Wreckfest - General Discussion

  • Thread starter AKps3
Yeah grab a old post and mix it with current situations. :rolleyes:
Looks like you fixing to single details instead of the whole context.
YOU know and I know AC is limited in features and ffb on consoles. fact.
Also Wreckfest is limited in ffb and features on consoles. fact.
So i call them shadows! And thats not wrong because, in a direct comparion, they are. :lol:

I played some rounds yesterday on ps4, created a usable setting for the dd1 and had fun.
Sadly there is a bug that makes engine sound turn off after changing car setup. Happend 3 times within the play session.

A pity there are the inevitable bugs mate, but more patches are coming, so I'm sure all these things will be fixed.

And I hope Kimi Raikonnen makes an appearance on those lawnmowers!:P
Interesting game. I’ve kind of adopted a new driving style, I’ve never been good on the loose stuff, I’m letting the wheel do the work. Not trying to hand over hand the wheel, letting it spin, grabbing a correcting. It seems quite natural until you forget which way up the wheel is and have a weird drifty accident.
Enjoying so far but...

It’s in 30fps though! Looks good in the living room at sofa distance with a pad. But sat in the playseat at the wheel with a 50” screen it looks a bit juddery.

It won’t remember my wheel settings and keeps resetting the FFB to 80%.

I doesn’t seem to see my TH8 shifter either which is plugged directly into the USB, I have a T500rs, there is no connection for it on the servo base.

Also if your playing on a wheel, you might want to keep your thumbs on the rim, rather than gripping with your thumbs in the rim.... (that sounds a bit dodgy) or you might get injured, especially if you’re using a high FFB level.
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Its probably a blessing in disguise the PS4 version took so long because its a great conversion...cant see any issues at all,the game plays excellent - the details in the damage and debris on track is amazing.

Ive got to say,this is one of my favourite racing games ever! Ive been waiting for a banger car racing game since the PS1 days after Destruction Derby - and its finally here...23 years later haha.
Has anyone else struggled with the challenge where you have to wreck 8 Supervans with a School Bus? it's a lot harder than it sounds

I expected worse from the Supervan vs. 23 school bus challenge.

I would prefer to assign my own buttons though, having look left and right on the d pad but look behind on X throws me off.

All in all I can't grumble for the price as I know I will play it enough to get my money's worth.

The button assignments are aggravating, but I've been able to adapt. Except for the reset car button assigned to the square, which is normally an emergency brake in other arcade style racing games.
I can't stop playing this game and i can't stop smiling and laughing the whole time. I really do not remember the last game i played that was this pure of a just have fun, kinda way. I have started watchig more replays from the more chaotic tracks, and the stuff that goes on right around or behind you that you don't even notice while your racing is nuts. So many moments of awesomeness....
I can't stop playing this game and i can't stop smiling and laughing the whole time. I really do not remember the last game i played that was this pure of a just have fun, kinda way. I have started watchig more replays from the more chaotic tracks, and the stuff that goes on right around or behind you that you don't even notice while your racing is nuts. So many moments of awesomeness....

This is it. It's just pure fun, hilarious and very very hard to put down. I turn my PS4 on to play gran turismo and end up just hitting wreckfest for hours.
I ve noticed that the game will change my view in the middle of the race, I prefer hood cam but after a bit the game will change to bumper, then to chase, is there any current way to fix this on ps4?
I ve noticed that the game will change my view in the middle of the race, I prefer hood cam but after a bit the game will change to bumper, then to chase, is there any current way to fix this on ps4?

I noticed this aswell,it's just the front of the car getting smashed in to a point where its below the camera.

I just noticed you mentioned it switches to chase cam aswell,I've not had that happen.
I can't stop playing this game and i can't stop smiling and laughing the whole time. I really do not remember the last game i played that was this pure of a just have fun, kinda way.


This is the last game that garnered the same kind of smiles & pure joy in a game.
I just did my first combine harvester derby & that is worth the price of admission. Also, those have the strongest seat belts known to man if they can keep you in the seat in a rollover. I rolled the harvester onto its side & got it to upright almost immediately. Watching the replays in this game is almost better than GT Sport.
This is fun. I just hope it attracts some of the crazy crash guys form GTS so we can have some nice civilised racing.
This is polluting my mind!!!! I’m starting to think of devious to smack people into the barrier & new defensive techniques.

Beware the thumbs!!!!
This is fun. I just hope it attracts some of the crazy crash guys form GTS so we can have some nice civilised racing.
This is polluting my mind!!!! I’m starting to think of devious to smack people into the barrier & new defensive techniques.

Beware the thumbs!!!!


It was my great hope that those crash happy fools would hear about this game & migrate since it's what they do best. It would help relax everyone on GTS. It could still happen.
Has anyone else struggled with the challenge where you have to wreck 8 Supervans with a School Bus? it's a lot harder than it sounds

I just remembered about this comment. I tried about a dozen attempts before getting it accomplished. The only points available are for meeting the 8 crashed opponents goal, so there is no need to try to win the race. The 2 pieces of advice I can give are 1) speed is your friend & 2) until an opponent crosses the finish line, they are still available to destroy.

