Why were you expecting these things though? Neither PD or Kaz has promised anyone anything, so 'some of us' have been building false hopes.
The problem is: 1) this game has been under development for 6 years. 2) It is being developed by a world-renowned publisher. 3) It has costed around (this a very rough estimate, going off of a bad memory) 4 times as much to develop as GT1. 4) It will be one of the biggest titles on the PS3, if not the biggest. 5) KY stated that he was going to add damage when he felt he could do it realistically.
With all of this put together, is it not impossible to expect something great??? I didn't wait all this time for a top developer with a perfectionist as lead to make another GT4, this time with HD graphics and 200 more cars.
This is Gran Turismo we're talking about! It was even put on msn.com for Pete's sake! And when we get the first gameplay footage we see one car with the saddest excuse for a damage system I've yet to see in a simulation racer, and a bunch of other cars that are completely invincible.
Even worse, we get confirmation that this sad excuse for a damage system won't be available for all cars. I understand it not happening for all 1000+ cars, but it should at least be available for the vast majority of them. I mean, if what we saw was the real thing, then how hard can it be to add joints to all the car doors and hoods and bumpers. If there is a much more complex damage system, I understand it only being applicable to a smaller percentage. This is PD we're talking about, their attention to detail wouldn't allow them to accurately recreate crashes for 1000 different vehicles.
About the extra features that were announced, things like private races, voice chat, YouTube uploads, and custom soundtracks. Sure, these things are great. I for one love the idea of custom soundtracks, and I couldn't live without voice chat. But the thing is, this stuff comes standard with almost every modern day game! Why on earth would we be excited about this? Sure, I'm happy about it. But if you consider this information to be enough to cover up the other disappointments we've learned of, it's a perfect example of how desperate PD has made its customers.
I agree with all of you that it is a bit early to decide what the final product will be like. I for one really hope that what we saw was the arcade setting for damage, and that the real thing is what 6 years of development at Polyphony Digital should produce. But until TGS, I'm going to remain disappointed.
And one more thing, how can you call yourself a fan of Gran Turismo if you don't expect anything from it? That doesn't make much sense to me.
P.S.: I forgot the whole point of the thread. I voted yes. Leaving your fan-base to dream for 6 years will only cause problems if you don't bring them back to earth every once in a while. And guess what? It did cause problems, obviously.