Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
This is also the reason why I think this game should be played by people older than 15 exclusively. Immaturity and being an ass in general gets me every time. EVERY SINGLE TIME:grumpy:[/QUOTE]

Oi! Don't pin all the 15 year olds because of immature drivers.
I'm 15 and a clean driver.

Also, what most people said they've dealt with is one of the reason why I don't play GT5 as often as I use to.
I was drifting this morning and I swear this kid was trying to a. annoy or b. run me over. Mind you I'm in my MK3 Supra(as always :lol:) and It is BRIGHT 🤬 ORANGE. The kid hits me and says "MB I dint see u" ( his spelling not mine) I respond "np". a lap or so later he does it again "MB I dint see" I respond "np" this happens 3 more times and I realize with the exception of one legitimate accident with another driver, he was the only driver hitting me and I was the only driver he was hitting. So he hit's me again and says his usual, too which I respond "how the 🤬 can you not see me my car is BRIGHT ORANGE!!!". I continue a bit frustrated and he hit's me yet again and proceeds to keep bumping me down the back stretch, I slow down to let the little 🤬 pass but he slows down and pulls behind me and rams me again, I said "wtf do you want?" he hits me again so I pull out and continue driving and next lap I pit and get my Odyssey, :lol: my juggernaut he kept ramming me and his little S2000 wasn't upsetting my big yellow van a bit.
Drivers who don't ram everyone are a rarity anyway.

Also, just remembered this funny story:

I was in a cruise lobby on R246, and I'm happily driving along and obeying all the laws, when I notice someone (in a white Mercedes C63 AMG, if I recall correctly) crazily swinging in and out of lanes. I try and let him pass, but he just tailgates me. I come up to a set of lights and start braking, but the guy tailgating me doesn't brake at all and rams me into a wall, so I say 'Dude, can you please learn to drive properly?' To which he replies, 'shut up you mexican 🤬'
Yes, my PSN name is 'sovietmexican'. But not only am I speaking perfect english, but there's a union jack right next to my name.
Oh, but that's not even the last of it! He refuses to believe that I'm from england as my username has 'mexican' in it and continues spouting racist comments while the host and his buddies are laughing too hard to cruise (as am I by this point). Eventually the host decides to kick both of us, and then our friend here decides to send me a message calling me an ignorant sheep because I'm not in cahoots with any mexican cartels and because I don't believe conspiracy theories.

The lesson to be learned here is that some people on GT5 are just outright crazy and should be avoided at all costs.
Well, this evening I join a room that was just for fun, as I got in I saw a message saying "leave self or kick" with someone's PSN in front of if. I thought the guy must a been a prat and we'd be better off without. Then, while Im still choosing an appropriate car someone else got same message.... I thought, well the muppets must be out in force so well done room owner. Just gets my car on track and same message pops up with MY PSN! I asked what Od done, the reply was ".....joined" What the chuff is point of a public room you don't want anyone in? Id love to know what I did wrong.... Room owner must've spent all night just chucking people off! I took a picture of last few messages with my phone so I could read and see if Id missed something.
I need a keyboard or something though! On the rare occasions muster the will to write a message it takes me forever and makes no sense!
Just remembered a funny argument.

The VTEC equipped Civic Vs. the Jaguar E-type

Kid "What's that?"

Me "It's a Jaguar E-type, surely you know that…"

Kid "No"

(I'm sorta thinking why is he here then…?) Me "right…"

Kid "does it have VTEC?"

Me "no, how and why would it? It's a Jaguar from the 60s…"

Kid "Becuz every car is better with VTEC"

Me "Yeah, because we all want turbo lag and no boost. That's like waiting for bad sex"


A few other guys are obviously Honda fanboys and pull their Civics out. None of which look as good as my E's shade of red… let alone the sexy body. I just laugh.

Kid "Lol your car is for losers. Does it have a V8?"

Me "Before we go on, and you call my car bad for not having a V8, yours has an I-4. Now shut up!"

Kid "Does it have a turbo"

Me "no"

Kid "Did it race?"

Me "Yes. Look on google..."

Kid "Ur car is (swearing a p a c e d out)

Me "Says the Civic owner. The Jag is a legend, the Civic is for boy racers."

Kid "race u!"

I win as he manages to crash at every corner of Suzuka
Kid "Cheater"

Me "how?"

Kid "f you"
The thing about private public lobbies is that with lobbies, no one can change the restrictions or start the race except for the host.

With private lounges, anyone can change the restrictions and start the race. This can get VERY annoying VERY fast.

I was left thinking the same. The host found it quite funny and we just kinda talked about it for a bit. He was an okay guy, he didn't kick the kid because he just couldn't be bothered with the kid (apparently he stalks you after you kick him… I think)
My problem today is just finding a lobby that I could enjoy, I can't find any race, track day lobbies, or lobbies where you just drive around. When I do manage to join a lobby, I get disconnected within a few seconds.

