Obviously they are people that haven't read my Guide To Open Lobbies...lol...

Yes, it should be required reading!

I recommend it regularly!! ha ha
Dirty drivers that tell on you. I had that happen to me today at 1:00 am or something, Racing at Daytona road course at 565 PP and 458 player is constantly bumping me, I get him back and he tells on me, he has a mic and I don't so I get kicked without being able to defend myself. I will find him and I will kill him.
Yeah that's why I run my shuffle lobbies with mics disabled, and I don't kick someone based on one complaint that might be sour grapes. I wait to find out if anyone else had a problem, and I also give accused chance to explain themselves.
Of course, if someone is accused, and completely ignores the accusation and me asking about it, they get the boot. I don't like when people just ignore me.
But it's true that I have noticed that many times it's the dirty driver who calls foul on someone else!!

I don't know if it's a tactic by some... or if they simply don't understand what's appropriate or inappropriate.
Anyway, the other day I had to kick someone... This is funny...
Someone was being accused of dirty driving by 2 people. I thought this person maybe was merely sloppy and needed a warning, so I asked them to explain themselves. They didn't answer.
Another driver with a word like "chief" in his name. We will call him "Lion-Chief".


Lion-Chief said something like "just start the race!"
I said something like, "You're not the chief here Lion!"
Lion-Chief said, "Stop trying to be a parent!"
I of course kicked him. Just for insubordination basically. You don't mouth off to the lobby host!

Usually people who do mouth off to the lobby host are trouble anyway.

He then sent me a msg on PSN with just one word (3-letter word starting with F) in the subject, in all caps.
People in the room were laughing afterward.
Because, if people didn't act like children... lobby hosts would not have to act like parents!!
But it's true, race hosting is like being a den mother.