**World Trade Centre & Pentagon Attacked**

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Originally posted by Saleen Man

YAY!!!!! You are the first person(i think) I know over internet who is also a Christian
Don't forget about me! :)
Originally posted by whiz kid
dude, you dont have to be christian to pray. im an aethiest , and yet still i pray. give blood for the cause.

I'm just curious Wiz Kid.....if your an aethiest, then who are you praying to?

or perhaps you feel there's something up there and you just don't know what..
I was stunned and shocked by the pictures on tv ..i just turned it on when the second plane were just a few meters away from the building!! :eek: Terrible, terrible sight!

I want to say this:
My thoughts go to all those that lost their lives and the people that have lost their loved ones! Lets hope they find the people responsible for this act of terror and make them pay on one way or another!

Sweden is on your side!
I hope USA gonna crush whoever did this! :mad: :mad:
Originally posted by ELecTriC
I was stunned and shocked by the pictures on tv ..i just turned it on when the second plane were just a few meters away from the building!! :eek: Terrible, terrible sight!

I want to say this:
My thoughts go to all those that lost their lives and the people that have lost their loved ones! Lets hope they find the people responsible for this act of terror and make them pay on one way or another!

Sweden is on your side!
I hope USA gonna crush whoever did this! :mad: :mad:

Thanks for the Support ELecTriC!
Night all and God bless....keep the country in your prayers.
pako my friend, i pray to the people who are no longer with us. i am amazed you are scrutinizing such charity, but so long as we agree that praying for these people is good, im ok.
Today freedom was attacked. Not only the freedom of all American citizens, bit the freedom of the world. This was done because some country does not like the way we think. They do not like the fact that we chose our own paths throughout our short lives. This cannot stand.
Within the next week, I expect our leadership to declare war. Officially. I have told my work, friends, and girlfriend that once that moment comes, I am joining the United States Marine Corp. I do not know if I should expect this reaction from the rest of my bretheren, but I do not think it will be in question. To all non-Americans out there: We will give our lives to insure that a tragic incident like this will never befall your shores.

God Bless America,
Jeremy S. McDaniel
Every time I see the replays on TV I can't believe how sick and discusted I feel about someone actually using innocent people and places of buisness as targets ...then I remember that these people arent really people .They are cancer on our planet that needs to be forcibly removed as quickly as possible.But we also need to be carfull about using the term of WAR because wherever there is war there is bound to be innocent casualties, and I believe that we have already had enough .:( :(
Originally posted by whiz kid
pako my friend, i pray to the people who are no longer with us. i am amazed you are scrutinizing such charity, but so long as we agree that praying for these people is good, im ok.

I am in total agreance with you that prayer is always good. I was just wonder who/what you were praying to and the motivation for your prayer.

I don't mean to pry, but I am rather curious of such matters.

Peace out and good happiness stuff.
Originally posted by RockyMaivia
What i can't believe is that there were 3-5 terrorists on each plane, and almost 100 passengers. Why didn't they passengers get together and attack the terrorists. They were gonna die anyway, they might as well have saved the rest of the people on the plane and the thousands of people killed in New York and D.C.
Maybe two people would have been stabbed by each terrorist if they attacked, and they probably would have lived. At worse 6-10 people would have died per plane, but what they would have done would have been spectacular and would have saved literally thousands of lives. I know if i would have been on one of those planes, i would have summoned up some courage and attacked the bastards.

Yeah, and I'm sure the first that crossed all their minds was that they were going to be flown into a giant sky scraper.

Think about it, what do terrorists hijacking planes normally do... They take the plane somewhere to fill it up and then fly it to the country of their choice. I'm sure that's what the passengers on the flight were thinking. Now there are rumors that the reason the plane that crashed in Pittsburg didn't make it to it's intended target was the people rebelled against the terrorists. The terrors rushed the cabin and in all the panic the pilot(s) lost control and the plane slammed into the ground. Now yeah, because they did something only the people on the plane died (im using the word "only" very lightly) but the point is I am 100% sure they didn't know there were going to crash into either the White House, Camp David, wherever...
Good Sir Jordan,
We have all seen with startling clarity and sickening regularity, the evil that men do to one another. What strikes me first is the terrible sadness at the loss of life and the far, far reaching impact that all that entails.
What galls me, what infuriates me, what pushes me to the point of taking up arms and hunting these self serving, gutter crawling, sewer dwelling, feces eating, cowardly dogs and cutting their hearts out and feeding them to the rats, is their total devaluation of human lives in making a statement that the perpetrators of this crime against all humanind are too cowardly to sacrifice themselves for.
We owe it to those that were masacred, to never ever forget the chilling images we have all experienced over the past two days, and to channel that rage into a unity of purpose. That purpose being ridding this planet of this scourge and those that support it.
Let every citizen of this world know; that when you kill Americans, that the mighty rath of the most powerful nation that this world will ever know, will rain down upon you and your kind like the Archangel of God and that all will be sore afraid!
God keep and bless those families who have been so devestated by their loss. We salute those Police and Fireman who have paid the ultimate price in service to their fellow man. God Bless and keep the civilized people who mourn with us. And may God have mercy on the souls of those who will pay for this heinous asault on all that is civilized and good in the world.

