed up and read it wrong or translated it wrong, but if it turns out to be true then everything I said above stands, if not I take it all back.

This is what I'm hoping was really said but someone just ****ed up and read it wrong...

170 cars will have visible interior damage (like maybe windshield cracks, and that sort of stuff from inside) and that the rest of the cars will have exterior damage.

to end it all, I'm not saying GT5 is going to suck or that FM3 will be better or anything, I'm not gonna spend $199 on a 360 just to play one game, and yes I'm going to buy GT5 no matter what happens, but man it just seems weird that they wouldn't include damage to all cars, the only thing I could see stopping them would be maybe the Car manufacturers not letting them put extremely detailed damage and that they wouldn't put simplified damage in just for the sake of it (if that's true then it's alright with me, I'd rather have it done right then have some half assed damage)

I really don't want to compare but if forza has 400 cars with damage, (and I'm guessing most of those cars will be in GT5) then I really don't see any reason why GT5 couldn't have damage for all cars, unless forza does really simplistic damage to make the Car manufacturers happy, or maybe some license where only a certain game or car can have damage.

I don't know, it all seems weird to me, It's not a deal breaker though if it doesn't have damage, I'll still buy it and enjoy the game.
Visual damage does not bother too much as i use cockpit mode. I think there should be some damage at least gt2 style on all cars and some indicators what is broken. Poor hand animation in cockpit; animation does not match steering input bothers me more than visual damage. With current information Forza has better damage.
they haven't given us any info at all. People's current thinking - all of them - is generated from the vicarious experiences of ign/gamersyde playing a 3-minute single-car, single-track demo and their own imagination.

Okay I'll write it out again cause I guess the F word isn't allowed.

I love the GT series, I don't own a 360 and have never played any forza, I do have GT5P and I love the game with that said..

The key word here is "if" okay? maybe all cars have damage maybe only a few do, but I still don't know.

IF GT5 only has damage on 170 cars I will be disappointed, It's 2009 and they've had 5+ years to make this game, no sony never promised me damage, I just assumed with so much time (even with gtpsp taking some) they'd add damage, is all.

I read something on some website which was translated that said, gt 5 would only have 170 cars with interior and damage models, I'm hoping someone messed up and translated it wrong, but if it is true and there are only 170 cars with damage, I will be sort of disappointed.

I hope the translator messed up, and what was really said was this..

170 cars will have interior damage (like windshield cracks, and that sort of stuff, maybe rear view mirrors moved when you crash or even being broken off) and that every other car would have exterior damage, is this is not true I will be a little disappointed.

I mean forza 2 came out around 2 years ago and forza 3 is supposed to be coming out this year, that's 2 years apart and they have done damage for 400 cars, PD can't even have 400 cars with damage in 5+ years? that's a disappointment, NOT A DEAL BREAKER THOUGH

I've never played forza, I don't own an xbox, and I'm not gonna buy one anytime soon just so I can play one game.

Most of the cars in forza are most likely going to be in GT5, forza got damage for them why cant PD? the only reason I can see is if PD didn't want to add fake/simple damage just to make the fans happy (I'd rather have them make it as best they could, or not add it at all) maybe the Car manufacturers don't want extremely detailed damage done to their vehicles, and PD didn't want to dumb it down just to have damage, or maybe some license only let certain cars or certain car makers to have damage, I don't know.

All I do know is, is that it's 2009 and they've had 5+ years to make this game, I don't know how anyone can say "sony never promised damage, you let yourself down"
Yes Sony never promised me damage but seriously get with the times.

I'll still buy GT5 cause I love the series and have been playing it since the first game came out, if I had a 360 I'd get FM3 too, But please don't tell people that they shouldn't be disappointed for something they themselves thought was going to be in a game that has taken over 5 years to make and is most likely being released 2010.
I don't know about you but I am mildly disappointed with the way GT5 is turning out and I know of many people on these boards who are very disappointed. My question is, do you think PD could have avoided a lot of this disappointment by just keeping us in the loop and telling us what they were planning earlier? It seems like all of us got our hopes and expectations up so high and now when it turns out that GT5 isn't exactly what we all wanted it to be, we start to lose interest a bit. That's my opinion. Whats yours?
Just setting asside the damage fiasco for now… Having had time to digest it all and think logically, I have to say that one the one hand, I'm disappointed, but on the other, I'm as hyped as ever. I mean, it's Gran Turismo, with lush graphics and seemingly better AI. Throw in the 1000+ cars (how many Skylne's do I need though?) and the numerous tracks, old and new, you have a huge game that should be at least as playable as before. But, there's the problem - it's just more of the same again, and I'm not sure what you can do to change that. After all, it is just a racing game. So, I'm excited for the game, but I'm more intrigued by Forza 3 (no, I don't own a 360, but could do soon…)

