Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
1.Obviously you must be a bloody good driver, Praise you and Praise Jebus, but I don't really have to explain that. If you did that without aids then clearly you're a good enough driver that those using aids shouldn't be seen as much of a threat to you. What are those driving without aids so afraid of? With aids you actually get less speed in the corners but in return you get more stability.

Why not just let people have the choice whether they want aids or not? What have you got against letting people choose. Jesus.W.Christ on a rumble strip, some driver better with aids, some drive better without them. By allowing aids you let people choose the set ups that they feel most comfortable with and allow them to be more competitive not less. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

As I explained earlier, the point about only joining rooms that allow aids is only valid if it stated whether or not aids were allowed when you highlighted a race on the list. Instead youjust get the name of the room, and the PP limit and maybe the tire setting or hp limit and thats it. I am sick of going into rooms after the long loading times only to find there are no aids allowed, how hard is to put "No aids" in the title or for PD to add a feature where you highlight the race and it tells ALL of the regulations?

It might be nice if people would declare it in the title, but that's up to them. Not likely to convince anybody to do so with this approach anyway.

People make rooms the way they want. Not their fault that PD doesn't let you see all the options they have set. Not their fault PD only allows a tiny description to be entered. Not their fault you don't want to leave the room when you decide you don't like those options.

No different from joining a room and finding it full of 8 year olds swearing like sailors while all trying to break out of the map with their X-1s despite the room title being "street only sh only clean only 500pp." You can whine or you can leave, it doesn't take that long. Whining actually tends to take longer.

Just because you think it takes some kind of superhuman talent to drive without aids doesn't mean it does, anyway. It just takes the desire to practice enough to learn to do it. For someone used to driving without, it's pretty hard to learn how to drive to the maximum with them.
1.Obviously you must be a bloody good driver, Praise you and Praise Jebus, but I don't really have to explain that. If you did that without aids then clearly you're a good enough driver that those using aids shouldn't be seen as much of a threat to you. What are those driving without aids so afraid of? With aids you actually get less speed in the corners but in return you get more stability.

With Tyre wear on, Aids users have the upper hand. As TC prevents them from wheelspinning excessivly, the use less tyre. Longer races, as drivers begin to get stressed and make more mistakes, Aids reduce the effects of these mistakes. You may get less speed, but you get so much more stability its unfair. Therefore, I find them a threat, as I mostly go for racing rooms with tyre wear on. If aids were allowed in the room, you would find the Aid users would be fairing much better than the non aid users in terms of tyre wear.
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1.Obviously you must be a bloody good driver, Praise you and Praise Jebus, but I don't really have to explain that. If you did that without aids then clearly you're a good enough driver that those using aids shouldn't be seen as much of a threat to you. What are those driving without aids so afraid of? With aids you actually get less speed in the corners but in return you get more stability.

Why not just let people have the choice whether they want aids or not? What have you got against letting people choose. Jesus.W.Christ on a rumble strip, some driver better with aids, some drive better without them. By allowing aids you let people choose the set ups that they feel most comfortable with and allow them to be more competitive not less. Why is this so hard for people to understand?

As I explained earlier, the point about only joining rooms that allow aids is only valid if it stated whether or not aids were allowed when you highlighted a race on the list. Instead youjust get the name of the room, and the PP limit and maybe the tire setting or hp limit and thats it. I am sick of going into rooms after the long loading times only to find there are no aids allowed, how hard is to put "No aids" in the title or for PD to add a feature where you highlight the race and it tells ALL of the regulations?

First, are you using a wheel o a controller? Second, wich aid are you using? And third, I can understand that you want "NO AIDES" stated in the title of the room, but it's not player's fault, but PD fault, so I don't understand all of this anger against us that drives without aides. And finally (take it as an advise) learn to drive without aides, you will discover a totally different game, trust me. I drive without aides since the game was released, and If i can do that, everyone can do, if they want ;)
I made a clean racing room and 70% of the drivers were driving in the wrong direction

Was this the same race we were running (dtm vs gt500 at the nordschleife), where some players didn't use either dtm or gt500 cars? If it was, I remember some guy in a Range Rover Stormer concept that drove in the wrong direction and parked across the track prior to the long straight of the Nordschleife:grumpy:
a few days ago I was in an online lobby on SSR7. People had supercars and modified muscle cars and stuff like that out. I took out my Fully tuned R34 Skyline, and the host says, "CPR, No GT-R or I will kick you." So I put it back and got out my FT565 Audi TT, and I see the host is in an R35 GT-R! Then he starts the race, and I am in 1st. Then some guy in an Evo X passes me, and I try to pass in the tunnel. Whenever I tried, he would ram me into the 🤬 wall, and I would get a penalty! God it was so annoying!
I actually laughed at the above anecdote, the internet is where horrible people are, I accidently rear ended some guy last night and put him in the wall at SSR5 - I was laughing all the way to the finish line, he called me a nasty rammer, I cried a little.

