Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
My story now!

Once upon a time, I entered an online free run server on the Top Gear test track. Mistake number one. I'm running around the track (rather then dragging) with 3 other guys and the other 12 are drag racing. Some have mics, I don't have mine on. The host's cousin joins the room. This kid had a mic on, and was being quite the 🤬. He jumped on the track in his little X1 and hunted down anyone who wasn't drag racing. He hit me and the other drivers (more joined us). We complain to the host and two of "our" guys have mics. We're argueing and then he decides to kick us for harassing his cousin. Bull:censored:. Room title: Clean Free Run/Drag. I couldn't imagine anything worse then that happening.

Story 2:

Some of you probably do this too. You know when some idiot going around ramming people and such comes to you, and you pause to become "ghost" car. Thus idiot driver misses. Here's what happened; I jump in on a Nordscheife free run room, a guy in a white Murcheilago (mispelt?) is ramming everyone and anyone who comes out of the pits. Once I exit he's already bumping around some poor guy and he escapes. I'm just sitting there with my handbrake on waiting for it to end. Then he turns his attention to me. I did the obvious, pause so he goes through. He yells at me to his heart's content and eventually gets booted by the host. Luckily he wasn't the host. that made my day. But the things he said, did make it a terrible experience. 👎
Bobert power
Wow the first story, that guy might be stupid. :lol:

Is probably that "guy" who you made rage quit 3 times. Can't say his name because one of the mods won't hop off me.

My story for today: Today I was in a Le mans room and the title said clean racing @ Sarthe. There were 3 other people who I won't name because of a certain mod <_<, but I entered with my 787B. Race starts and I'm in the front. As soon as I get to the turn I get shunted pretty fast. I didn't get any damage so I kept going. First chicane pops up, and I get shunted again. then the second chicane this guy hits me full force and I get a ton of damage. 2 people pass me as I wait for the middle damage to go away. Fast forward to the Ford curves, and some other guy cuts the curves, rams me, and forces me to get last place. I'm about to rage quit GT5 for good if this crap doesn't stop.
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Worst I ever had. In one of these 'English road laws' things some guy with a Yellow McLaren F1 kept ramming my 22B-STI because he was (Probably in his imagination) a 'Cop'. When I asked him why he was doing it I got a load of :censored:ing over the fact that my car was '9@Y'and that, apparently, you couldn't get it and thus gave him the thought that I was a 'HAXX3R N00B'
What's worse, he was the host and kicked me and sent me PMs saying how he "Knew my email" and that he was "Going to burn my house down" Oh And his PSN was "SpongebobRocks(Random numbers here)"
Worst I ever had. In one of these 'English road laws' things some guy with a Yellow McLaren F1 kept ramming my 22B-STI because he was (Probably in his imagination) a 'Cop'. When I asked him why he was doing it I got a load of :censored:ing over the fact that my car was '9@Y'and that, apparently, you couldn't get it and thus gave him the thought that I was a 'HAXX3R N00B'
What's worse, he was the host and kicked me and sent me PMs saying how he "Knew my email" and that he was "Going to burn my house down" Oh And his PSN was "SpongebobRocks(Random numbers here)"

^Lmfao at name. I know it was an 8 year old just by looking at the name^
Worst I ever had. In one of these 'English road laws' things some guy with a Yellow McLaren F1 kept ramming my 22B-STI because he was (Probably in his imagination) a 'Cop'. When I asked him why he was doing it I got a load of :censored:ing over the fact that my car was '9@Y'and that, apparently, you couldn't get it and thus gave him the thought that I was a 'HAXX3R N00B'
What's worse, he was the host and kicked me and sent me PMs saying how he "Knew my email" and that he was "Going to burn my house down" Oh And his PSN was "SpongebobRocks(Random numbers here)"

:lol: oh my..

This thread is my favorite at the moment. About the 22B STi and him ramming it, that's the reason I don't take collector's items online.
What's worse, he was the host and kicked me and sent me PMs saying how he "Knew my email" and that he was "Going to burn my house down" Oh And his PSN was "SpongebobRocks(Random numbers here)"
If he was threatening you with malicious activities you should report him through the PSN.

I was in a lobby yesterday with mainly English and Australians and a couple of French, and one American guy came in with a headset and troll'd the whole room. The host was a French guy who didn't speak English unfortunately so didnt know what this guy was on about. He turned on me and started saying bad stuff about Ireland, so I started calling him a noob when he was complaining that the tyre limit was sport hard and the HP was only 350.