Now, as for the damage…don't even go there. They should have not bothered with it. "only on select sets of cars"…whatever. Total joke. Assuming they don't limit races to specifc sets of cars, it's going to look stupid with some cars getting damage and some not. They say it's "full deformation modelling", but I disagree. I personally think it's just good old fashioned panel swapping, hence why it is on limited sets. If it was full deformation modelling, it would be on all cars. Please don't fall back on the old "it's the manufacturers" excuse either. If the manufacturers were not happy to see cars scratched, dented, and flipped, Forza and plenty of other racing games would not be where they are today.

Everyone just needs to stop basing EVERYTHING on one 3 min video. Just because you didnt see something in that video, doesnt mean its not in the game. That was only a little taste, they could of, and most likely did, leave tons of stuff out of the game. I dont believe any thing until someone has a gold copy in there hands.
What, like damage on all cars? :rolleyes: We know that it's only on a small portion. This, is crap.
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As my good friend Mr. X said:

STFU or make your own game.

So much whining and complaining.
Can you come to an honest conclusion of the final product by watching 5 replay videos of the same car and track?
I reckon they could have but not so much. We all guessed and wished for what we wanted, and most of it (minus cars) have been added as features. For example, damage...
Please don't fall back on the old "it's the manufacturers" excuse either. If the manufacturers were not happy to see cars scratched, dented, and flipped, Forza and plenty of other racing games would not be where they are today.
Dude, Forza doesn't even have the same level of damage on every car. People are complaining about some cars in GT5 having damage and others not.

It's the same deal, but you refuse to see it. THAT is crap.
Things that aren't in GT4 that are confirmed of being in GT5:

More than 6 cars on track
Improved AI
Improved graphics
NASCAR official licence
WRC official licence
Interactive track objects/tyre barriers
Indianapolis Speedway
Daytona International Speedway
& more expected

Disappointed? HELL NO!
Things that aren't in GT4 that are confirmed of being in GT5:

More than 6 cars on track
Improved AI
Improved graphics
NASCAR official licence
WRC official licence
Interactive track objects/tyre barriers
Indianapolis Speedway
Daytona International Speedway
& more expected

Disappointed? HELL NO!

Is Indianapolis really confirmed? I remember reports about it a LONG time ago, but haven't heard about it since.
I know there isn't a damagemodel for all cars till now. But is there an in-car-camera for all cars or is that only for those 170 cars with damage??? I'm also disappointed by Porsche. It's the Le Mans winning team, it's one of the most important manufacture of the racingworld. I hope they get RUF again... :(
The question i have to ask myself is "Why am i disappointed with the GT series ?"

There are many things that the fans (myself included) have been asking for for years now, and they never seem to materialize, car damage is one of those things that fans have been asking for since GT2, and it gets frustrating waiting for PD to implement features.

As far as i can tell there seems to be two groups that want differant things, one group is happy with how things are, they just want more cars and better GFX. The other group wants to see new features added to the series and significant improvements made to various existing features like Tire physics / engine sounds / AI.......ect ect.

I fall into the latter group, in order for the GT series to hold my interest into the future i need the overall experience to be improved, rather than just a more polished version of what i essentially had before albeit with more cars.

I think it would be unwise to draw any conclusions about damage based on what we saw in the video, though i can sympathize with those fans who do feel disappointed, PD can be a frustrating bunch.

ATM theres just not enough info to say weather or not damage is limited to only a few specific cars, we gain nothing from speculation, though PD deserve this backlash due to their refusal to give the fan base further information about the damage feature and clarify the situation, by remaining silent on this issue (and everything else) they encourage speculation....because thats all they leave the fans with imo.
What I've seen so far suggest GT5 will be near identical to GT5P, but with more cars, tracks and damage.

