Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
What is annoying is the fact that if you join an American room, everyone is American, if you join an European lounge, everyone is from different places.

What's annoying about that? The US is just one big place with a lot of people. Europe has so many different countries. Kind of beautiful to play a game with someone from France, a Brit, a German, an Italian, a Spanish, a Russian, you name it.

I really don't get your anger over that.
What's annoying about that? The US is just one big place with a lot of people. Europe has so many different countries. Kind of beautiful to play a game with someone from France, a Brit, a German, an Italian, a Spanish, a Russian, you name it.

I really don't get your anger over that.

I mean, Americans seem to stick together and throw you out when someone from a different country joins.
I mean, Americans seem to stick together and throw you out when someone from a different country joins.

Hehe, one time, a room full of Americans let me stay, claiming they'd trash me. Guess who one by 5 seconds? With a DS3? Against 8 wheel using Americans. It wasn't me unfortunately. Came 2nd :P
The USB keyboard is a wonderful thing, I use mine to keep up a flow of perfectly coherent and well-worded comments and complaints at all the crap online, rather than try complaining on mic and getting nothing but 'lol ur a girl n00b, boobs' and all that...

Too bad that it censors well-worded words like engine and such.
And that GT5 is the only game that I've played that needs TWO keys pressed until it starts typing.

If you press lets say the letter "H" it will just activate the chat while other games like Little Big Planet actually already activated it AND put the H in the chat window that came up.

I actually find it annoying to join a room in EU since people in EU ain't that happy about using English, nor can they speak it very well.

I don't have English as my native language but damn well I'll use it online since everyone understands (SHOULD AT LEAST) English.
I don't think people from USA will be so happy about a person speaking some suicide bomb language in their room with a microphone during a 20 lap race that you just don't want to leave just so you can mute that son of a "HORN 047"...
Too bad that it censors well-worded words like engine and such.
And that GT5 is the only game that I've played that needs TWO keys pressed until it starts typing.

If you press lets say the letter "H" it will just activate the chat while other games like Little Big Planet actually already activated it AND put the H in the chat window that came up.

I actually find it annoying to join a room in EU since people in EU ain't that happy about using English, nor can they speak it very well.

I don't have English as my native language but damn well I'll use it online since everyone understands (SHOULD AT LEAST) English.
I don't think people from USA will be so happy about a person speaking some suicide bomb language in their room with a microphone during a 20 lap race that you just don't want to leave just so you can mute that son of a "HORN 047"...

Alot of countrys over here speak english as our main language like here in ireland and england,scotland,whales,and parts of spain and france
I mean, Americans seem to stick together and throw you out when someone from a different country joins.
Dude, you're going to the wrong rooms.

I've been in plenty of US rooms where I've been the only non-US person there. As long as you don't draw attention to yourself, they usually leave you alone.

However, in one instance I accidentally wiped out the host in a race. That didn't do me any favours in my attempt to keep a low profile :lol:
Well, I've had another one.

Someone (whose name I cannot say) was using the page break trick to chat (text? message? \_(°_O)_/ )both very offensive things & to frame people, using their PSN to fake a chat message with very offensive things on them. I was replying "We know it's fake. Stop", etc.

Eventually he faked one Like this:

alex17 97
I 🤬🤬🤬🤬
(Yes, it was THAT bad.)


I remembered my own trick, that in the lobby menu (Where you select your car) You can see the name of the person who originally typed it out. I found his PSN, blocked it, and typed my last response in that room:

"Not enough page breaks. You're busted, [Insert name here]"

I left, happy that he didn't get away with it.


Does anyone have a free run GTP room?
I mean, Americans seem to stick together and throw you out when someone from a different country joins.

Oh ok, sorry man, I got your post completely the wrong way. My bad :cheers:

But I've had that too, the worst are, and I'm ashamed to say this, my fellow countrymen, the French. They kick me even before I can tell them that I am french, but my "flag" is from Germany as I live there. Have had that happen at least 6 times, and only the very first one had "french only" in its title. It's a shame because the few french rooms that let me stay were quite nice.

The greatest rooms I've been in were german and british rooms (kudos to "highlandor" on that one, I've seen he's a user here). Can't say much about others because of the time difference.
I don't get whyy so many set up rooms with no dri9ving aids allowed. Just about anycar over 300hp becomes undriveable without these aids. Its just a game people, no need to make so realistic that it becomes about unplayable. If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids fine, turn them off on your car but don't impose your preferences on everyone else in the room. If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids, then you surely won't mind opponents having the aids turned on-afterall if you're good to drive competitivley without them then you should not be at a disadvantage and those with aids on won't be getting an unfair advantage.