On to the race and he was an absolutely terrible driver, he had bashed his way up to first after starting 3rd and started bragging and then cut the corner at the esses that followed(we were on the nordschliefe), he was bragging quite a lot at that stage. I had made my way up to 2nd behind him at that stage because the people in the room weren't the fastest (they were clean however), I was right on the back of him and said that he was slow, he went really mad at me and started getting aggressive to go faster. I said "I bet I can just wait until you crash off and overtake you then, I don't need to risk being rammed by you" he shouted "BS" (the full word, not the initials), we got to the fast turn before the hairpin (sorry, forgot names) and he ran wide and straight off. I started laughing in the mic and he got pissed off, he was swearing at other drivers for the rest of the race and must of caused collisions, because he was kicked afterwards.

Still, funny when he went off.:lol:
...as a few have shown they're fine with letting their tempers get the best of them, and others have no problems fanning the growing flames, this gets shut down for a while.

Here's a hint, folks: if a thread gets closed, starting a new thread about the same thing, or dragging the discussion to another thread, won't help. Nor will mis-representing why that thread was closed in the first place.

It'll re-open shortly.
people who have a nascar lobby saying clean etc etc, you follow what they say, like everyone stay in the pits when they start race, whatever, then because your faster than they are while driving clean you get kicked mid race because someone had a crash infront of you, what gives.
Haven't seen a decent cop room in a very long time. Most of the ones i end up in are usually people driving on mt.Aso with no cops in sight.
At the moment, almost every server.

I get kicked from almost every server even though my driving and my cars all comply with the rules!

For example, I joined a "1/4 Honda FF drag" room yesterday, and used my tuned Honda LIFE STEP VAN '72. As soon as they saw the car they kicked me. It's an FF Honda, what gives? :grumpy: 👎
Last night, I went into a room called "Real Racing" on Trial Mountain. It was a 400hp limited race, so I used my relatively new NSX-R. The host of the race is driving a very quick Integra. It was the second lap of a 5 lapper, and he was trying to go up the inside of the second corner. Naturally, I leave him a car width and a bit on the inside to make the move. He decides to cut the corner, jumps and loses control when he hits the ground. Coming towards the end of the 3rd lap, he was trying again on the outside of the chicane with the mound to roll your car on. He was, at best, beside by 3 quarter panel, and still tries to make the move on what is essentially a one lane bit of track. He gets shunted into the wall, and I just manage to hold a spin from his car rebounding and hitting mine. After the race finished, we went out onto a free run, And I had changed to my esprit. Coming to the hairpin, he tries to go up the inside, but was a few metres short. I had started to spin and came down to the bottom of the banking, and he ran into me. He jumped on his horn, exited, and before I could do anything else was kicked.
If people want to find clean rooms, here's some advice on how to set your search settings:

SRF: Off
Race for Real
Not Nordschleife

And look for rooms that are over 60-70% full. That means people are sticking around, which often means it's a decent host. I did this from day 1, I very rarely run into decidely bad rooms.
I've noticed that whenever I drive now, other people are always riding my ass in bigger, more powerful cars. When the opportunity comes to pass me, they ignore it and keep tailgating me. Then, when a corner comes, I brake and downshift. Naturally, I'd expect them to do the same. Wrong! Instead, 9 times out of 10, the person behind me slams into my car's rear end, and depending on how quick I was going through the corner, I either hit the barrier slowly, or go hurling helplessly into the barrier, just to watch the guy who hit me, usually driving a Veyron or a GT-R, speed off nonchalantly. Fuuuuuuu!
Rant ended.
If people want to find clean rooms, here's some advice on how to set your search settings:

SRF: Off
Race for Real
Not Nordschleife

And look for rooms that are over 60-70% full. That means people are sticking around, which often means it's a decent host. I did this from day 1, I very rarely run into decidely bad rooms.


Im doing this from the beginning too and rarely end up in bad rooms.
try avoiding racing softs
helps a lot.
Why not go to Nordscheife? Fun track, I don't race online due to idiots not knowing what braking is, but why not go there? Or did I just say the reason why?
Why not go to Nordscheife? Fun track, I don't race online due to idiots not knowing what braking is, but why not go there? Or did I just say the reason why?

Yeeeah, you kinda did. I have probably never run a public lobby race at the North Loop with more than 10 people without someone crashing or cutting a corner before Flugplatz.
I don't like 500PP races on those tracks either. To much variety in performance.

