Worst you've dealt with online...

  • Thread starter Tommy_861
This is why turn signals would be great to have. The approaching car has the lights to flash to let the car in front know that they want to pass, but the front car has nothing to signal back with. Turn signals would be great to say "I'll stick to the right side of the road, you can pass me on the left".

Worst I've dealt with online are the endless rows of "UK only" rooms. Absolutely pointless, there's no reason for a discrimination like that, not even network speed. My next door neighbour can have more lag than a guy in Hong Kong, the geographic location has next to nothing to do with it. So the only remaining reason must be that the host has some sort of neo-fascistic view of the world... not okay.

(If you're one of those hosts and you don't have that kind of view on the world, please take your time to write a line or two here to explain the reason behnd "UK only" rooms)

This I don't have a problem with. If someone sets up a room and puts a limitation in the description that he only wants people from a certain country that's fine with me. At least that way when I'm going through the list of lobbies I know not to join that room and it saves me a few minutes of time loading, getting kicked, and the searching again. If someone wants to race with their country mates or people that speak the same language as they do, that's their prerogative.
This is why turn signals would be great to have. The approaching car has the lights to flash to let the car in front know that they want to pass, but the front car has nothing to signal back with. Turn signals would be great to say "I'll stick to the right side of the road, you can pass me on the left".

Worst I've dealt with online are the endless rows of "UK only" rooms. Absolutely pointless, there's no reason for a discrimination like that, not even network speed. My next door neighbour can have more lag than a guy in Hong Kong, the geographic location has next to nothing to do with it. So the only remaining reason must be that the host has some sort of neo-fascistic view of the world... not okay.

(If you're one of those hosts and you don't have that kind of view on the world, please take your time to write a line or two here to explain the reason behnd "UK only" rooms)

Dangerously close to racism. Especially when spoken language is not an issue.
I've never had problems with people from the UK.

The group I race with, consists of many nationalities. I am German and there are people from UK, Norway, Sweden, Swiss and other countries and there was never any race specific issues and I never felt discriminated myself.
Absolutely pointless, there's no reason for a discrimination like that, not even network speed. My next door neighbour can have more lag than a guy in Hong Kong, the geographic location has next to nothing to do with it. So the only remaining reason must be that the host has some sort of neo-fascistic view of the world... not okay.

Or maybe they just don't know that network speed isn't directly related to distance from the host.
Worst ive delt with
1.Cutting Course and person saying "Not my fault the cars fault"
2.Someone acting like smartass
3. People Ramming
4. Pit Maneuver

I think thats it
Or maybe they just don't know that network speed isn't directly related to distance from the host.

I'm pretty sure ping speed is affected, though.

It also may be that he wants to speak to people who speak the same language (in this case, English) as him/her.
I've seen these "nationality only" rooms, and I know not to join them, as I know people want to play with their own countrymen and I respect that. The ones that get me are the "nationality only" rooms that don't say so in the title. I know I respect your wishes, but is it hard to put your request in the title so I don't waste my time and your time mistakenly joining the room and getting kicked? It's come to the point that when I see a room with everyone from a certain country, I just leave as I know I'll be getting out of there one way or another... Sorry if this rant offended anyone.
I had a guy cuss me out once because I didn't use his name in a message I had sent him......he then proceeded to send me the Dave Chappelle "**** you couch" scene from the show. I still have the message for proof if needed.
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Seems like these days you can't do spec races in a shuffle lobby or your peers will leave in a mass exodus :grumpy:

PP's any lower than 400, they'll also leave. It's funny how they always want a higher PP range, but they start spinning out and whatnot. :dunce:
I think we all know who's the worst though; the X1 people in the Indy road course lobby. Those of you that has participated in those drag racing lobbies know what I mean. I mean there are those people that join a 'No X1/Veyron' lobby in an X1 but don't race, which is fine. Then, there are those people that join those lobbies with an X1, & proceed to crash into all the cars lined up to race. Those are the people that I just don't want to kick from the lobby, I want to kick them off the face of the earth. I have at times, accidentally crashed into a few cars due to lack of brakes, as most people do, but we apologize.

Also, I have also drag raced on the Top Gear Test Track & the host used that track because he said that the runway portion was a 1/4 mile, since it said the longest straight is .22 miles. But anyone with 1/2 a brain would know that the full runway is 1/2 a mile. The longest straight is referring to the straight between the follow-through & bacharach(Second-to-last) corner. One other peron was trying to explain that to him, but he wouldn't listen. So I decided to turn my mic on and explain it, at which point, he kicked both of us from the lobby. Games like this shouldn't be available for stupid, ignorant people like that.

I seem to be a magnet for bad racers and people who take the game way to seriously.

First time I went online I joined a room which was supercar based and took a Ferrari F40 to the track. There was no racing involved, we was all practising. Great fun, untill some bloke joins and takes his Buggati to the track. On the ring GP course, coming out of the second corner I move well over to the inside to let him pass, he then proceeds to spin me out. Needless to say I was a little confused as to why but I let it pass. Little while later I get a message from him, somthing along the lines of "shudda got out my way u **** noob". Turns out he was sending everyone in the room similer messages and spinning others out too. Lots of samey things like that have happend but the best was in a stock car room where the host would kick anyone who drafted him claiming it was cheating and not how it works in real NASCAR.

