Wrecked Supercars And Exotics!!!!

Crashed Ford GT in Brazil.



Porsche 959 rollover in Geneva.

I wouldn't call this a supercar or exotic, but it is wrecked...


That WAS a 68 GT500...
Valet got the accelerator and brake pedal mixed up.




599 GTO everybody, 599 GTO.
Actually it's a GTB, missing 2 hood-vents and the smaller rear spoiler. But a big loss nevertheless. The owner came from Belgium for a meet in Rome.
Funny story about this. That is I-95 right by downtown Stamford, Ct. Northbound lane between exits 7 and 8. Back in December of 2014 I had to have my toy car towed from my previous home to our new house. I called East Coast Towing here in Stamford to tow my car. It is the only towing company I know of around the area that have flatbeds specialized in towing cars with low clearances.

The guy that ended up towing my toy car was the same guy that called to this accident to tow this Ferrari away. He showed me pics of everything from taking it off the jersey barrier to getting it on the flatbed. Along with the delivery of the Enzo to Miller Motorsports (I believe that was the destination).

The guy was just an awesome dude and the story of what had transpired from the moment he got to the scene to the drop off.

The mechanic did lose his job over this and has been black balled by the auto community since the accident. Although word on the street from gear heads around here was that he was being Mr. Dumass right before said accident.
The lesser-spotted Porsche 656.

...you bloody cheeky bastard, and you made me laugh too, on that poor Porsche too...oh man, that joke will live through years now, many will remember that.

Now, I got something unique. The car itself it's not totally wrecked but could be just me but...


If I were the guy who owned the Aston Martin, I'd *bloody*...I don't know. Not only a Vauxhall but, in PINK. A PINK CORSA.

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