Also, why do I keep seeing honda lobbies?
Also, why do I keep seeing honda lobbies?

There is an over abundance of "HONDA FF 1/4 ONLY, "HONDA DRAGS 1/4" lobbies. Getting quite annoying.

Another very annoying thing is when I have "US Lobbies only" selected, I still get lobbies from Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Canada!

Whenever I see Puerto Rican or Brazilian lobbies, the titles are all in Spanish, so I'm assuming they only speak Spanish in that lobby. I can't join because I only know 10 words in Spanish. 3 of those are "No habla Español."

Now, what is up with the "QC ONLY" Quebec elitists?
I was actually wondering if I shouldn't join that lobby...

This is also the reason why I think this game should be played by people older than 15 exclusively. Immaturity and being an ass in general gets me every time. EVERY SINGLE TIME:grumpy:

Which is why I've lost faith in my age group. :lol:

14 year old here.
There is an over abundance of "HONDA FF 1/4 ONLY, "HONDA DRAGS 1/4" lobbies. Getting quite annoying.

Another very annoying thing is when I have "US Lobbies only" selected, I still get lobbies from Brazil, Puerto Rico, and Canada!

Whenever I see Puerto Rican or Brazilian lobbies, the titles are all in Spanish, so I'm assuming they only speak Spanish in that lobby. I can't join because I only know 10 words in Spanish. 3 of those are "No habla Español."

Now, what is up with the "QC ONLY" Quebec elitists?

Yeah, my spanish is rough too and I also find the US lobbies only not truly being that gets annoying.
I just can't believe how many Honda lobbies I find in the menus.
I just can't believe how many Honda lobbies I find in the menus.

I'm an all-around car guy. I love classic and modern muscle, European tuners and exotics, and well-done JDM cars. But I really don't see the appeal of a nasty looking (and sounding) FWD car that goes in a straight line and is bad at everything else. I really just don't get it.
I'm an all-around car guy. I love classic and modern muscle, European tuners and exotics, and well-done JDM cars. But I really don't see the appeal of a nasty looking (and sounding) FWD car that goes in a straight line and is bad at everything else. I really just don't get it.

I'm an all-around car guy too. I have respect and love towards all sorts of cars, including honda, but I too don't see it either.
Now, what is up with the "QC ONLY" Quebec elitists?

No not elitists. One of the reasons for them to say "QC only" is because most people of Quebec speak French. Some like my former teammate get spoke both French and English too. Me and him still joke around. I have him talk dirty to me in French to make my other friends look like O_o. Just messing around :lol: but it is funny.

But yeah, it may or may not be anything against you or anyone, they most likely only want people in their rooms who speak French
No not elitists. One of the reasons for them to say "QC only" is because most people of Quebec speak French. Some like my former teammate get spoke both French and English too. Me and him still joke around. I have him talk dirty to me in French to make my other friends look like O_o. Just messing around :lol: but it is funny.

But yeah, it may or may not be anything against you or anyone, they most likely only want people in their rooms who speak French

Quebec elitism exists. Come on don't be ridiculous. They have this whole "We deserve more rights than any other province and we also deserve the massive amount if money the rest of Canada throws at us without anything in return" attitude.
Quebec elitism exists. Come on don't be ridiculous. They have this whole "We deserve more rights than any other province and we also deserve the massive amount if money the rest of Canada throws at us without anything in return" attitude.

Didn't say it doesn't exist. Just saying what the most likely was about.
Is a 14 even more rare?
I've got a few in my year. They're not rare as you think. Just get a bad rep so don't say their real age.
Which is why I've lost faith in my age group. :lol:
14 year old here.

You might think I'm an ass but believe me - I'm not :D

Sometimes I say what I say, but after all age doesn't matter for me (man that sounds SO wrong). As long as THAT GUY is normal and shows signs of respect, I'll treat him kind in exchange ;)
You might think I'm an ass but believe me - I'm not :D

Sometimes I say what I say, but after all age doesn't matter for me (man that sounds SO wrong). As long as THAT GUY is normal and shows signs of respect, I'll treat him kind in exchange ;)

Yeah. We know, our age group just gets a bad reputation from certain idiots online. It is very annoying :(
Worst I've dealt with online? Well a few years ago when I first got GT5 , I chose a random room on TTGTT and this guy kept ramming me and told me something I cant repeat on here. Then I got kicked. And just last night there was a random driving room I entered. These guys in their hacked cars were in Route X and I politely asked to change the track since I didn't have that DLC, they just told me that u could go really fast there and just to stfu, so I offered some alternatives and they proceeded to yell at me IF YOU DONT LIKE IT GTFO and I got kicked. :lol: I wish GT5 had more mature players..

Which is why I've lost faith in my age group. :lol:
Exactly. They give us teenagers a bad name.