Yes there are idiots but many many people who just want a clean race. It's the idiots who let the side down, but they are few and far between :)

Not how it works in real NASCAR? Thats exactly how it works in NASCAR! All cars have roughly 850-900hp so drafting is how you win on big oval circuits. I should know since NASCAR is practically a religion in my house. I have a question though. Was this person American? Or European? Not trying to offend anyone, but most of the people that I encounter that don't understand NASCAR are european of some sort, since they don't have NASCAR in their country, which is why I don't fully understand Formula 1.
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I've had someone dragging with me at Top gear and he always kept stopping at the 1/4 mile mark and said something to me about dragging a 1/4 mile there.
* Opens public room

- Turns on penalties
- Turns on damage
- Turns on fast fuel/tyre wear
- Disables aids and ABS.

^^That's why I hate online in GT5 in general. Takes too 🤬 long for people to join. I spend more time waiting than I do racing. I wish they added GT5:P's online system.
I know how that feels, opens a public room, and only 2 or 3 drivers stayed longer than 5 minutes, the rest just left after knowing no ABS allowed and comfort tire only, and the room was free run only :( I haven't even asked for a race. Thankfully those who stayed were always clean drivers who drove responsibly, no dive bombing, no ramming or punting, just good 'ol track day fun with some close racing in between, when the other got left behind, the leader waits for them to catch up and have close battles again, good times.
I think we all know who's the worst though; the X1 people in the Indy road course lobby. Those of you that has participated in those drag racing lobbies know what I mean. I mean there are those people that join a 'No X1/Veyron' lobby in an X1 but don't race, which is fine. Then, there are those people that join those lobbies with an X1, & proceed to crash into all the cars lined up to race. Those are the people that I just don't want to kick from the lobby, I want to kick them off the face of the earth. I have at times, accidentally crashed into a few cars due to lack of brakes, as most people do, but we apologize.

Also, I have also drag raced on the Top Gear Test Track & the host used that track because he said that the runway portion was a 1/4 mile, since it said the longest straight is .22 miles. But anyone with 1/2 a brain would know that the full runway is 1/2 a mile. The longest straight is referring to the straight between the follow-through & bacharach(Second-to-last) corner. One other peron was trying to explain that to him, but he wouldn't listen. So I decided to turn my mic on and explain it, at which point, he kicked both of us from the lobby. Games like this shouldn't be available for stupid, ignorant people like that.

Not how it works in real NASCAR? Thats exactly how it works in NASCAR! All cars have roughly 850-900hp so drafting is how you win on big oval circuits. I should know since NASCAR is practically a religion in my house. I have a question though. Was this person American? Or European? Not trying to offend anyone, but most of the people that I encounter that don't understand NASCAR are european of some sort, since they don't have NASCAR in their country, which is why I don't fully understand Formula 1.

That's not racist, if they were American and a fan of NASCAR yet didn't know the first thing about it, I would laugh my head off!
^it'd scare me off that's for sure. I didn't think anyone would turn it off on purpose, once i actually asked the host to turn it on (nicely, as I thought he'd made a mistake), but then again, i don't think anyone out of the 5,6,7 people could drive without it anyway. i was wit someone for either 3rd or 4th and we were awful, yet the cars behind us weren't gaining and we weren't getting smashed by the leaders either.
It is tragic how people act so tough on the internet. Verbal abuse, name-calling, uncharitable statements about mothers and sisters, etc. Grow up already. Nobody wants to hear your filthy toilet mouth -- I came to race, not to talk crap. "Online interactions not rated by the ESRB." You can say that again! LOL Not sure why I believed a higher standard was possible... I've left many otherwise decent rooms because I simply won't tolerate abusive behavior. I am trying to evolve, not de-volve.
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I've worked out some trades that really worked out for someone else. A nice thing someone did for me was Giving a gold paint chip to me for free. I was pretty happy about that, but I think he dupe glitched it. I don't mind. Also, I have gotten one more from the daily paint bonus. Worst... I don't really have one. Other than someone saying kick this durp 🤬... Kinda annoying. I just got kicked. No idea why, but it happened. Plus I ran into this really annoying stoner...
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the key word there is "sometimes" mate, I watch replay's to see if I was to harsh on people, but still I'd rather race one person clean and fair then be worried that I'm going to lose people because I kick them for being dirty,

It is the job of the host to keep the room up to standard, if the room is full of scum then your hosts standards are very low,

as for the rest of you, what is the point in grilling me for being harsh, I'm here to race clean and fair, not supply a room and waste my time racing bonehead's, I haven't got time for it, and if your that worried about my hosting way's, then don't join my room,

Well how i read it was that you 'always' kick the one who complains about being rammed because 'sometimes' they are the ones doing the ramming. You can't watch the replay unless you leave the room & relinquish ownership of it. It's a bit late to be watching the replay after you've already kicked an innocent party.