Try short shifting and make sure you keep the wheel as straight as possible as you go downhill. Hows your tune look like?
I felt like I was getting lost so right now I have this:
Aerodynamics: 34 / 54
Top Speed: 250 km/h
Initial Torque: -- / 24
Acceleration Sensitivity: -- / 36
Braking Sensitivity: -- / 20
Ride Height: -12 / -10
Spring Rate: 15.5 / 16.8
Extension: 7 / 7
Compression: 6 / 6
Anti-roll Bars: 5 / 5
Camber Angle (-): 2.2 / 1.6
Toe Angle: -0.08 / 0.10
Brake Balance: 6 / 5
Credit to the Avid Racing Factory for this setup.
I ran a 1:25:125 earlier but seem to have a wall.