Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
What kind of lobbies are people going into??
I've NEVER had anyone I met in a lobby even ask about car trading, let alone to demand it. :confused:
That is just ridiculous. If it's common... I had no idea.

Well listen to this...

Drag room titled "No hacks drag" (typical GTR's Ford GT's and what not)

I enter the room and without even loading I see

"Hey Z_AK, you got a fast ACR?"

just cometely out of the blue...

"Umm, yeah, why?"

"Cuz I want it"

"Oh ok. Hi, how are you?"

"Do you have it or not?"

"Now that we got the greetings out of the way, yes I have one but I'm not going to give it to you. HAVE A NICE DAY" (left)
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Some people NEED others to make them good cars. Or they copy from :gtplanet:

The only time i use other peoples tunes is when I spend 3 hours on a car, give up, and go to Praiano's Shop, and even then I have a compulsion to 'Eric-ize' it. (tailoring to my style)

I was having fun the other week at a mates place, we were testing our top speeds of our RS6 Avants (i had the '02 he had the '06). We were having a good time, at SSRX, people were dropping in and testing alongside us, and then we get one of those guys, who thinks its funny to wait on the left of pit exit, and ram us as we're hitting our top speed zones and throw us out of rhythm.

Hackers are destroying the good vibes of legitimate online players who want to use the game for what it was made for. Realistic cars i can understand. i.e. Camaro SS RM Wheels for drag cars, Sensible Ride Height modding, and Replica Tuner cars. Ill even go so far as to encourage modding to repliate real race car HP values, i.e. the Le Man's cars.

Please, does anyone back me up on this one?
I'm sick of underage or immature persons/people ruining my experience.

Maybe PSN should charge like XBOX Live. I would happily pay the charges if it meant I could race without ten year olds screaming at me for drifting in my DeLorean (RR)
Charging for Psn won't get rid of the kids trust me. I own an Xbox and that's full of them.
I do kind of agree that the hybrids are ruining the game. I'm all for realistic hybrids but some of the ones I'm seeing are just plain stupid. I don't race I'm a drifter but they are ruining the drift scene.
Charging for Psn won't get rid of the kids trust me. I own an Xbox and that's full of them.
I do kind of agree that the hybrids are ruining the game. I'm all for realistic hybrids but some of the ones I'm seeing are just plain stupid. I don't race I'm a drifter but they are ruining the drift scene.

Yeah the unrealistic ones for ruin it a bit. But i think it has brought a lot of people back to the drift scene. Me the way i see it I could have them or not it doesn't matter. I love drifting in GT5 regardless..
IMO, hybrids were the best thing to happen to this game. There are a lot of creative swaps. Yes, things like the 100K Red Bull and 20K GT-R are a bit out of hand, but the realistic or "slightly" realistic ones (several hundred horsepower over the most powerful tuner version) are still a load of fun. And people have made some really nice looking vehicles like the wingless, bumperless S15 on an NSX chassis. When people see a car and think "Hmm. I wonder how well it would do with a new chassis and engine." That adds replayability to the game and makes people actually want to play the game.

We have never been able to really make our cars unique. Some guy might have an LS9 in his RX-7 atop the RX-7 TC chassis, while another guy could have an RB26DETT in their RX-7 without a spoiler or bumpers.
IMO, hybrids were the best thing to happen to this game. There are a lot of creative swaps. Yes, things like the 100K Red Bull and 20K GT-R are a bit out of hand, but the realistic or "slightly" realistic ones (several hundred horsepower over the most powerful tuner version) are still a load of fun. And people have made some really nice looking vehicles like the wingless, bumperless S15 on an NSX chassis. When people see a car and think "Hmm. I wonder how well it would do with a new chassis and engine." That adds replayability to the game and makes people actually want to play the game.

We have never been able to really make our cars unique. Some guy might have an LS9 in his RX-7 atop the RX-7 TC chassis, while another guy could have an RB26DETT in their RX-7 without a spoiler or bumpers.

Or like me i have a RX-7 Enfini with the Re Amemiya GT300 car's engine and the spoiler removed. Really isn't as good as the original engine but it makes the car feel heavier on my G27 and God I love that idle.