David M. Clarke aka Fangio


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Hello y'all,

Sorry to hear about what happened on Tuesday. If any of you lost any relatives in New York that day, such as I did, you have my condolences, as I know exactly how you feel. :(

It begs the question though: if the terrorists actually struck the White House instead of the Pentagon, what type of different reaction do you think there would have been? Keep in mind that the President was NOT in the White House at the time. Personally, I think the crash into the Pentagon was a real slap to the face of the USA.

I think that the US should just declare war on the Taliban, as Dubya stated that any country harboring any suspect is at equal fault as the terrorist. The Taliban has BEGGED the USA NOT TO ATTACK their country. So, I ask you all; do you think it would be proper right now if the USA went in and just opened up a can of whoop-@$$ on the Afghanistanian's?

Also, sometimes I thank God that I live in Canada. We quite don't have it as good as the American's do, but I know that terrorist attacks aren't quite as frequent here as in the USA, as seen over the last decade.

Anyways, again, I would like to express my sorrow towards the events that partook on Tuesday morning. God bless America.

Anthony Vu
The Canadian Guy
To the guilty, bad f!cking move.

Bad move.

I am more conservative, though not particularly a religious one, than liberal and proud.

If we were run by Gore the politically correct types in his fan club would be having us kissing butts left and right.

Note to liberals of foreign countries. If you knew ours you'd know why we are so afraid.

But there are good ones. I certainly don't worship conservatism.
I woke the other morning here in Australia to hear of the tradgic news.

I couldnt believe what i saw, it was real - too real to be real!!

Innocent civillians shouldnt be involved in anythng like this.

Many children will be leftwith no fathers or mothers, many parents will be left with no children, many lovers with be left with out their love and many friends will be left with out their friends.

My heart goes out to all the families and all the friends of those who have lost their lives to these cowardly acts.

Why cant everyone get along in this world?????:(
Although we all may not agree how president bush became president, but I have to say, I have to commend him for his speechs yesterday... I am truely behind him, and continus to pray that he makes the right descions in this time of American need. I will say, even if I don't totally agree with it, if there is a need for war, I will most certainly sign up. I have to much pride to let this country be taken advantage of. :mad:

Jordan, Thanks for putting the flag on the home page, it looks really good there!!!

And thanks for everywhere from around the world for all their support. I know its not just america in this fight, but all of the free world.

God bless America
I didn't beliewe it, when I first saw it in the news, but then I saw that it was the same thing on all the other tv channnels..

DAMN, this sucks!!

I feel for all of you Americans who has lost a family member, and I hope that there will be severe punishment for all terrorists...

Quote Darth Sidius: "Wipe them out...All of them.."
On the one hand, we are all united in agreeing that this horrific act deserves to be punished. We are united in mourning our dead and wanting to bring the responsible parties to justice.

However, it seems that there is a divide in how best to do this. It seems that anybody who doesn't want to bomb someplace (prob'ly Afghanistan in this case) back to the Stone Age is un-American, liberal, and/or gawdless. I thought that that sort of mob mentality was for savages, not civilized people.

Many in the US government feel that blindly lashing out is not the thing to do, and I agree. Cooler heads must prevail, at least for now. Besides, that is EXACTLY the sort of barbaric behavior that makes us such a choice target for this sort of thing. "Let's watch the Great Satan embarass itself!". I refuse to play into that li'l trap. They want blind rage; I suggest tracking them down in the same cold,calculating manner that they planned this whole tragedy, and that means not letting our emotions run wild.

Besides, it's not the first time in history that something like this has happened. It's just the first time it hit the US. And did we not cheer like the Palestinians when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were leveled? Just as the Germans dehumanized the Jews, and we dehumanized the Japanese during WWII, somebody has dehumanized us. We must not let our animal instincts rule us, or the demanization will be complete.
terrorism cannot be extincted by force.
the guilt of all this is bush's aggressive international politics and avid capitalism.
the palestinian ppl are desperate and always at war, its all understandable because they are always passing for this kind of situation that happened 9/11
last year, a terrorism act killed about 50.000 people in Ruanda.
it was easily forgotten by the media, and i bet a very few here remember that.
I would invite all who can, to continue to give blood and not loose the momentume of charity. :)

We're even giving blood here in Montana.!!!!

USA-United we stand!
i would just like to express my deepest sympathy at all those poor people who were caught up in the tradgedy's in NY and Washington i am not American but those images shocked a depressed me. i hope justice will prevail. In other word kill the mother ****ing rag head bin laden.
...and that's exactly why we can't just, "...kill the mother ****ing rag head bin laden.". It's possible that it wasn't only him. We just don't know...yet.

That, and we don't know what he (and others) will do in self-defense or as a defiant last-stand. The situation is tricky. We're dealing with dedicated, calculating people who place little value on human life, even their own. So, we can't frighten them. All we can do by lashing out is make them more determined. And who knows, maybe LA will be next...or London...or Sydney...
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