Ironically enough, he was once a member here on GTP, until the mods essentially grew tired of his attitude and sent him packing. It's good to know he's still making friends in his own unique sort of way.
However, that said...
One thing you have to accept otakukid96, is that when you enter a lobby, you play by the host's rules. Yes you can ask him to change settings, fair enough, but very often the host... (has it that way FOR A REASON)
Yeah well i got ever so kindly warned for putting his name in my post(& for apparently using sloppy grammer

, if I do then everyone on GTP should get that warning), so they(mods) must not have hated him the way l do..

Or they have it out for me?💡
But in another incident, a hopeless idiot came into a (full)Street car lounge l was running yesterday, and after a race where he fell into the bottom 1/4 of the pack, proceeded to start begging me to turn off aides.

Well the room had been up for 3 or 4 hrs & no one had complained til him, l said when he beats me or the other guy in there, who had been winning, l would gladly turn them off. He got last on the next race and left right before l could boot him. He then messages me proclaiming he ALWAYS wins in his lobbies where aids(<- how he spelled it) are always off(<- because only PROs use no Aides right). Just a pet peeve of mine when someone who's earn 0 respect from me comes into MY lounge and trys to direct me how to run it better. Needless to say he's the newest member to my "Block List"👍