With all the disappointment, do you think PD should have given us info earlier?

  • Thread starter tlongman

Do you think PD could have avoided some disappointment by giving us info earlier?

  • Yes

    Votes: 102 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 68 40.0%

  • Total voters
I had mix feelings at first due to the lack of info, only seeing the suby driven around, and one track being shown to us. But I have to say after seeing a few HD videos the graphics, and the collision physics look like they been improved. Even though the other cars on the track don't receive damage the way they behave when they loose control looks pertty real. Haven't seen much info on if driving physics have been improved so can't comment on that. But even the fanboy in me is slightly worried if I had to be honest with myself, but I've decided to reserve final judgment until I see GT5 at TGS.
^You're basing this off of a demo with only one track, and one car, and with damage that is obviously not complete yet. Just wait till TGS to get an even more deeper scoop. Jeez the doomsday people here are really at it.

I am basing this off of what I am being showed months before the game is supposed to go gold (I know there is no official release date, but if it's not out by q1 2010 it will be an even bigger dissapointment) and more importantly I am basing this off seeing what they have accomplished in FOUR YEARS or more!

I am sorry, but it takes way more blind faith than I have to feel comfortable believing something massive will change what we see missing at this point. Knowing PDs history of building a bigger, prettier pokimon of car driving with the same base flaws everytime doens't make me feel better about it either...

Cars, tracks, physics... hey that's not even what I am talking about... you know what really dissapoints me? I can sum it up for you:

The recent video from 4:00 to 4:20.

Crashes and pileups are as much a part of racing as the smooth driving part is... it's integral to the experience and as long as it's ignored, as long as I have to sit pinned against a wall or corner while AI drivers gun it idiotically trying to drive through me.... I just can't say I feel immersed in the experience.

Sorry, I can forgive a lot, I can forgive damage that's worth waiting for, but really isn't, I can forgive collision physics that are a bit too bouncy still... but I can't forgive overlooking a huge flaw that is integral to play, has been in the series for years and has been pretty much resolved by many other racers already.
what they have accomplished in FOUR YEARS or more!

STOP SAYING ITS BEEN 4-5 YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT. Since GT4 was released in 2004, PD have released TT, GTHD, GT:P and will release GTPSP... thats 4 games they've had to work on since then. So infact those 5 years since gt4 you'd think at least 2 of them have been used in development of the other games (that leaves around 2.5/3 years of development left for GT5), And to still be able to dish out GT5 with 1000 cars and all it's other features I think is a great accomplishment.
STOP SAYING ITS BEEN 4-5 YEARS OF DEVELOPMENT. Since GT4 was released in 2004, PD have released TT, GTHD, GT:P and will release GTPSP... thats 4 games they've had to work on since then. So infact those 5 years since gt4 you'd think at least 2 of them have been used in development of the other games (that leaves around 2.5/3 years of development left for GT5), And to still be able to dish out GT5 with 1000 cars and all it's other features I think is a great accomplishment.

That's right... no game studio could crank out more than one game at a time...

Come one...

And really? GTHD and GTP? Those aren't really other games, those are more like "here's a playable version of where we stand now" releases. That's like saying everytime a beta test release of a game comes along, that's a whole other game the studio released... So basically when a company releases a demo then the final product, they actaully released 2 games?

I know GTHD and GTP exactly a demo, but when they are basically showcasing what PD is working on to get the GT5, then you can't honestly say they were holdnig PD back from developing GT5... they WERE the development for GT5.
So Sony and PD are the only ones that can make a racing simulator?

Sorry that sounds as lame as the Halo fanboys who say every FPS copies Halo.
Dude, logic for the win, okay?

Where did I use anything like the phrase "only racing simulator," "best racing simulator," or anything of the sort in regards Gran Turismo? I made a very specific statement. What was it?

Well, let me help you out here.

Is the Toca series about race modding street cars?

Is the NASCAR or Formula 1 series about collecting street cars?

Is Richard Burns Rally or Colin McRae series about racing for cash and prize cars that you can re-sell if you want?

Here's another hint. Turn 10 copied almost exactly one of these racing series. See if you can guess which one?
  • NASCAR, EA Sports
  • Formula 1, SCE/Studio Liverpool
  • TOCA Race Driver, Codemasters
  • GTR, Simbin/10tacle
  • Live For Speed
  • Richard Burns Rally, SCi/Warthog
  • Colin McRae Rally, Codemasters
  • Gran Turismo, Polyphony Digital
I know I'm kind of hitting you over the head with this, but good grief... thinking before posting is a good idea.

And Devedander, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I politely disagree. Come back after TGS and give us an update on your feelings.
My point is still valid, just because Sony does something doesn't mean nobody else can. In case you don't realize it(which you obviously don't) competition only leads to better things. I can guarantee that if Forza never came around we wouldn't be getting a game nearly as good as GT5 is shaping up to be.

Sorry if that concept flew over your head fanboy.
And Devedander, I'm sorry you feel that way, but I politely disagree. Come back after TGS and give us an update on your feelings.

Sorry that I feel that the AI in GT5 is still showing a blatent and unacceptable flaw? Ok but I don't see how you can disagree... I mean you can see it happening right there.

I am not saying there haven't been improvements in other areas, but this one is still glaring. It's like saying that a model of car has no suspension for years, other cars get spring suspension but this model still doesn't. It comes out with a snazzy new model with AC and power everything and a big ol turbo... improvements for sure! But still no suspension... you just can't forgive that.

BTW I am not going to TGS so I am not sure what you are getting at there... I hope as much as the next guy GT5 shapes up to be better than anyone expects but I just don't see it happening here...
My point is still valid, just because Sony does something doesn't mean nobody else can. In case you don't realize it(which you obviously don't) competition only leads to better things. I can guarantee that if Forza never came around we wouldn't be getting a game nearly as good as GT5 is shaping up to be.
Well, frankly, I disagree. You may think whatever you want, but I don't see someone stealing an entire game concept from someone as a good thing. In case reading comprehension is a shortcoming of yours, I do believe I posted a number of other racing games which have nothing to do with Microsoft Game Studios. Maybe those games don't count to you. I would also point out that Kazunori has stated a number of times that his true competition is the real life world of motorsports, which is a much better goal to capture than some aspect or other of someone else's game. But maybe that's just me.

And Devedander, oh well.