With all the disappointment, do you think PD should have given us info earlier?

  • Thread starter tlongman

Do you think PD could have avoided some disappointment by giving us info earlier?

  • Yes

    Votes: 102 60.0%
  • No

    Votes: 68 40.0%

  • Total voters
Everyone just needs to stop basing EVERYTHING on one 3 min video. Just because you didnt see something in that video, doesnt mean its not in the game. That was only a little taste, they could of, and most likely did, leave tons of stuff out of the game. I dont believe any thing until someone has a gold copy in there hands.

Why were you expecting these things though? Neither PD or Kaz has promised anyone anything, so 'some of us' have been building false hopes.

Why? Progress and competition dictate your fate. Either you move forward and be competitive or you don't. Your neighborhood sack race is not the same as the Chicago Marathon.
It is puzzling that so many are using the word "disappointment" so freely. Disappointed with what exactly?

Like you, I have an opinion of my own: I like the way GT5 is turning out. Yeah, I took all the info we were given (which is not very much at all) - and I like it. Please, be disappointed after the game is out and you had the chance to check out all of the cards. The game is turning out to on the more mature side I think, and that works out for me very good. Shame about all the features that will be missing (which we still don't know yet), but the game is shaping out very good in my honest opinion.

Please add the option of "Not disappointed at all so far".
Seems like there is only one guy with a camera at gamescom, and the same video is getting posted to death on youtube, speaking of youtube, are Sony going to give them some money to buy a bit of extra storage when GT5 comes out?

And that poll sucks too, the thread has nothing to do with the options.
To expect nothing is retarded, and dumb to even say honestly. You have the supposed biggest game on PS3, on the system for the 1st time and people are saying to expect nothing. I think that just being active and showing they cared about the fans is what they need to do as a decent company. Public companies report their earnings and have calls giving their progress at least 4 times a year, yet PD gives nothing and expects everyone to be cool with that. If Walmart didnt report earnings or reported late, there would be wild speculation, why because you expect some sort of news.

If GT is going to tout itself as the ultimate simulator or whatever, then they need to reflect that, because other games have these features in one way or another. Also I dont need head tracking, yes its cool bt I'd rather have my car drive realistic and not get punted.

I think some are overreacting, but to come to the undying defense of PD is just as bad. I think people have a right to be dissapointed, I am only dissapointed because they could have let the info out earlier. To keep so quiet about basic stuff is kind of silly. I am not dissapointed at the game however Maddenesque it might be, with more cars and redundant features, or half-cooked features. I have come to expect this BS they give us, but because its a decent game i overlook it most times. The difference this time is when i turn the game off I have a handful of other racing games that could be better. I did not have this choice last time, so PD can BS around all they want but people have options now so they have to come correct.
Didn't Amar's "winds" mention 96 "skypaths?" That's how many I was expecting...

That probably means something about there being 96 "different" versions of Skyline :lol:
Not that I'm complaing though, I love 'em!
I am definatley not dissapointed with Gran Turismo. From what I have heard on here, it already sounds fantastic:
  • Damage
  • More tracks than GT4
  • Better physics and graphics than GT4
  • More cars than GT4
  • And online racing

There are many more things that I could say that I want like punctures and safety cars and and and...
But, whatever GT5 has in it, I will be happy. Because it is GT.
And anything Gran Turismo-y, I love.
Allyn 👍

EDIT: and for those people who think that "96 skypaths" is a good idea, can you name 96 racetracks that you think that would be a worthy addition to GT?
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They probably envisioned 96 skypaths (tracks) at the time Amar wrote that cryptic poetic piece, but in the interest of getting the game out before we perish from old age, may have decided to cut back.

Even Forza (yes I am unashamedly a fan of that franchise to) has had to make cutbacks to meet deadlines. I eagerly await both games and right now am so tired of waiting that I just want the game in my hands.
I voted no because we still don't actually know anything about the game. Sure damage is in but that's Arcade Mode, isn't it? Who can confirm that?

All that's confirmed damage is damage on a 'set' of cars. Nothing else.
To expect nothing is retarded, and dumb to even say honestly.

I expect GT5 to be GT4 plus one.

Any specific features that might make up this "plus one" would be wholly speculation on my part - or anyone else's - simply because we've not actually been given any information at all. To then be disappointed in someone else because my own speculation hasn't yet proven to be accurate is foolish beyond foolishness.
I expect GT5 to be GT4 plus one.

Any specific features that might make up this "plus one" would be wholly speculation on my part - or anyone else's - simply because we've not actually been given any information at all. To then be disappointed in someone else because my own speculation hasn't yet proven to be accurate is foolish beyond foolishness.

