Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
The USB keyboard is a wonderful thing, I use mine to keep up a flow of perfectly coherent and well-worded comments and complaints at all the crap online, rather than try complaining on mic and getting nothing but 'lol ur a girl n00b, boobs' and all that...

Sometimes whenever I go to a lobby with my microphone stupid people start typing "your gay" or say it to me using their microphones, it's annoying.
i had a similar experience to you, Seismica, except in mine i was the host.

shuffle racing at autumn mini reverse, guy kept bumping, and attempting to PIT me, passing me like this a couple of times. every time he did this, i told him to give back the position, or be kicked. he never gave it back, but i took it cleanly a few times (him trying to ram me every time). he passed me again on the last lap (same dirty tactics), i was right behind him coming into the left before the dip, and just didn't brake. i pushed him straight off, took my win, typed into chat why i was kicking him, and then did.

he made attempts to contact me through PSN mail, and i blocked him.
i allways tell people in chat exactly why i am kicking them, so that they, and everyone else know.
don't think i could've handled the situation any better.
get on a race with a slightly inferior car dont hit every wall win.YOU HACKED (get kicked)

Better one:

-Drive with a WAY inferior car, don't hit anything then win the first race just after joining

-Second race starts, get pushed off the track 30 sec after at the third corner
-Same for every race on the lobby
I was thinking of using a keyboard to see if it works, something ive been thinking about for a few months now but just been far too lazy to do it. :lol:

I'll deffenetly get onto it tonight.
Damn game decided to freeze while exiting my own tuning room after I spent an hour tuning the ciezta v16 and the 512bb. No one else had even joined the room 👎
Alright, new record: A guy asked how you get the X2010. Fair enough I think, maybe he just got the game, so I tell him. Although I just keep calling it Vettel Challenge. Then he asks "What is Vettel Challenge?". I say "It's a challenge in the Special Events section." Then he asks "Why is it called Vettel?" Here I'm like WTF? I then ask him if he knows who Sebastian Vettel is. He didn't. I left the room.
I, most of the time, do not finish first online (either i get rammed from the track or lose controll of my car).

So i had a nice race on NS 24h layout, was first on the Döttinger Höhe and would have enough lead over the 2nd car to win. But guess what happend:

Right, the 2nd car shoot me with full speed from the track, while i was breaking infront of the LAST shicanes to enter the GP track again.

Penalty was activated....but the driver who crashed me won, cause i could not recover fast enough....bah i was pissed.
I, most of the time, do not finish first online (either i get rammed from the track or lose controll of my car).

So i had a nice race on NS 24h layout, was first on the Döttinger Höhe and would have enough lead over the 2nd car to win. But guess what happend:

Right, the 2nd car shoot me with full speed from the track, while i was breaking infront of the LAST shicanes to enter the GP track again.

Penalty was activated....but the driver who crashed me won, cause i could not recover fast enough....bah i was pissed.

It's public lounge. To be expected. But really, if I was in 3rd, I would have lol'ed XD
I was in a room titled "SUPER GT ONLY" and was timetrialing around Suzuka with the host, suddenly a guy entered the room and took his GT40 Race car and started to practice, when...
Host : " Take a super gt please"
Guy : "That's a GT car"
Host : "yes but it's not a Super GT"
Me : come on man, don't you know Super GT? Super GT is a Japanese racing class, take one of them, Honda NSX, Nissan GT-R, Supra..."
Me : "You don't understand... If you don't know super gt, you can google it"
Guy : "All of you are racist, thats it"
Me : "Oh god..."
Host : "Yes we are racist. Bye bye"

Host : "Yes we are racist. Bye bye"

That is the best response EVER.

While I was driving my '07 Mini, someone pulls up in a black M3 and refuses to go away. He would either stay in my rear view mirror, cut into my racing line, or PIT me. When I was PITted, I kept going, but this time, when he was behind me, I slammed on the brakes.

He left shortly after.

I was in a room titled "SUPER GT ONLY" and was timetrialing around Suzuka with the host, suddenly a guy entered the room and took his GT40 Race car and started to practice, when...
Host : " Take a super gt please"
Guy : "That's a GT car"
Host : "yes but it's not a Super GT"
Me : come on man, don't you know Super GT? Super GT is a Japanese racing class, take one of them, Honda NSX, Nissan GT-R, Supra..."
Me : "You don't understand... If you don't know super gt, you can google it"
Guy : "All of you are racist, thats it"
Me : "Oh god..."
Host : "Yes we are racist. Bye bye"


I wanna be in a lobby with you 2...
I was in a lobby the other day, restricted to 420PP and it was lots of fun, everyone was clean I was there for a good three hours or so. However, one of the races was held on Eiger and someone joined in a little BMW 1 series and rammed everyone into the first corner after the jump, and that caused me and a few others to finish terribly and he beat most of us. After the race, I said "wow that was terrible" and the host responded and said on his mic "who was driving the BMW?", the guy that was driving the BMW replied in using text and said "I was", two seconds later, he was kicked instantly and the host laughed and said, "how hard is it to stay clean?"
Don't you hate it when people force you to go below the yellow line, and then complain that you went below the yellow line?