Some more things that just set me off...
On Nurburgring, I usually don't drive fast cars as other drivers don't know what to do when a faster driver is approaching so moving on to my slower cars. When a driver with a faster car comes up to me, he/she decides he wants to squeeze his way past me the best he can do. Never works. Trading paint then I end up in the barriers. My poor little cars, treated like dirt. :(

When driving a faster car, slower drivers decide they want to move out of the way so I can pass. Really hard as the turns keep winding and the driver keep shifting around. So unpredictable.

In a (usually accidental) group, slow car in front, me, faster car, guy hanging in the back with some race car. I wait until I see an opportunity to pass slower car while faster guy decides (probably saying "🤬 this!!") and (usually) slams me out of the way and flies by slow driver possibly knocking him around either by hitting him, or scaring him so that he swerves into the wall. Back round guy decides to follow jack:censored:'s path (again usually) the exact same way. Annoys the 🤬 out of me. They ruin my little TZ2. :(

Happens every time I enter a Nurburgring free run server.
You know something that bothers me in a way about the whole online thing is the fact parent's let children on it. I mean you can easily tell when there's a youngster in the lobby (if they have a mic) because their voice isn't broken, they sound about 8 or 9. Okay If I had child under the age of 12 or 13 I wouldn't let them online because when you're that young you don't grasp the meaning of Clean, Serious, No ramming, No stuffing about, at that age it's just a game, but for us mature players we wanna get on there and be serious about it and have some mature racing time.

I know it might be impossible or even sound unfair but there really should be age restrictions for online play. That would solve probably most of the problems people have online. I don't mean to be rude in saying this and I know it will annoy children reading this but, if there is any young kids reading this... seriously.. when you grow up and mature a bit you'll think back on this post and agree with me.
As unfair as it may be with the children, I think you are right on that. I myself isn't 'old', I'm 14, but I do at least try to drive clean. But I wish there would be a solution to it, but what should you do?
You know something that bothers me in a way about the whole online thing is the fact parent's let children on it. I mean you can easily tell when there's a youngster in the lobby (if they have a mic) because their voice isn't broken, they sound about 8 or 9. Okay If I had child under the age of 12 or 13 I wouldn't let them online because when you're that young you don't grasp the meaning of Clean, Serious, No ramming, No stuffing about, at that age it's just a game, but for us mature players we wanna get on there and be serious about it and have some mature racing time.

I know it might be impossible or even sound unfair but there really should be age restrictions for online play. That would solve probably most of the problems people have online. I don't mean to be rude in saying this and I know it will annoy children reading this but, if there is any young kids reading this... seriously.. when you grow up and mature a bit you'll think back on this post and agree with me.

Problem: majority of the young ones BS their age so how would this work?

Edit: I Just reread the
I know it might be impossible
bit. Not so much impossible but easily fooled.
Have I been in a lobby with you some time? Encountered exactly the same thing, and in the same kind of type, some guy in a DTM only room goes around in an R8 crashing at every corner and then standing in the middle of the road when approaching the final corner... Guess what happens. :P
You know something that bothers me in a way about the whole online thing is the fact parent's let children on it. I mean you can easily tell when there's a youngster in the lobby (if they have a mic) because their voice isn't broken, they sound about 8 or 9. Okay If I had child under the age of 12 or 13 I wouldn't let them online because when you're that young you don't grasp the meaning of Clean, Serious, No ramming, No stuffing about, at that age it's just a game, but for us mature players we wanna get on there and be serious about it and have some mature racing time.

I know it might be impossible or even sound unfair but there really should be age restrictions for online play. That would solve probably most of the problems people have online. I don't mean to be rude in saying this and I know it will annoy children reading this but, if there is any young kids reading this... seriously.. when you grow up and mature a bit you'll think back on this post and agree with me.

I get what you're saying but you have to understand that "mature" racers are in the minority here. They would never restrict a game like GT5. I'm willing to bet the demographics show that the majority of people who play the game are kids.
That and those useless racers that bring the wrong car to a SPECIFICALLY named room... When i host clearly stated " super gt/JGTC/DTM ONLY " , .. And if you dont know the class... Then why join the room?
Quote truncated

I have been sort of guilty of this. SORTOF.
Start gt5
Start looking for a room to race in.
Join room ( still in car from last session)
Now it looks like i came in the wrong car and will get yelled at or kicked.

Im still shakey sometimes when it comes to car classes so sometimes i do have the wrong car but will look to see what others are driving and choose that way.