Exactly, It should be expected to be better than GT4 thats about it, although to a good degree since its a new system, but to expect anything more is setting yourself up.
As I said before im happy with the outcome at no point did anyone predict a playable version of the game, I dont think it is a full game just a one track demo as no one has seemd to pick anything but the wrc car. This to me makes me optimstic as its obvious there hiding a lot from us. All i want is a release soon, which it is pretty much obvious its gonna happen. A healthy online community for racing competitions etc. Also ongoing support, updates new cars and track etc. I think everyone will agree thats what we are all looking for......
perfect gif for this thread:

I think we start to see the downside of the GT5 'no information' policy. People naturally start to make assumptions based on GT4, the 5 years since it's release and the relative quality of competing products. Call that foolish if you will, but it's a very natural consequence of a lack of information.

If the information they do then release APPEARS to show a product that doesn't live up to the general expectation, people are disappointed. While for the large majority this probably makes near no difference to their decision to purchase, a few will be disgruntled enough to look elsewhere for their racing.

I don't think it's all necessarily the big deal it's being made out to be, but it certainly highlights the importance of managing the release of information about your game wisely.
Imo, what they should've done is just give the crowd GT5 Prologue with the nurburg track and just wait TGS to show anything new since they had the E3 trailer and here nothing. So far we can agree this wasn't the smoothest move but well, we've been waiting for a long time so what's 3 weeks more? :)
Why were you expecting these things though? Neither PD or Kaz has promised anyone anything, so 'some of us' have been building false hopes.

The problem is: 1) this game has been under development for 6 years. 2) It is being developed by a world-renowned publisher. 3) It has costed around (this a very rough estimate, going off of a bad memory) 4 times as much to develop as GT1. 4) It will be one of the biggest titles on the PS3, if not the biggest. 5) KY stated that he was going to add damage when he felt he could do it realistically.

With all of this put together, is it not impossible to expect something great??? I didn't wait all this time for a top developer with a perfectionist as lead to make another GT4, this time with HD graphics and 200 more cars.

This is Gran Turismo we're talking about! It was even put on msn.com for Pete's sake! And when we get the first gameplay footage we see one car with the saddest excuse for a damage system I've yet to see in a simulation racer, and a bunch of other cars that are completely invincible.

Even worse, we get confirmation that this sad excuse for a damage system won't be available for all cars. I understand it not happening for all 1000+ cars, but it should at least be available for the vast majority of them. I mean, if what we saw was the real thing, then how hard can it be to add joints to all the car doors and hoods and bumpers. If there is a much more complex damage system, I understand it only being applicable to a smaller percentage. This is PD we're talking about, their attention to detail wouldn't allow them to accurately recreate crashes for 1000 different vehicles.

About the extra features that were announced, things like private races, voice chat, YouTube uploads, and custom soundtracks. Sure, these things are great. I for one love the idea of custom soundtracks, and I couldn't live without voice chat. But the thing is, this stuff comes standard with almost every modern day game! Why on earth would we be excited about this? Sure, I'm happy about it. But if you consider this information to be enough to cover up the other disappointments we've learned of, it's a perfect example of how desperate PD has made its customers.

I agree with all of you that it is a bit early to decide what the final product will be like. I for one really hope that what we saw was the arcade setting for damage, and that the real thing is what 6 years of development at Polyphony Digital should produce. But until TGS, I'm going to remain disappointed.

And one more thing, how can you call yourself a fan of Gran Turismo if you don't expect anything from it? That doesn't make much sense to me.

P.S.: I forgot the whole point of the thread. I voted yes. Leaving your fan-base to dream for 6 years will only cause problems if you don't bring them back to earth every once in a while. And guess what? It did cause problems, obviously.
Just wanted to say something:
Im not disappointed at all, the game looks better than Prologue, the physics seem even more improved and there will be at least one form of damage.

I still only want to know 1 thing: Will all cars (except some Concepts) have a cockpit view? If i know this, i can be hyped again (or not).

That 170 "Premium Car" thing still confuses the hell out of me.
Sorry but some of us were expecting some really big things out of GT5 and so far PD has failed to live up to them IMO.
Why were you expecting everything NOW?

You know that TGS is the show in which GT5 would be showcased. We're lucky we were shown anything. Many of us were expecting a new trailer and almost nothing else. If it wasn't for a certain Microsoft game company stealing Polyphony's ideas, we might actually have had more information all along. Because of Turn 10 and their smaktard attitude, you can bet that every Gran Turismo game will be a deep secret until two months or so before release. If you guys want to complain about anything, complain about them.

However, I expect four more weeks of whining and complaining. ;)
The problem is: 1) this game has been under development for 6 years. 2) It is being developed by a world-renowned publisher. 3) It has costed around (this a very rough estimate, going off of a bad memory) 4 times as much to develop as GT1. 4) It will be one of the biggest titles on the PS3, if not the biggest. 5) KY stated that he was going to add damage when he felt he could do it realistically.

With all of this put together, is it not impossible to expect something great??? I didn't wait all this time for a top developer with a perfectionist as lead to make another GT4, this time with HD graphics and 200 more cars.

This is Gran Turismo we're talking about! It was even put on msn.com for Pete's sake! And when we get the first gameplay footage we see one car with the saddest excuse for a damage system I've yet to see in a simulation racer, and a bunch of other cars that are completely invincible.