I'm not all that dissapointed with that, but I have been more impressed with NFS Shift and their car and track list that covers all the basis, Porsche, Audi, BMW, Aston Martin, Maserati, Nordschleife, Donington Park, Laguna Seca etc.
What I've seen so far suggest GT5 will be near identical to GT5P, but with more cars, tracks and damage.

I'm not all that dissapointed with that, but I have been more impressed with NFS Shift and their car and track list that covers all the basis, Porsche, Maserati, Nordschleife, Donington, Laguna Seca etc.

Nah NFS, Grid, Forza and even my favourite DiRT can't reach the level of GT5.
Don't forget the rally stages and all the other races. I feel disappointed but that's because I want to see more. The only thing I see everytime are the same cars of the Prologue with exception of the trailer and I saw only a small part of the Nordschleife and the circuit from GamesCom looks like the one in gt4.
^listen to this man, he hasn't been wrong since 1973.

hahah. But he is right though... But I think they should better give us more info now. Most of the new things are disappointing to me. I didn't expect such a bad damage model and now you can say it's not done yet, but I remember the moment they said they could release it whenever wanted...
...PD deserve this backlash due to their refusal to give the fan base further information about the damage feature and clarify the situation, by remaining silent on this issue (and everything else) they encourage speculation....because thats all they leave the fans with imo.
Once again, you have to lay this at the feet of Microsoft, which basically stole Kaz's marvelous concept in it's entirety, rather than spend the effort to come up with their own. If and until MS gets out of the console/gaming business - yeah, right - this is what we have to look forward to with each Gran Turismo.

Remember fondly the days when GT4 information flowed all over the net for perhaps a year prior to release. Those days are long dead...
So Sony and PD are the only ones that can make a racing simulator?

Sorry that sounds as lame as the Halo fanboys who say every FPS copies Halo.
This thread is epic. I haven't laughed this hard in months. :lol: :lol:

Seriously, what's to be disappointed about? I don't get it. Should I be sad? Should I be sad that I'm not sad? Should you be sad that I'm not sad that I'm not sad? Should Famine be sad?

Say to yourself: "Self, I know Lamborghini and Ferrari and private rooms will be in GT5, but I'm a sad panda because only 170 cars can be destroyed. Cars that I will try to avoid destroying a few days after winning them anyway. But look! Burnout!1!1!!!!1"
So Sony and PD are the only ones that can make a racing simulator?

Sorry that sounds as lame as the Halo fanboys who say every FPS copies Halo.

I love a good game of Halo (LAN is mega!) but I have never seen anyone saying saying all FPS's are halo wannabe's.

Halo is by far the best console FPS though :sly:
I don't know who didn't get promised anything, but I am pretty sure I was told for years that GT5 was going to be the ultimate this, the best that, going to have all these great features and that it was going to be worth waiting for...

So yea I am dissapointed...

What I wanted:

All the greatness of the GT series with the major holes filled like decent damage, believeable AI and improved physics.

What I see so far:

Way prettier version of GT4 with more cars and tracks and some better phsyics, a cursory glance towards damage and AI that looks straight out of any other GT in the series.

OK that's a little harsh but really I am dissapointed by what I see... this doen't look like 4 years of making the game better, it looks like 4 years of tweaking an awesome tech demo, slapping an existing game engine into it, making a few tweaks and tossing it to the rabid crowds.

Even Madden makes bigger improvements than this... I mean if you look at Madden 10 and then look at Madden 06.. the difference is HUGE. And Madden is known for being a rather slow evolving game.

GT5 does not look like it represents 5 years of advancement... at least in the meat of the game, it just looks like a lot of prettiness (which is damn impressive) and that's about it.

Basically those who enjoy the pokimon factor have been catered to. Those who care more about looks than anything else have been taken care of. Those who just wanted a bigger, prettier GT4... you got what you wanted...

Those who had bigger dreams for the next GT game after years of waiting... who thought we would have something to make SimBin look twice, something to make Turn10 say "Damn... we gotta step it up AGAIN for Forza 4" who were looking for the ultimate RACING simulator and not just the ultimate driving simulator... I think we got let down.
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^You're basing this off of a demo with only one track, and one car, and with damage that is obviously not complete yet. Just wait till TGS to get an even more deeper scoop. Jeez the doomsday people here are really at it.