I've had two experiences recently that have been fairly annoying.
The first was running Circuit De La Sarthe no chicanes. Was racing a Citroen GT Road Car but I forgot to change the gearing so I was running slow on the straights but was blazing through corners. Start of the race, lots of cars in front of me hit that first sharp corner and start bumping each other around, I escape unscathed. Tons of cars start passing me on the straight, I give them the line. Well, a little bit later, another car caught up to me, I hold the lower line so he can pass me on the optimal line. He starts to pass then swerves into me and puts me into the wall. I was on the mic so I asked why he did it when I clearly gave him the line. He said, in an older voice, "How do YOU like it?" I didn't even touch one other car on the track, so I just said "Ok, right, bye." in a sarcastic tone. As I was exiting out of the lobby, he starts laughing saying "Oh, so you can hit every car out there but won't take it back?" I have a feeling he thought I was another car with a similar color, but it wasn't worth sticking through to race with him more.
The bigger problem I have is being accused of driving dirty when I'm not. I've played racing sims for long enough to know when to give and take and to be aware of my surroundings. Couple days ago people were driving into me when I was holding a line and I was accused of being a wrecker. Last night a guy was all over the track. I held the line while he had horrible oversteer. I was faster and on the line, so I went in to pass since I already had the momentum, guy swerves back into the line and smacks into me. Next corner, same thing, oversteer, I overtake since I have optimal position, he goes straight down and I wind up spinning him out. He spent the next 4 races intentionally hitting me and other drivers, but lobby leader wouldn't kick. One race he was on mic and was behind me, and said "Hey, come here, I got something for you." Fortunately, it was his last race and he didn't have much driving skill to catch up to the main pack, but dealing with people like that has been common the last week or so for some reason.
Sparky, I think I was in that race with you and I think I have the replay of that very race. I remember running Suzuka with you and seeing someone going nuts at you in the lobby.