WSCC - Racing School - Sunday June 26th - 2 sessions

  • Thread starter turbogeit
thanks all

this was great experience earned for me

i hope to be there for the next one

@ EliteDreamer,

photos would be great!
You can test them if you have time, but I'm not sure the time difference will be big enough. But testing could show i'm wrong.

Yeah I'll try them out sometime but I think you're right with the gap actually, the ones you've suggested would probably better for time difference, but to be honest, I'm not sure if the lupo is actually any faster than the Cappucino :P unless you want to keep it at the same speed for now

EDIT: Wait scratch that! Just realised you can upgrade it!
2x second, behind MindlessRiff, who is always faster than I am. What counts: no important incident in these two races, except two bumps at the beginning of race 2, due to lag. One time a driver behind me couldn't avoid me, the other time I touched a Capuccino that looked like attracted by a magnet to my car.

That was me! :D

It was weird on my end too. When going into the first corner our cars started sliding towards each other and I ended up flying into the outer wall. Very odd. (For those who don't know, I was on the outside while he was passing through the inside) Oh well, I had fun throughout the race even though I despise that car now.

Onto something else. For the next cars, I suggest Lotus Elise RM and Mini Cooper S. That would be fun. And it would take place on... Rome! That's my wishlist. :)
Yeah I'll try them out sometime but I think you're right with the gap actually, the ones you've suggested would probably better for time difference, but to be honest, I'm not sure if the lupo is actually any faster than the Cappucino :P unless you want to keep it at the same speed for now

We had a lupo series before PSN-outage and I have the impression it was faster, because it is light and has over 200 hp.
We had a lupo series before PSN-outage and I have the impression it was faster, because it is light and has over 200 hp.

Yeah I just realised that right now haha, mine was only at 130ish so my bad. That would probably do nicely for a step up then for the slow car. Which model lupo is it? There's a GTi version and a normal one as well
Here are some photos of the first race. Second race photos and photos from later in the first race will come tomorrow. I'm tired today.

First crash of the race. On turn 3. (Lap 1)

The leading Garaiyas after 1 lap.

The first to be lapped.

Just some pits scene. You have to have one of these.


7th lap, iamsupernasty is in the lead!

The battle for 2nd place! Except the Lexus which is unlapping itself at this moment.

^^^My favorite.

You may use these if you want turbogeit. :) Enjoy the photos.
Great pics EliteDreamer. I like the pic of me and teeds in the lead on the first lap...before i started crashing every second lap.
@elitedreamer: nice photos.

I have copied them to the WSCC Action photo gallery.

@everybody. The WSCC Action photo gallery is not very active these last weeks. So, if you post photos on the race threads, can you please copy them to the Action gallery.

I remind the idea of the WSCC Action Photo Gallery is to give WSCC good exposure on the GTP-forum.
Two speed traffic - Heavy damage

Next Lessons: Sunday June 26th
Madrid Mini
Session 1: 11am EST - 4pm UK - 5pm CET - P_O_P_E 's lounge
Session 2: 10pm UK - 11pm CET - 5pm EST - Turbogeit's lounge

Rooms open 30 minutes before the races

Sign-UP NOW!

Fast car: Lotus Elise 111R RM
Slow car: VW Lupo GTI Cup Car '03
(both maxed out)
tyres: medium race

hi put me down for session 1, turbo. might do no. 2 as well if there's still space on the day & i have enough energy

count me in for session 1

also, if there is any space left, perhaps i might joint the first half of session 2, since i have a class that conflicts with the time