::::: World Super GT Championship | Round 7 | Le Mans GT (SIGN-UP NOW!) :::::

  • Thread starter Masi_23
Owens, epic post mate. That's what it felt like for me when I got my hands on a wheel for a few weeks/months - you think you're going to immediately be a second a lap quicker, and then get all confused and frustrated when you're actually a couple of seconds slower :P - Once you get to understand the characteristics of driving with the wheel and get used to it, more or less anyone will be quicker, it just takes practice and time.

And Kamy, stop winding Paginas up, at least he doesn't eat tyres (nom nom) :D :sly:
Hey guys! I'm not gonna be able to make it to this week's race, gonna be stuck on class on Friday.
I remember when i first got my wheel.
I launched GTR 2 in my PC, Chosed a Porche 911 and went to a track day in Catalunya.
I made through the first S and the right turn, But in turn 4 i went to the gravel and the engine went off because i didn't pressed the clutch pedal. :dunce:
I thought t my self: why did i spend so much money for this sh***??
But after a week of practice(really a week of practice, i was at home at that time) I was shaving a couple of seconds or more to my times, and better than that i was making less mistakes.
If your into Racing Games you should buy a wheel. After you got one you can't go back to a Pad.

And Mole... you use the X to accelerate?? Don't know how you so fast. RESPECT 👍
wow yea i dont use the x , i used R2 and L2 as the throttle and break so im got some kind of throttle control
If your into Racing Games you should buy a wheel. After you got one you can't go back to a Pad.


I used to be good on the pad, but decided to buy a wheel 16 months a go after being (strongly) advised to in the WRS. I wasn't faster straight away, it probably even took me a few months to match my times with the DS3 but I can confidently say I am much faster now and obviously, it's way more enjoyable to drive with a wheel.
I'll open up a quali/practice room at 20.00 PM (GMT) / 15.00 PM (EST) / 21.00 PM (CET). The room will be open for at least 3 hours.

I'll post the roomnumber when it's up.
wow yea i dont use the x , i used R2 and L2 as the throttle and break so im got some kind of throttle control

I tried triggers last night when racing in the wet because I seriously needed the throttle control - but for me it seems like you have you push the trigger down about 3/4 of the way until you get even to half power? Then the last 1/4 was half throttle to full throttle, so not nearly enough control as I needed - maybe you can set the sensitivity somewhere? I quickly switched back to x and square after that, I just had to 'blip' the throttle on acceleration and through corners to maintain control, which was annoying to say the least :P
/\ With DS3, I always used the sticks. I dont recall on PS3, but on PS2 the x button was pressure sensitive. I got a good feel for this on GT4.

Anyone using a DS3 considered the HKS controller?
I tried triggers last night when racing in the wet because I seriously needed the throttle control - but for me it seems like you have you push the trigger down about 3/4 of the way until you get even to half power? Then the last 1/4 was half throttle to full throttle, so not nearly enough control as I needed - maybe you can set the sensitivity somewhere? I quickly switched back to x and square after that, I just had to 'blip' the throttle on acceleration and through corners to maintain control, which was annoying to say the least :P

When i was playing with the controller, L2 was my brakes, left stick my steering and right stick my throttle. I suggest you try the right stick to control your throttle, you will see that you have much more control
Keep getting disconnected from the Server. Chat censors the word "disconnected" for me. This doesn't bode well...

*Edit* Realised i'm getting 0 bars for Chorda's room.
Keep getting disconnected from the Server. Chat censors the word "disconnected" for me. This doesn't bode well...

*Edit* Realised i'm getting 0 bars for Chorda's room.

have you reset router, cache etc?
Cleared the cache, using wired connection instead of wireless now. It's just the internet in my area is weak, at best I only get 4MB and it doesn't help when my sister streams stuff over the internet.

Should push come to shove I may have to take the PS3 into my office and have a late session there! My work office has 18MB of internet so that shouldn't be a problem!
yeah, the room chat always censors "disconnected", I think that's pretty funny that it would do that.

It's not funny when you keep getting dc'd and keep getting censored while trying to discuss it while your in the room, it's super infuriating
Cleared the cache, using wired connection instead of wireless now. It's just the internet in my area is weak, at best I only get 4MB and it doesn't help when my sister streams stuff over the internet.

Should push come to shove I may have to take the PS3 into my office and have a late session there! My work office has 18MB of internet so that shouldn't be a problem!

ive stop my miss to stop streaming crap while im racing lol
Fwiw I also have zero bars on chorda room. However don't recall any issues. I did get the ghost cars last week. Oddly enough. First timer for that.
is it clean when i outbraked myself into 1st par of the ford chicane and then out of the lift of to compensate for the shorter route or will i still get 5 second penalty even though i didnt gain any time:)
Meh, ok lap from me. Took it too steady for my liking and made a mistake (minor, just ran a little away from the apex) into the Porsche Curves, which then meant I was off-line for the following corner, etc. etc. - Nevermind anyway, its a (very) long race :)
Good effort from everyone doing quali today 👍

This race WILL be epic.. Remember our preseason race here.. It was awsome (even I who was 2 minutes behind smiled the entire race).

And now, with 250 km's it will be a true endurance... Let's see how many victims the night and rain will bring.. Consictancy and keeping out of trouble will be key.

My quali lap was rubbish, and on top of that, I ran wide in the last porsche curv giving me a 5 second penalty.. Well, since the race is so long and we are running same class, I guess this quali is one of the least important.
I will need to make my run tomorrow. Practicing now, room open.

If you wanna join in. Just search Le Sarthe and room named WSGTC Practice.

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aderrrm how can your car be so fast in a straigth line with full downforce tryed it out and was slower then my rx7 so how do you do it.
im just abit surprised because i dont think i loose so much time in the corners
I am withdrawing from the championship. I'm moving country and it's all going to be too difficult to even think about keeping up. I may return for the next season, if there is one.

Good luck to all.
I am withdrawing from the championship. I'm moving country and it's all going to be too difficult to even think about keeping up. I may return for the next season, if there is one.

Good luck to all.

A withdrawl's sad to hear no matter what, especially from such a good guy 👍

I hope everything goes well for you in the near future and the following. Are you moving back to Sydney? I'm moving to Sydney at the beginning of June. Maybe we can hang out sometime and play Shift 2 :P

But I do hope I can race with you sometime soon again too. And don't be a stranger! Let us know how you're doing whenever you come in to check the thread to see how the series is going 👍

Best of luck to you and yours young man!