In one race it was just the 2 of us in the race, aids off, I went to accelerate lightly and the car spun out and my oppoent took an unassailable lead. I was so annoyed by this (and it wouldn't have happened if I had been allowed to use the aids) that I left the room leaving my opponent to race himself and receive no money or XP for his "victory". I Decided that he needed to be punished for his stupid driving aids restriction
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Just because you can't drive a car with no aids doesn't mean everyone else can't and those rooms setup like that are for those drivers. I know of plenty of people who can absolutely school me and they drive with no aids.
If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids fine, turn them off on your car but don't impose your preferences on everyone else in the room. If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids, then you surely won't mind opponents having the aids turned on-afterall if you're good to drive competitivley without them then you should not be at a disadvantage and those with aids on won't be getting an unfair advantage.
Some people like to filter out not so skilled drivers to make things more competitive for them. Last time I went on there were more rooms than I could count... if you like driving with aids then find a room that allows them or better yet create your own.

In one race it was just the 2 of us in the race, aids off, I went to accelerate lightly and the car spun out and my oppoent took an unassailable lead. I was so annoyed by this (and it wouldn't have happened if I had been allowed to use the aids) that I left the room leaving my opponent to race himself and receive no money or XP for his "victory". I Decided that he needed to be punished for his stupid driving aids restriction
I'm glad I wasn't that guy... :rolleyes:
[Some people like to filter out not so skilled drivers to make things more competitive for them. Last time I went on there were more rooms than I could count... if you like driving with aids then find a room that allows them or better yet create your own./QUOTE]

Well if it stated whether or not aids were allowed when you highlighted a race on the list t then this would be a good point. Instead youjust get the name of the room, and the PP limit and maybe the tire setting or hp limit and thats it. So you have to go into the room, wait for the eternity it takes to load, only to find out once you're in that there are no aids allowed, so then you have to decide "do I leave for another room or do I make an attempt at this particular race". allowing people the option of whether or not they use aids IS the fairest way and it ensures that things are more competitive as it allows drivers to use the settings that are best for them and that allow them to be at their most competitive

Just because you can't drive a car with no aids doesn't mean everyone else can't and those rooms setup like that are for those drivers. I know of plenty of people who can absolutely school me and they drive with no aids.

You have missed the point completely McFly, if those drivers you speak of are so great then they shouldn't feel so threatened by drivers who use aids to the point where drivers using aids need to be excluded or are they just "chicken" McFly?
McFly? Yeah righto hero...

What if, just maybe what if (new concept so prepare yourself) they don't want to race against people who use aids? Did your mind explode? I think mine did :dunce:
Especially when racing longer distances there is a distinctive difference for driving with the aids on or off when tire wear and mental wear come in to play. Also it's the host's call to set the rules of the room. If you want to race with aids on then host a room where they are allowed.
I don't get whyy so many set up rooms with no dri9ving aids allowed. Just about anycar over 300hp becomes undriveable without these aids. Its just a game people, no need to make so realistic that it becomes about unplayable. If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids fine, turn them off on your car but don't impose your preferences on everyone else in the room. If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids, then you surely won't mind opponents having the aids turned on-afterall if you're good to drive competitivley without them then you should not be at a disadvantage and those with aids on won't be getting an unfair advantage.

My 705hp, 1300kg Camaro runs nicely without aids as does my 800hp Zonda R, and my 1030hp Viper. I fail to see what your problem is? Have you ever thought you cant drive? I just think you need to learn to drive.

And with Aids on, the Aid users have more grip/speed both midcorner and exits of corners making it an unfair advantage.
I love it when Europeans join my rooms. They're typically pretty clean and follow the rules (cept for Spaniards).

Let's not point at countries but... Yes, I COMPLETELY agree.
People whine about US drivers being bad, heck I'd choose a US driver any day over a French/Spanish/Italian driver (Unless they are in my friend list because I do have Friends from all those I said and they stand out from those stupid drivers.
Gems are hard to find, but when you do find them, keep them.👍
My 705hp, 1300kg Camaro runs nicely without aids as does my 800hp Zonda R, and my 1030hp Viper. I fail to see what your problem is? Have you ever thought you cant drive? I just think you need to learn to drive.

And with Aids on, the Aid users have more grip/speed both midcorner and exits of corners making it an unfair advantage.