I love trying to guess what engine people have put into their cars. Like GT5 trivia haha
Some people NEED others to make them good cars. Or they copy from :gtplanet:

The only time i use other peoples tunes is when I spend 3 hours on a car, give up, and go to Praiano's Shop, and even then I have a compulsion to 'Eric-ize' it. (tailoring to my style)

I was having fun the other week at a mates place, we were testing our top speeds of our RS6 Avants (i had the '02 he had the '06). We were having a good time, at SSRX, people were dropping in and testing alongside us, and then we get one of those guys, who thinks its funny to wait on the left of pit exit, and ram us as we're hitting our top speed zones and throw us out of rhythm.

Hackers are destroying the good vibes of legitimate online players who want to use the game for what it was made for. Realistic cars i can understand. i.e. Camaro SS RM Wheels for drag cars, Sensible Ride Height modding, and Replica Tuner cars. Ill even go so far as to encourage modding to repliate real race car HP values, i.e. the Le Man's cars.

Please, does anyone back me up on this one?
I'm sick of underage or immature persons/people ruining my experience.

Maybe PSN should charge like XBOX Live. I would happily pay the charges if it meant I could race without ten year olds screaming at me for drifting in my DeLorean (RR)

Amen man I would gladly pay just so I don't get all of the hackers and noobs.
No if PSN charges money like on XBox live not only would it be pointless in my opinion. But it wouldn't stop the hackers either so yeah pretty much pointless.

If you could pay for a dedicated server like on BF3 that would be cool
Part of the answer is already in the game, private lounges. That's where most of the good and decent people have gone. This problem of clowns online isn't a new problem, it's existed since the game was launched. Back then there were many, many more circuit racing based rooms and some of them were very good and well organized. But still, nearly every race you had to deal with some joker in warmup or the race, driving backwards, wrecking people etc.

Over time, the number of rooms with good hosts doing circuit racing gradually decreased as guys either left the game or organized formal and informal racing in lounges. They were replaced with drag, cruise, drift and free run lobbies. You'd have to pay me to go into one of those lobbies they are so disorganized and chaotic most of the time. It's where the kids and immature people tend to hang out.

Unless you know where to find one of the handful of good hosts remaining, or luck out one night, you simply aren't going to find very many well run rooms online anymore

What kind of lobbies are people going into??
I've NEVER had anyone I met in a lobby even ask about car trading, let alone to demand it. :confused:
That is just ridiculous. If it's common... I had no idea.

Obviously they are people that haven't read my Guide To Open Lobbies...lol...:sly:
Dirty drivers that tell on you. I had that happen to me today at 1:00 am or something, Racing at Daytona road course at 565 PP and 458 player is constantly bumping me, I get him back and he tells on me, he has a mic and I don't so I get kicked without being able to defend myself. I will find him and I will kill him.
Dirty drivers that tell on you. I had that happen to me today at 1:00 am or something, Racing at Daytona road course at 565 PP and 458 player is constantly bumping me, I get him back and he tells on me, he has a mic and I don't so I get kicked without being able to defend myself. I will find him and I will kill him.

That's a promise lol. I've had that happen to me in a NASCAR room but I didn't do anything at all and I got kicked. Some guys were saying that I was racing dirty and wrecking people when I was hanging off the back of the pack with no one around me.
That's a promise lol. I've had that happen to me in a NASCAR room but I didn't do anything at all and I got kicked. Some guys were saying that I was racing dirty and wrecking people when I was hanging off the back of the pack with no one around me.
Haven't I seen you before online??? Not sure.
Obviously they are people that haven't read my Guide To Open Lobbies...lol...:sly:

:lol: Yes, it should be required reading! :) I recommend it regularly!! ha ha

Dirty drivers that tell on you. I had that happen to me today at 1:00 am or something, Racing at Daytona road course at 565 PP and 458 player is constantly bumping me, I get him back and he tells on me, he has a mic and I don't so I get kicked without being able to defend myself. I will find him and I will kill him.
Yeah that's why I run my shuffle lobbies with mics disabled, and I don't kick someone based on one complaint that might be sour grapes. I wait to find out if anyone else had a problem, and I also give accused chance to explain themselves.
Of course, if someone is accused, and completely ignores the accusation and me asking about it, they get the boot. I don't like when people just ignore me.
But it's true that I have noticed that many times it's the dirty driver who calls foul on someone else!! :boggled: I don't know if it's a tactic by some... or if they simply don't understand what's appropriate or inappropriate.