For speed, my advice is to hang back & let the crowd go around the first loop, then start your race. If you can meet those cars on the straightaway with a big head of steam, you'll wipe out about 75% of their health. And if there are some cars close to death, turn around or reverse to get speed & wipe them out.
I'm very pleased with this. It does pretty much everything I expected, and does it well. 👍 👍

The handling physics are superb; you've got solid oversteer physics and control, and cars mostly pivot/bounce/etc. in a believable fashion. There's some forgiveness with oversteer recovery, but that's expedient for tangling with other vehicles, and drifting still feels good so far. The differential and suspension simulation seems sound, and collisions with the AI feel fair and balanced. In the tradition of FlatOut, it's a far cry from most other games that offer action like this. :)

The circuits make good use of the physics, too, and objects seem to have the right amount of mass to complement the gameplay. I'm enjoying the racing-oriented circuits I have driven so far.

The graphics are nicer than I expected, particularly with the occasional rich and colorful clouds. The soft-body physics are an accomplishment, and I appreciate how on-the-nose the unlicensed cars are, not to mention the variety of chosen models. The amount of upgrades and customization are a nice surprise I didn't know about. The game also loads faster than I expected from internet comments. Seems plenty quick to me by PS4/XBone standards.

If there's one area I wish was better, it's the engine sounds. Among the vehicles I've driven, they're not terrible, just okay.
This is fun. I just hope it attracts some of the crazy crash guys form GTS so we can have some nice civilised racing.
This is polluting my mind!!!! I’m starting to think of devious to smack people into the barrier & new defensive techniques.

Beware the thumbs!!!!
The Dirty Mini An Racing Peeps are already There
This is certainly the most fun I've had in ages when it comes to racing games. I spent hours in my C class Gremlin yesterday only to realize that I had barely 5 hours to get some sleep before going to work - again.

It's been a long, long time since I had the ''just one more race'' spirit. Going from podium position to suddenly having to fight through the field with tires and debris flying everywhere to get my revenge puts a huge smile on my face and cannot simply get enough of. I would rage quit in other games but here, I just channel my inner maniac.

I've also been saving videos of the massive takedowns the AI has served me as well the other way around. Can't wait till I have enough to put together a compilation :lol:
Hotfix for pc also live. Looks like they have fixed that engine sound bug. Ps4 fix not live yet :(

  • Fixed crash to desktop during startup.
  • Fixed a crash when typing into the chat.
  • Fixed a crash in the hardware setup when previously saved video mode is no longer available.
  • Fixed a crash when attempting to install a specific RoadSlayer fender style.

  • Disabled attacker's advantage for the realistic damage mode, effectively restoring Summer 2018 mode.
  • For Novice and Amateur AI difficulty, reverted AI rubberbanding to Summer 2018 settings.
  • Increased the chance of AI raceline mistakes for Novice and Amateur AI difficulty.
  • Disabled rubberbanding for Expert AI difficulty.
  • Made Supervan easier to control especially with a keyboard.
  • Reverted the default camera to what it was in the Summer 2018 build.

  • Results overlay is no longer shown when pressing D-Pad Down in the Photo Mode/Replay screen.
  • Useless slider functionality for input testers in the Settings menu is now disabled.
  • Reduced the amount of dirt in the loading screens.
  • Restored previous outside scene for the main menu.
  • Restored early supporter AI names.

  • Implemented adaptive client prediction for cars nearest to the player, yielding more precise car-to-car collisions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused reduced visual deformation for clients.
  • Joining an empty (for example, newly-created) server no longer occasionally results in a disconnection.
  • Only players still in the loading screen are now ditched in the lobby when the event starts, while those who are already in lobby but have car loading in progress will complete loading while the event starts.
  • Host/Admin/Moderator can no longer get kicked even when having an invalid car selected or idling during the event.
  • Added new parameters for the dedicated server, enabling admins to control the event start:
    When enabled, the admin determines when the event countdown initiates by setting themselves ready.
    The duration of the countdown, between 30 and 127 seconds.
    The percentage of players required to be ready to initiate automatic countdown, useful for example when no admin is around.

  • Fixed black edge artifact visible on distant foliage.

  • Adjusted EQ and volume levels.
  • Engine audio no longer goes randomly mute.

  • Bandit now has engines with and without the supercharger (visual only).
Since the reviews are overwhelmingly good I decided to purchase. Yet to play, at work. But I have a question. Do the cars eventually start to smoke and catch fire after too many hits like in Destruction Derby?

Can’t wait to try this later tonight.
  • Disabled attacker's advantage for the realistic damage mode, effectively restoring Summer 2018 mode.
  • For Novice and Amateur AI difficulty, reverted AI rubberbanding to Summer 2018 settings.
  • Increased the chance of AI raceline mistakes for Novice and Amateur AI difficulty.
  • Disabled rubberbanding for Expert AI difficulty.
Nice! I wasn't too bothered about these things (and could never have played the former PC version to compare), but kudos to Bugbear for taking feedback to heart and turning this out so quickly. I look forward to trying out the new realistic damage mode and expert AI. 👍

Goes to show that as justified as some of the complaints may have been, the ire and venom seen over in the Steam community was misplaced and premature. Sometimes creative choices or gameplay tweaks don't work out as imagined. Although I can certainly sympathize with the sensitivity to updates that upend things one liked about a game.
Since the reviews are overwhelmingly good I decided to purchase. Yet to play, at work. But I have a question. Do the cars eventually start to smoke and catch fire after too many hits like in Destruction Derby?

Can’t wait to try this later tonight.
From the little I played, I can say that I am very happy with it. It delivers what it promises: mindless fun with a challenge.