Scaff, what exactly has you nervous about purchasing? You always have a level-headed opinion, so I'm curious to read your thoughts.
I've thought through the 4 main negatives people are bringing up, and personally they don't bother me all that much.
1) Always On/Once Every 24-Hour Check
- This one just doesn't bother me. I don't believe that the system would be rendered useless, but I understand there may be a lack of some functionality (what that is remains to be clarified). Typically, if my internet is out, so is my power. It's going to come with built-in wi-fi so relocating it to another room wouldn't pose much of a problem either.
Given what we know right now MS have said that if you can't get on the net you can't play games once the 24 hour cycles around. That for me is overly intrusive DRM.
2) Kinect
- It can be turned off. I'm not worried about it tracking my every move and making it personally attributed to me. I imagine that what they would track is there to measure and improve the user experience. The fact that it's "always listening" doesn't bother me either, since it's only listening for the keyphrase, "Xbox On".
Until MS clarify exactly what data is being gathered, where it is being processed and what it is used for I reserve judgement on this one. They have filed enough patents relating to what I consider to be overly intrusive uses of this for marketing and advertising applications for me to not want one in my living room right now.
While not MS, this is enough to raise concern....
...over the use of what should be private information. If someone is under investigation then that is one thing, with a court order the information relating to that should be disclosed, but blanket gathering of info is not in my mind acceptable. Now I am in no way stating that this is what MS would do, I would want a lot more disclosure from them before blindly trusting them with any more of my info.
3) Used games fees
- Given the number of studios that have to close their doors after making ground-breaking games, I'm all for finding ways of keeping them afloat. However, I do think that digital downloads need to go the way of Steam in offering sales that are actually a good deal.
Given that MS have not stated that any of this fee will be going back to 3rd party studios then I don't see how its going to help them at all, nor do I believe it will help the industry at all. No while I see it as being valid for digital purchases, I do not see the reason or logic behind its use for physical media at all, rather I see it being a major risk to the retail chain and also potentially damaging to studios (given that many people will px games to fund new title purchases).
Update - they have confirmed that publishers (which doesn't automatically mean studios) will get a cut, but not how much....
....they also will (MS) control who can and can't retail second hand games, which may run into monopoly issues in Europe if its not managed correctly. Quite frankly while this adds more detail, its not the kind of detail that reassures me at all.
4) 360 peripherals will not work on XOne
- I agree 100% this sucks, but fortunately I have not yet purchased a wheel. I acknowledge that my feelings on this one are 100% biased due to that.
This one actually bothers me the least.
Overall my issues are with the DRM, which I see as a massive mistake by MS, one on par with the blunder Sony Music made with DRM around a decade ago (and I didn't purchase titles they published with DRM on it) and with the potential uses of Kinect.
I also see little use for the TV side of the system, which seems to offer me no benefits at all over my existing AV set-up.
Now don't get me wrong Sony still have a lot to do right now as well, but overall between the two I personally see very few reasons to drop what could be a serious amount of money on system(s) that will see use for only a few game titles.
As I say, next week will be the chance both have to change my mind.