Last night I'm overtaking this guy on the inside absolutely fair and square, no way should I or am I going to back out. Guy proceeds to literally shove me below the yellow line, then has the bollo*ks after the race to tell me that I should learn to drive and not go below the yellow line! He then lobbies host to get me kicked, which I was.

When I was PITted, I kept going, but this time, when he was behind me, I slammed on the brakes.

He left shortly after.


This is what I do on Daytona when someone's trying to ram me. Stay on the straight, then when they're right in your slipstream, violently turn left or right and slam on the brakes. They go flying past you and end up smashing into the wall. Whereas you just casually drive off. Makes me chuckle every time it happens :lol:
Ironically enough, he was once a member here on GTP, until the mods essentially grew tired of his attitude and sent him packing. It's good to know he's still making friends in his own unique sort of way.

However, that said...

One thing you have to accept otakukid96, is that when you enter a lobby, you play by the host's rules. Yes you can ask him to change settings, fair enough, but very often the host... (has it that way FOR A REASON)

Yeah well i got ever so kindly warned for putting his name in my post(& for apparently using sloppy grammer:dopey:, if I do then everyone on GTP should get that warning), so they(mods) must not have hated him the way l do.. :nervous: Or they have it out for me?💡

But in another incident, a hopeless idiot came into a (full)Street car lounge l was running yesterday, and after a race where he fell into the bottom 1/4 of the pack, proceeded to start begging me to turn off aides. :yuck: Well the room had been up for 3 or 4 hrs & no one had complained til him, l said when he beats me or the other guy in there, who had been winning, l would gladly turn them off. He got last on the next race and left right before l could boot him. He then messages me proclaiming he ALWAYS wins in his lobbies where aids(<- how he spelled it) are always off(<- because only PROs use no Aides right). Just a pet peeve of mine when someone who's earn 0 respect from me comes into MY lounge and trys to direct me how to run it better. Needless to say he's the newest member to my "Block List"👍
I just don't enter rooms that have them turned on...he should do the same. It's a different experience racing against guys that can use skid recovery and the driving line. Even if you run a perfect line, the guy behind you pulls some whacky line out of his @ss and passes you on the outside. I see his point...but its not worth the time messaging someone when their room isn't set up how you like it.
I just don't enter rooms that have them turned on...he should do the same. It's a different experience racing against guys that can use skid recovery and the driving line. Even if you run a perfect line, the guy behind you pulls some whacky line out of his @ss and passes you on the outside. I see his point...but its not worth the time messaging someone when their room isn't set up how you like it.

Exactly, thank you very much chuyler1:tup:.. pretty sure PD made it easy for all you Elitest:tdown: out there to find a room with aides(srf anyway) off... for those of us who prefer a little faster pace, later braking, more G-force turning, higher HP & overall faster lap times, we still have to battle(through the muck) to find or create a room to our fitting. I do however frown upon people who STiLL use the driving line, as it is obvioulsy not the fastest or best line or way to check for a braking point. ASM and active steering are definitely pointless for all regular races, although i will admit active steering on mild no doubtedly helped me beat the Eiger Norwand 8C Grand tour Hotlap.
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I was in a room titled "SUPER GT ONLY" and was timetrialing around Suzuka with the host, suddenly a guy entered the room and took his GT40 Race car and started to practice, when...
Host : " Take a super gt please"
Guy : "That's a GT car"
Host : "yes but it's not a Super GT"
Me : come on man, don't you know Super GT? Super GT is a Japanese racing class, take one of them, Honda NSX, Nissan GT-R, Supra..."
Me : "You don't understand... If you don't know super gt, you can google it"
Guy : "All of you are racist, thats it"
Me : "Oh god..."
Host : "Yes we are racist. Bye bye"


What a numpty!:lol::lol::lol:
I was in a room with my GT by Citroën Concept and all of a sudden all the drivers where in skylines and GTR's and when the host started the race, I was the first one off the line and once they cached up with me they all started ramming my and crashing into me. And teasing me because my car was electric -_- haters gunna hate
Usually happens in drift events, like at Tsukuba. Everyone's drifting, minding no one's business when two idiots in X2010's come in the opposite direction to smash out everyone, then some people get pissed off and get their Dodge Rams to get at them. In the end, within half and hour, everyone starts to ram each other and no one's drifting at all.

Terribly annoying. :indiff:
What is annoying is the fact that if you join an American room, everyone is American, if you join an European lounge, everyone is from different places.
One time I was in a room and every time this one guy lost he would go "Get that ****ing *insert car name here* outta here!" The host got fed up with him and told him to stop. He then threatened to hack the host's psn. Host responded "Do it you ****ing p***y" and kicked him. Immediately after we all started talking about how much of a female dog he was.