WSCC Touring Car Team Championship, FINISHED

  • Thread starter GTRedline
We had 6 turn up and 5 finish but it turned out to be very good race. The 5 finishers were separated by only 9 seconds and the last lap was a close fight for 2nd. Well done cobrius who managed to gap the group a few laps before the end.

1. Cobrius 52:37.259
2. Sassafras_3 +07.852
3. DREX81 +08.564
4. teeds +08.681
5. El_Aliens69 +9.211

Luckylefty2guns DNF
It was a fantastic race. Lots of different strategies going on including a couple one stoppers. Thank god we didn't have to battle with the Lexus. Who would have thought we'd ever say that. Lol.

On my last stint I was in last place 23 seconds behind with 13 laps to go. I somehow passed Drex, teeds, and Aliens in the same corner. I was thinking the whole time there was no way I was going to catch them. This was all with two 10 second penalties and a small off.

Great race guys. I wish we had a better turn out. Just so everyone knows, I always post pictures from each race on my profiles on GTPlanet and GT. I would post them on the WSCC page but I'm not sure if that's cool or not.
We have a special page for pictures here:Action pictures

And yeah really good race today guys. Did you notice that Team Renault almost took out each other. I made a little too optimistic attempt to get past Drex and we made contact, I think he got the penalty so I waited and suddenly the rest of you were really close.
Glad to see our regulars made it, and nothing beats a close race. I'll update the standings when I get home, IPhone sucks for big posts.
I've gotta start dropping in on this just before the race.
If I knew there was places I would of dropped in for the race. 👍
Yes team Renault almost made a boo boo. I can't believe I got 2 ramming penalties when I think I got rammed both times. It's ok I had a great time. Cobrius u didn't have to wait. Ur tires were way better.

I thought it was supposed to be 47 laps I didn't know what to do! So I just stayed out. Lol
Sorry guys, I'm gonna have to pull out. I've got a busy schedule over the next few months and I don't think I'll be able to make them, shown by missing the past 2. Cheers for the brilliant first though!
I thought it was supposed to be 47 laps I didn't know what to do! So I just stayed out. Lol

Not sure why I had it in my head as 40 laps but yea it should have been 47, sorry guys. I`m kinda glad though as the race would have gone over the hour mark, 52 mins was fine :)
OP Updated...

With only two rounds left I'm going to allow drop ins for anyone interested in the series but unable to commit to a series. You may drive any car, however if there's already two cars on that team your points won't count. It is your responsibility to add the host (P_O_P_E) as a friend on PSN with the subject WSCC TCTC.
I hope you all show up for Monza. This track is so much better with a lot of cars on track drafting.

I would like opinions from you all on the layout for a second season. What would bring you back for another season starting in september? Heavy damage? If we limited it to 2 or 3 cars, what do you think are the closest matched cars? Would you prefer a new set of cars with the same rules? DTM? 650pp GT3 cars?
I also gave this some thought. I like the idea of gt300 standard cars. There is a variety. And if we somehow could keep them without any hp upgrades it could be fun.
I've been considering a mixed GT300/500 series. Lots of passing! However i was thinking i would host that during the week, in a North American friendly time zone.
To make it competitive, I think we need to avoid handicapping vastly different cars to make them the same. Clearly downgrading engines give a HUGE advantage. Even if it means we only have two types cars, it would provide excellent racing.

Lefty and I have discussed a Spec Racing series with 430 Scud's... But not sure how you feel about that.....

I definitely think we should do real damage next season.

I would also ask that the time be later in the day. 4 PM Eastern would probably be best for me, but obviously that's just my opinion. Morning races on a weekend are no good for me...
I hope you all show up for Monza. This track is so much better with a lot of cars on track drafting.

I would like opinions from you all on the layout for a second season. What would bring you back for another season starting in september? Heavy damage? If we limited it to 2 or 3 cars, what do you think are the closest matched cars? Would you prefer a new set of cars with the same rules? DTM? 650pp GT3 cars?

a spec series would have plenty of interest no more than two cars, heavy damage. no tire restrictions and please make the time at least 1 hour later in day
Any suggestions on cars? How about 300hp evo vs sti? Mix up the tracks, from race, street, dirt, snow, etc.

We have a good group of 6-8 racers here, I'm more concerned with keeping us together than pushing a group of cars that don't work well together.
I'm not gonna make the race today unfortunately. But I'd like to figure something out for next season. I like a varied lineup.
I love the GT300/GT500 idea. I wish we could do both at the same time but its so difficult to fill a room.
I love the GT300/GT500 idea. I wish we could do both at the same time but its so difficult to fill a room.

The GT cars are quite popular, much more so than than our "standard" touring cars. It might be enough to fill a room. That combined with heavy damamge, one hour race, and mixed classes.

Anyone interested in racing today send me a friend request on PSN with WSCC TCTC as your subject. Drive any car, no obligation to the series.
woke up extra early for todays race hope that this helps but this would be much better for me with a one hour delay in race start time