Anyway, the other day I had to kick someone... This is funny...
Someone was being accused of dirty driving by 2 people. I thought this person maybe was merely sloppy and needed a warning, so I asked them to explain themselves. They didn't answer.
Another driver with a word like "chief" in his name. We will call him "Lion-Chief". :sly:
Lion-Chief said something like "just start the race!"
I said something like, "You're not the chief here Lion!"
Lion-Chief said, "Stop trying to be a parent!"
I of course kicked him. Just for insubordination basically. You don't mouth off to the lobby host! :boggled: Usually people who do mouth off to the lobby host are trouble anyway. :odd:
He then sent me a msg on PSN with just one word (3-letter word starting with F) in the subject, in all caps. :rolleyes:

People in the room were laughing afterward.
Because, if people didn't act like children... lobby hosts would not have to act like parents!!
But it's true, race hosting is like being a den mother. :lol: ;)
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Haha I'm joking. 👍 was great fun.
The :odd: was for the exchange between the people who are not sure if they know each other from online. :D
(I was making innuendo about the protestation & insistence exchange. ha ha)

But yeah, IIRC m8h3r... you were definitely finished behind me at Mount Hop Top, since, after all, I finished first. :lol:
Boop boop! ;)
:lol: Yes, it should be required reading! :) I recommend it regularly!! ha ha


Lion-Chief said something like "just start the race!"
I said something like, "You're not the chief here Lion!"
Lion-Chief said, "Stop trying to be a parent!"
I of course kicked him. Just for insubordination basically. You don't mouth off to the lobby host! :boggled: ...snip....

Rule Number 1 in [post=7826456]Johnny's Foolproof Guide to Avoid the Worst of Open Lobbies[/post]

1. Do not tell the host how to run their lobby. If you do, prepare to find another lobby and the host will likely help you with that process.

Well done...:)👍👍 If every host was like you Punch, Open Lobbies would be a paradise for us good guys!!!!:)
Rule Number 1 in Johnny's Foolproof Guide to Avoid the Worst of Open Lobbies

1. Do not tell the host how to run their lobby. If you do, prepare to find another lobby and the host will likely help you with that process.

Me every time I become host of the cops lobbies in the club I'm in. I always get idiots that say "put tires to racing softs turn off tirewear, and raise HP limit." "Why? Because you want to act like you can run in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in your gold chrome Aventador? BYE!" Sports softs and 700 HP is the limit. Don't like it, get out!
Me every time I become host of the cops lobbies in the club I'm in. I always get idiots that say "put tires to racing softs turn off tirewear, and raise HP limit." "Why? Because you want to act like you can run in the 24 Hours of Le Mans in your gold chrome Aventador? BYE!" Sports softs and 700 HP is the limit. Don't like it, get out!

I got stuck as a host yesterday in one of the club's lobbies. I swear, I spend more time typing and kicking than actually driving.

Before I left, I pretty much blew it up and left all the members there.

Rule Number 1 in [post=7826456]Johnny's Foolproof Guide to Avoid the Worst of Open Lobbies[/post]

1. Do not tell the host how to run their lobby. If you do, prepare to find another lobby and the host will likely help you with that process.

Well done...:)👍👍 If every host was like you Punch, Open Lobbies would be a paradise for us good guys!!!!:)

Not always a paradise. :lol: But it's usually pretty good, because yeah, when you host, you have to be willing to start the process of some people's search for another room. :lol:

I don't just kick people for bad track behaviour, but for being socially disruptive. I don't just kick people who insult the host either. I kick people if they're rude or nasty to other people. Because frankly I believe that people who are rude & disrespectful to their fellow racers in the darn text chat, are hardly likely to be any more respectful or fun on track, after all.

It's surprising how many people will actually be nasty & rude to hosts and be mouthing off about what they're doing wrong. Not just me, I've seen it with a few other shuffle lobby hosts I race with.
When I'm in somebody else's room, I don't expect them to suddenly bow to my wishes because I showed up! But lots of the kids seem to think "I'm here now do what I say!" :lol: :rolleyes:

@ liampage123 - we're talking about online RACING... worst you've dealt with online - in racing.