You were laughing when you 'accidentally' hit him? What's the matter with you man? Didn't sound like much of an accident to me if you found humor in it.
And there I was saying US folks are pretty accommodating to overseas players :lol:

US-only room got really smarmy over my joining the lobby. Seriously, if you're a US only room, put it in the title.

This game needs flags on the Member List so you can see what people come from which country before you enter. Or even better, they should take the flags away and replace it with ping times. I guess US stick together for fear of overseas players bringing in a lot of lag. Not a problem for me, my ping times are really good.

I think I'm going to tweet that to Kaz: less flags, more ping times.
I've experienced the same as most other serious GT5 players. You enter a lobby, get yourself a car. Drive to get to 3rd-2nd position. And then finally, by clean and nice driving, you reach 1st. And then, 3 seconds later, someone rear-ends you at 310 km/h entering the first corner of the last lap on *insert track name here*...
Nothing special, same as everyone else. Sadly.
Or even better, they should take the flags away and replace it with ping times. I guess US stick together for fear of overseas players bringing in a lot of lag.

I was the only non USA player in a NASCAR room, everyone playing fine with no lag, then another USA player enters and starts complaining there was lag, so guess who the host kicked. :indiff:

Surely Americans know that any lag they experience is due to everything they see, do, or play online being routed thru the NSA servers under Fort Meade in Maryland, and NOT due to overseas players with good internet connections. :sly:
When someone tried my very difficult racetrack in a formula gt which is a bad choice because of the stiff suspension, and proceeded to overrun EVERY corner and said at the end. "Sorry kid track sucks" he went out for one lap.
Ok yesterday i was racing dirty nascar with a friend. We just joined and so did this other guy. The other guy took out his civic and started racing. The host was unhappy and told him to switch to a nascar. He said that he wasnt sure what a nascar was. So the host said to go to his garage , then recomended, then to look for something that says a number and a name. But then the other guy said that he dosnt know what a garage is. They ended up having a 20 minute conversation before they realized that he didnt have a nascar and then was kicked. Tell me that isnt the dumbest thing ever.
Displaying ping times, like every other online game, would be great. If they did that, you'd be able to analyze the situation from the lobby instead of finding out on the first few turns that someone is lagging badly and punting cars left and right through no fault of their own.
Ok yesterday i was racing dirty nascar with a friend. We just joined and so did this other guy. The other guy took out his civic and started racing. The host was unhappy and told him to switch to a nascar. He said that he wasnt sure what a nascar was. So the host said to go to his garage , then recomended, then to look for something that says a number and a name. But then the other guy said that he dosnt know what a garage is. They ended up having a 20 minute conversation before they realized that he didnt have a nascar and then was kicked. Tell me that isnt the dumbest thing ever.

The lobby we were in? Lol
I got kicked out last night for no apparent reason.

The room was restricted to cars with 394bhp or less with at least 1,000 or 1,100 kgs weight.. so I selected my modified Golf GTi and as soon as I get to the menu where the cars parked in the pits BAM I get kicked.

And another American Nascar room full of inconsiderate wasteland rejects I was in I got kicked again for no good reason. I'm there, I got PITed, I waited til they all passed me then I went out on the track on the low side, look behind me to see a car approaching far away thinking yeah, he can use the high side of the corner but no no no.. just be a typical stubborn person and smash into me. So I typed in "Geez, look out!" and BAM I get kicked.

Another one (This is the same night by the way) I entered a room which stated UK Laws or something 90 km/h speed limit, and it had "cops" so I got a Suzuki Swift, I'm heading up the hill after the first corner on Monaco and this car although done up fully still aint that fast, I'm doing 50 with a cop behind me, so I gunned it and he starts beeping and ramming me and I never even got to 85 never mind 90, then he tries to cut me off and block me, but I went around him and thought stuff you, and went on my merry way (okay yes by this point I was speeding a bit) and he tried chasing me but crashed :lol: then I get around a corner, just before the tunnel and stopped. There I was kicked.

