::::: World Super GT Championship | Round 7 | Le Mans GT (SIGN-UP NOW!) :::::

  • Thread starter Masi_23
I am withdrawing from the championship. I'm moving country and it's all going to be too difficult to even think about keeping up. I may return for the next season, if there is one.

Good luck to all.

See ya soon mate. I really hope you join the next season! 👍

aderrrm how can your car be so fast in a straigth line with full downforce tryed it out and was slower then my rx7 so how do you do it.
im just abit surprised because i dont think i loose so much time in the corners

Depending on your gear ratios, you have to shift at no later than 6000 rpm. I shift at 5750-6000. This car has a slightly dodgy power/torque curve.

This race WILL be epic.. Remember our preseason race here.. It was awsome (even I who was 2 minutes behind smiled the entire race).

And now, with 250 km's it will be a true endurance... Let's see how many victims the night and rain will bring.. Consictancy and keeping out of trouble will be key.

I can't wait for the race. :P I haven't done a full day/night cycle in GT5 yet.

And is the race 250km? In the op it says 200km.
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Still got my car wrong on OP lol I do have to drop from this. Sorry I could not have raced with you guys more. This just cuts right into weekly Friday plans unfortunately. I will probably see you all next season or in a different series. Thank You
This race WILL be epic.. Remember our preseason race here.. It was awsome (even I who was 2 minutes behind smiled the entire race).

And now, with 250 km's it will be a true endurance... Let's see how many victims the night and rain will bring.. Consictancy and keeping out of trouble will be key.

I agree for 250Km's race...a true endurance.. 👍
Wardez, your avatar is a killer, lol :D

Lol, thanks man. Always good when a fellow F1 fan recognizes something like that xD :cheers:

I agree for 250Km's race...a true endurance.. 👍

Woah did I miss something? Still says 200 in the OP. Hmm, not against it or anything, just had to post 'cause I couldn't find any mention of an extension in the thread. (If there is one, please help me in being pointed in the right direction since I'm quite tired atm)
The endurances are 250 km. Only reason the race shedule is saying 200 is because Masi did not update it/was not around when we decided. If you look in one of the last preseason threads or perhaps one of the first ones, we decided that the endurances would run over 250 km. And noone objected.

250 km = 19 laps at La Sarthe. Or 18 and 3/4 since first 2 sectors of first lap will replace the formation lap. 👍
The number of laps in the race shedule are correct. Masi did just not change the total distance.

Imari: Sad to hear you leave mate. But I understand that real life is nothing you can postpone. Really hope you'll stay with us at a distance and pop your head in from time to time to say hello. I also hope you'll join us during next season. 👍
Btw, can one of the stewards host a quali session to day/night?

I can host, but from 23.00 PM (CET) until deadline (2.00 AM CET). So if one of the stewards could open up a room a bit earlier, and I can take over that room after 2-3 hours and keep it open until deadline.

Quali deadline: 1.00 AM (GMT), 2.00 AM (CET), 20.00 PM (EST), 17.00 PM (PST).

Race start on Friday: Connect time 20.00 PM (GMT), green flag 21.00 (GMT).
I am withdrawing from the championship. I'm moving country and it's all going to be too difficult to even think about keeping up. I may return for the next season, if there is one.

Good luck to all.

Good luck Imari, make sure you are here for Season 2, I will miss our tyre-wear battles otherwise :P
I am withdrawing from the championship. I'm moving country and it's all going to be too difficult to even think about keeping up. I may return for the next season, if there is one.

Good luck to all.

Sad to hear to leave our Championship, but I can understand your reason.
Good luck for averything and I hope to see u here for the next season.. 👍
Yes sad to see you withdraw imari, real life stuff always comes 1st and moving to a different country is kinda BIG LOL, hope to see you back when your ready.

also i could maybe open a room up, i will let you know closer to the time....
LOL great song we should deffo use it.

and good videos, shame at the start you cant see monoha, you to were bashing into each other for the 1st half of the race, it was funny but very distracting lol
im just watching a film it has an hour left then i will either join a room or set a proper qualifying/practiced room up :D
What are you using to record and import the video, owens?

I bought one of those cheaper Flick Camera. It does 720p. I set it up on my tripod and record my TV. Hahahaha

So simple and surprised how well they come out.

I got like 140 in the camera. Nice it has built in USB that flicks out the side. No fancy adjustments. Just record/stop and replay. Loads straight to you tube. Does not work with windows movie maker. However it cones with some clipping software. So I use it to reduce the size in half. As well it records for about two hours but battery only lasts a little over an hour.

Oh. I try to set this up when we leave so I can turn volume up an not have ambient noises. As well I started recording my cars before races. Going into tune and showing HP and all. As well mods and all. Then enter track when called with this on. Not needed but I had been accused of paddle shifting during a shifter h pattern league race. So I went out and got this to record me banging each and every gear. Which I won again. Not that it's needed and he said your word is good. I just am a no questions asked type. Just not good with accusations, so this ends the arguments and doubts. ;) fwiw that video is posted on my page.

Be in to make my qualify run in a couple hours. Gotta run to town.
Paginas, my brother would like to join the season as well. He's sent a message to the thread but its been waiting for moderator approval for a few hours now. He doesn't mind starting from the back of the grid since he's not available to qualify tonight. If it's possible he'd be racing the Xanavi Nismo GT-R and his PSN ID is TKNiNJ
Paginas, my brother would like to join the season as well. He's sent a message to the thread but its been waiting for moderator approval for a few hours now. He doesn't mind starting from the back of the grid since he's not available to qualify tonight. If it's possible he'd be racing the Xanavi Nismo GT-R and his PSN ID is TKNiNJ

im sure that would be fine, denilson will have last say on it, i should be on soon :D

if not PM him and he will get an answer :sly:
Will do, thanks. I'd love to race tonight but it's almost 1am and the missus is asleep! Maybe get some practice in with him tomorrow so he knows what to expect. Was watching the videos of OwensRacing and its crazy when people race so close to each other and trade places so often!
Are you opening a new room? Just got home from work, didn't get any practice at all this week but still would like to give quali a shot.

Yes sir. Just opened. Atlas, I will be around the entire night. So if you want to practice no doubts you can get two hours in. If your in the room before deadline. Then your still good to qualify. So that should give you some time to warm up.

Room Number:

chorda aka Denilson is online. However he is doing work. 19 lapper!!!! Which actually I would be down for a 10 lapper after qualifying ends.....maybe the entire event. Hahaha
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