Well……sort of, SRF does do that, but TC, active steering and all the others will, if anything, slow you down. But I do agree with you, it ain't everyone else fault that you can't drive fast with your chosen car.

@MeToo, 'Just about any car with over 300hp becomes undriveable without these aids'? So can you explain how a friend of mine could get a 730hp Yellowbird around a track online (without using aids) without it biting him in the backside? In fact, can you explain how me and my noobish DS3 skills got an X1 around La Sarthe while swerving between Veyrons and Volvos without any aids?

Sometimes, its not the car or anyone else fault, it's yours. Learn to control your urges, that's what made you lose the race in your example, not the restrictions.
@MeToo, 'Just about any car with over 300hp becomes undriveable without these aids'? So can you explain how a friend of mine could get a 730hp Yellowbird around a track online (without using aids) without it biting him in the backside? In fact, can you explain how me and my noobish DS3 skills got an X1 around La Sarthe while swerving between Veyrons and Volvos without any aids?

Sometimes, its not the car or anyone else fault, it's yours. Learn to control your urges, that's what made you lose the race in your example, not the restrictions.

All of this. And, MeToo, how do you explain me piloting a Zonda R with 800hp in 1070kg around the nurburgring in 6:13.xxx? Only Aid was Abs@1. Please explain as I would really love to know.
This is the reason the game should've had a 16+ instead of 3+ on the age requirements.:yuck:

NOOO!! Then I can't playyyy!!! I'm only 14!!! And I never go backwards on a track 👍
Just about anycar over 300hp becomes undriveable without these aids.
Its just a game people, no need to make so realistic that it becomes about unplayable.
1. If you don't like the rules host has set, just leave.
2. Unplayable? LOL Try the RUF CTR "Yellowbird" '87 with no aides, you will discover a new meaning of "unplayable" ;)
If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids fine, turn them off on your car but don't impose your preferences on everyone else in the room.
Again, in my room I set the rules I want. I usually don't change rule neither if someone ask me to do that. Don't you like the rules? Leave the room or create your own where you decide the rules.
If you're such a good driver that you don't need the aids, then you surely won't mind opponents having the aids turned on-afterall if you're good to drive competitivley without them then you should not be at a disadvantage and those with aids on won't be getting an unfair advantage.
I usually allow TC only in my rooms, because it slows you, so if you want to use it, use it, who cares. Driving line is for lazy people in my opinion, and I don't allow it because people that knows the racing line by heart must be rewarded in some way compared to who don't knows it.

I Decided that he needed to be punished for his stupid driving aids restriction

Well done! He can live even without that 6.000 Cr and 4000 Exp points ;)
All of this. And, MeToo, how do you explain me piloting a Zonda R with 800hp in 1070kg around the nurburgring in 6:13.xxx? Only Aid was Abs@1. Please explain as I would really love to know.

Excellent point, made in the most humble way! The only possible explanation is you are ridiculously wonderfully talented. 👍
All of this. And, MeToo, how do you explain me piloting a Zonda R with 800hp in 1070kg around the nurburgring in 6:13.xxx? Only Aid was Abs@1. Please explain as I would really love to know

1.Obviously you must be a bloody good driver, Praise you and Praise Jebus, but I don't really have to explain that. If you did that without aids then clearly you're a good enough driver that those using aids shouldn't be seen as much of a threat to you. What are those driving without aids so afraid of? With aids you actually get less speed in the corners but in return you get more stability.

Again, in my room I set the rules I want. I usually don't change rule neither if someone ask me to do that. Don't you like the rules? Leave the room or create your own where you decide the rules.

Why not just let people have the choice whether they want aids or not? What have you got against letting people choose. Jesus.W.Christ on a rumble strip, some driver better with aids, some drive better without them. By allowing aids you let people choose the set ups that they feel most comfortable with and allow them to be more competitive not less. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

As I explained earlier, the point about only joining rooms that allow aids is only valid if it stated whether or not aids were allowed when you highlighted a race on the list. Instead youjust get the name of the room, and the PP limit and maybe the tire setting or hp limit and thats it. I am sick of going into rooms after the long loading times only to find there are no aids allowed, how hard is to put "No aids" in the title or for PD to add a feature where you highlight the race and it tells ALL of the regulations?
Wow, just wow.
Dude, if you don't like the rules you can get out.
I don't see what's the deal.
"Once I joined a room, I didn't like the cars the host said we have to use (GT500). There were only 2 of us so I left when the race started. Ha ha! I had shown him. *grabs the end of his moustache in a dastardly way*"

Just an example.