Even worse, we get confirmation that this sad excuse for a damage system won't be available for all cars. I understand it not happening for all 1000+ cars, but it should at least be available for the vast majority of them. I mean, if what we saw was the real thing, then how hard can it be to add joints to all the car doors and hoods and bumpers. If there is a much more complex damage system, I understand it only being applicable to a smaller percentage. This is PD we're talking about, their attention to detail wouldn't allow them to accurately recreate crashes for 1000 different vehicles.

About the extra features that were announced, things like private races, voice chat, YouTube uploads, and custom soundtracks. Sure, these things are great. I for one love the idea of custom soundtracks, and I couldn't live without voice chat. But the thing is, this stuff comes standard with almost every modern day game! Why on earth would we be excited about this? Sure, I'm happy about it. But if you consider this information to be enough to cover up the other disappointments we've learned of, it's a perfect example of how desperate PD has made its customers.

I agree with all of you that it is a bit early to decide what the final product will be like. I for one really hope that what we saw was the arcade setting for damage, and that the real thing is what 6 years of development at Polyphony Digital should produce. But until TGS, I'm going to remain disappointed.

And one more thing, how can you call yourself a fan of Gran Turismo if you don't expect anything from it? That doesn't make much sense to me.

P.S.: I forgot the whole point of the thread. I voted yes. Leaving your fan-base to dream for 6 years will only cause problems if you don't bring them back to earth every once in a while. And guess what? It did cause problems, obviously.

Couldn't of said it better myself.
I'm not disappointed at all, since the release of GT5P we have been crying out for Private Rooms and Car damage, it seems we are getting our wish! and with all the extra goodies thrown in ... well it's just a matter of waiting and seeing how it plays out :) I'm looking forward to the license tests and the rally events and just having a good blast online with friends of my choosing and not some random punter with half a brain cell ;)

I'm looking on the positive side for once :cheers:
I don't know how to answer this question. To me, 90% of this mess was caused by Polyphony Digital's PR department. Even if you're not going to show the game, there are better ways to communicate with your fan base.

Putting up a press-release filled with "doubts", then pulling it out, and proceding to go dead silent about it, is not one of the good choices. If this had happened in other fields of journalism, like economics or politics, it would have been a joke, a disaster. Public Relations does not mean "hide from the press and from your costumers".

Can you imagine i PD was working on homeland security?

My biggest disappointment is not with the game, but with all the drama and doubts surrounding it, created because of the unprofessional way they have been handling the info about the game.

We don't know the answer for our tracks/cars/damage/features concerns, and i think that's the biggest reason why most people are having mixed feelings. For every good bit of news, there's one concern coming along.

To me, GT is still in a whole different class when it comes to games. They do stuff that other devs don't even dream about, and yet, they still can't figure out some basic stuff that's standard in every next gen game out there. I guess that what makes them so questioned from time to time.
It's funny how no one really gave a **** about damage until they showed it to us and now people are complaining. You give someone a wing and they want the whole chicken.

But I'm also waiting out for the release date. I think alot of people have forgotten about that.

But just picture yourself, sitting in your lounge/room on a nice day, playing GT5 in your favourite car just as you would. A couple months down the track, who's going to care about damage.

Although I'm still hoping and waiting on the weather changes, and slightly dissapointed by Porsche not making its appearance, but that's just one less car for me to drive (GT2) out of GT5's extraordinary league of vehicles.

I'm sure there will also be PSN updates in the near future, just how they gave us Spec's for Prologue.

Everyone chill, its going to be a rocky ride, but once we get there, it'll be like swimming in a pool of lesbians covered in baby-oil.
I've never cared about damage.

But you're incorrect. People have been whingeing on about it for years.

Not disappointed with the game per se. Just disappointed this playable demo turned out to be so limited. Shouldn't have been. Most playable demo versions of Gran Turismo have been similarly limited. Remember the BMW-demo version with the Nurb?

We'll know more about the game when it comes out.

I'm assuming 170 "premium" cars will be racing cars which are fully modelled inside and out, including passenger cell and engine bay, and can thus have complete damage modelling. Damage may be limited (at the start) to professional racing series and rallying... a way for PD to get around the fact that not all manufacturers are comfortable with realistic damage on their road-going cars.
  • 1000 cars - approximately 300 more than gt4 (assuming every car from GT4 is used). In all likely hood it will be a selection of cars from GT4, not every single one. There have been plenty of new models released and updates to current models since GT4. So PD probably have at least updated SOME of them. Even if they haven't its 1000 cars!
  • Headtracking (beats fiddling with buttons to get a look next to you)
  • Online racing lobbies - PRIVATE ROOMS
  • Improved physics

I'm not even bothering to put damage in that list because that above is more than impressive. So no I'm not dissapointed one bit!
haha, once again, the damage is everything.

Damage being on less than a quarter of the whole 1000 cars is absolutely HILARIOUS. I can't even take the game seriously.

I mean all this talking and whining is because PD is taking forever. We expect soo much, and that's because we have faith. We want a great game with no flaws