Now fair enough if I had have just gone mental straight away but this fool chased me and tried ramming me when I hadn't even done anything wrong, if you do that.. then of course I intend to do the wrong thing just to annoy you. Not sure he'd make a very good cop in real life, especially considering his R34 Skyline couldn't even catch a purple Swift. ;)
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I dont normally get off on moaning but last night i got really wound up by people not respecting my right to make a lobby how i see fit. I like to make a friends only lobby in the main online section instead of making a lounge purely so friends of my friends can join. I clearly state in the title that it is friends only yet still people decide they will just join anyway, as i see them come in i will just kick them out if they are not known to me or any of my friends. This then just starts everyone who has been kicked to start sending me whinging and whining messages about being kicked, why can these people just not read the lobby title and respect it ?? If they really feel the need to join why then moan and report me for booting them ?? If you see a lobby titled friends only it has probably been done for very good reasons which do not need explaining to every gt5 user in the world, just respect the hosts wishes and join one of the other thousands of lobbies that are open to everyone. Sorry rant over, just had to get that off my chest.
Hello Duncs. I think I remember you from my Supercar Challenge / Ferrari Challenge days. :)

While I generally agree that the host of a lobby should be allowed to set up the lobby as he or she sees fit and shouldn't have to suffer endless requests (or demands) to change this option or that option, I really don't think it's fair to discriminate against entry. If you really want to race your friends only, it would make more sense to do it in a private lounge and simply send friend requests to anybody not on your list, or have them send one to you. Using the community feature, it's easy for 'friends of friends' to click on their icon and see where they're racing and it's a matter of a few seconds to send and accept a friend request.

If you open a public room it stands to reason that there are no actual restrictions for entry and putting 'friends only' in the title is probably not sufficient.

I do understand what you're trying to do and I realize it can be cumbersome due to the 100 friend limit on the PSN. But there's a reason for private lobbies.
Hi JJ, yes i remember that name from FC days :) This is everything to do with the 100 friend limit, i have 100 that i do not want to delete so cannot add any more so if i make a lounge any friends of friends cant enter and the only way around this is to make a public lobby. The only way to then make my lobby intensions clear is to put up 'friends only' in the title which to me if i was hunting for a public lobby and came accross i would just ignor and move onto the next lobby in the list. If i had any other method of doing this i would but there is no way given by PD so my hands are tied. Im just asking for some common sense to be used and for people to read lobby titles as they are generally there for a reason. Why join my friends only lobby when you have so much choice out there from low pp to unrestriced racing its all there. (eg. i hate the x1 car and often see x1 lobbies so i dont join because i read the title, i dont just join and then expect the host to change everything to suit my needs). Not meaning to dig at you in any way, i see where you are coming from completely, im just putting in things from my side.
People don't read. They run down the list looking for specific restrictions and then jump in. I host specific themes almost nightly and when we're running vintage cars there is always some idiot that shows up and gets on the track in a late model NSX and blows away our best lap time. I generally just boot them since I'm not interested in racing with someone who doesn't take the effort to read. If they spam my inbox, so what. That's just their childish way of dealing with their own stupidity.
Not meaning to dig at you in any way, i see where you are coming from completely, im just putting in things from my side.

:) No offense considered. And I do understand. The 100 limit imposed by Sony can be a bit of a hassle. I've had to take a few people off the 'bottom' of my list from time to time and I always feel badly doing it.

I think three things would improve the situation:

1) Increase the friend limit to 150 or even 200.

2) Have an additional option--password protect a lobby. Simple. This could be done even with private lobbies where you may want to host a specific event.

3) Allow for a more detailed description of the lobby by clicking on it. Maybe 250 characters and give a list of which restrictions, if any, or enabled.
I was under the impression that you could follow a friend into a non-friend's private lounge by simply clicking "GT Life", "Community", select friend and when you see the little yellow icon next to the "Lounge" icon, select it and it will show you which server that friend is playing in. Then, just click "Join" and you are in.

I'm pretty sure I've followed my friends to other Private Lounges that way, unless I'm confused and they were actually in a public lounge that I followed them into, which could be the case, as I can be easily confused when my Navigator is Mr. Jack Daniels. ;)
Yes, you are confused. Only immediate friends can enter your private lobby. It has to be public to allow friends of friends.
Yes, you are confused. Only immediate friends can enter your private lobby. It has to be public to allow friends of friends.

Actually no, Friends of friends CAN join your private lounge. I my self have done it many a time. And each time it was indeed a private lounge.
I'm pretty sure you're wrong Nismo. It ONLY works if (1) the lounge is public or (2) they are also on your friend list. If this worked for you, it was one of the two circumstances above or it was some sort of anomaly or it was something PD changed after the last 1.10 update that I wasn't aware of. I can think of multiple instances where we tried this and it wouldn't work.
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Hmm, OK. I'll have to try again sometime and make note of where the destination lounge is located, as well as, whether the owner is also on my friend's list.

If it doesn't work, as people have stated above that is doesn't, I'm guessing that the owner might have also been on my friend's list in my past experiences, because it was definitely a private lounge.
Nope...won't work. It blocks you and says you don't have access. You were probably in a public lobby (check the upper left corner for a lobby number, private lobbies won't have one).
Sorry bud but that's the facts....I've had friends of my friends join my private lounge in the past, keyword being private.