Yet Another Race Story! A Story in 30 Parts

  • Thread starter Rykon Zero
This is a taste of the flavor that the last few chapters may have. I'll try to mix in plenty of weird humor, though.

Chapter 25: Dates and Death​


"Alright, now go through this corner as fast as you can."



"Very good. The back end stepped out, and you instinctively corrected it. You're getting very good now."

"Thank you. It's all because you're teaching me."

Damn. Now that I've become aware of my own feelings for Kyoko, It's getting harder to maintain my composure. Well, good thing I only need to hold it for so long.

Four Hours Previously

"You're seriously going on a date with her?"


"But your narrations never gave a clue."

"I wasn't sure about how I felt. I've done some serious thinking, and now, there's no avoiding it."

"You sound like you're in a fight."

"*insert lame ass remark about love and struggles*"

"Dude, how did you do that?"

"The magic of writing, my friend."


"It's noon. You hungry?"

"A little."

"Wanna go out for some lunch?"

"Sure. Sounds good."

"Alright. I've heard of this really cool bistro in this side alley."

"You always talk about bistros."

"Well, it's more of a cafe admittedly."

"Alright. Should we go now?"

"Yeah, Tatsuya needs to do a bit of training."

We drove to the town, and after driving around a bit, I finally found the alleyway where the cafe was.


"After you."

The cafe was small, but it gave a pretty cool view out to the street. I ordered a bacon sandwich and coffee, before we started to talk.

"How's the training going?"

"It's going fine. I'm a little upset about not being able to top you, but it's okay."

"I'm not sure anything can top me at this point."

"Rather arrogant, isn't that?"

"Yeah, it is, but it's something I have to live with..."

"You seem sad."

"There's a saying, 'It's lonely at the top.' It's very, very true."

"Well, if that's the case, I'll make sure you're not alone!"

Kyoko smiled, then, realizing what she's said, she blushed and turned away.

"Say, there's something I wanted to know about you."

"Um, uh, what is it?"

"How do you feel about me?"

"Ah, um, why do you want to know?"

"I just wanted to know if my feelings would be reciprocated."

She had a really surprised look on her face. I just gave her a pleasant smile.

"So, does that mean...?"

"What do you say we go out for lunch again soon?"

"What, uh, sure!"

She looked so happy. I can be cold, I can be arrogant, I can be rude, but I live to see that expression on the face of those I know and love.

"Tomorrow, we'll be racing against Lisa, so the day after, let's go watch a movie or something."


She was interrupted by a very, very loud sound. It was the unmistakable sound of an inline five engine. I don't know of many cars that have inline fives, but I saw one yesterday.


I'd normally not have taken notice, if it weren't also for the screeching tires, and the car not stopping right out front of the cafe.

"Uh, I think I'll go check that out."

"Me too."


The door opened, and a young woman crawled out, then collapsed on the ground.

"David... Never thought I'd see you here..."

It was, as it happens so, the young woman I met yesterday, racing.

"What happened to you?!"

She had a gash on her head, which was bleeding, and notably, blood all over her, in much the same spray that a gunshot delivers.

"Well, a bunch of friends from the Solar Flares asked us if we wanted to go back, and we said no. Then, the leader of them, one of my friends said, 'He said kill two of them, but I think leaving a witness is a bad idea.' Then, they brought out some machine guns, and started firing at us. Jeff was killed instantly, but Fred survived long enough to guide me to the Quattro. I tried to run away, but they kept hitting my car, and I got this gash on my forehead. I thought I'd be killed, but I recognized your car. Please, help me..."

She closed her eyes. The wounds weren't fatal, she was just unconscious. I heard the sound of revving engines, so we had to run. But my MR2 only has room for two, I'd have to take the Quattro.

"Kyoko, go pay for the bill, then drive home in the MR2. I'll take this girl to somewhere safe, I need you to be out of danger."

"Screw that noise, I'm coming with you."

"What?! Why?!"

"You'll be able to move faster when I'm there."

"But you're in danger!"

"We don't care, remember?"

"Goddamn it, whatever. Help me put her in the back seat."

We lifted the girl into the rear seat, then scrambled into the car, as the sound of an engine approached. I checked to make sure the car was in working order before I left. I desperately hoped my MR2 would be okay.


I drove away as fast as I could, but saw the car that had popped up in my rear view mirror.


"What, is the Quattro the official runaround of the Solar Flares?"

"Something like that."

"Andrea, what's going on?"

Kyoko had set her cellphone to speaker phone, and apparently called up Andrea.

"Kurt seems to have sent an order to kill the members who defected. That includes the girl in your back. Either let her go and allow her to die, or do what I know you'll do, outrun the pursuers. Bring her to the safe house, I'll bring in a doctor."

"Thanks Andrea."


The Quattro handled great. A hell of a lot better than the 22B, but that's not really saying much. The normal Quattro has about 200 horsepower, but I could tell this one was modified to be closer to 300. The suspension was also a custom design, tuned to oversteer on braking, slightly understeer under throttle. A damn sight better than the understeer the 22B suffers from at all points.


It wasn't long before I had managed to get the other Quattro off my tail. I started the drive back to the house, when i let my mind finally settle. These two kids who joined my side, died because of me. This girl in my back seat had two of her best friends torn away from her, because of me. I have ruined lives on my quest of revenge. But it's too late now. I will charge forward, and exact vengeance on all who dare ruin lives like this. I was striving for revenge earlier, I'm on a mission now.

We arrived at the house, and quickly got the girl out of the car. It seemed she had regained consciousness.

"Sorry about the trouble..."

"Don't worry, it's my fault."

It really was, they'd be fine without me.

"It was our choice to make. Don't be hard on yourself."

"But without me-"

"I don't care, and I don't think my friends would, either. Listen, take care of our Quattro, the three of us spent time and money on it, I'd hate to see it go to waste..."

"I will, don't worry."

The doctor Andrea had brought in quickly took the girl into a sterilized area, and presumably went to work.

"Now you see the insanity of the Solar Flares."

"But this is just about racing! It's nothing to lose lives over!"

"To Kurt, and to many of his followers, racing is everything. Part of the reason I raced against him, was to put him in his place. I failed, so I went on the quest to find someone who could. I found you, and you're the one chance this man has of becoming normal once again."

"This is my duty, then."

"Something like that. But your father would have wanted you safe."

"I don't care. I'll just win, then."

"There's nothing anyone can do to change your mind, then. I've got a plan that you may like."

"What's that?"

"We'll take out these drivers with our specialties. You get the road rally captain, Kyoko will get the normal circuit captain, Tatsuya will get the Off-road queen, and I'll take on the time attack captain."

"I'd be fine with that, but I want to take out all the captains, myself."

"You've got a team here. Why not make use of them?"

"Because I will be the one to beat Kurt, not anyone else."

"The team counts as part of you."

"I. Don't. Care. If Kurt decides to exact revenge on anyone, It'll be me, not my friends."

"No one can change your mind. We'll be with you every step of the way, though."

"That, I'm fine with. Tomorrow, I'll take out Lisa. Any objections?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Then tomorrow, the onslaught of the Solar Flares begins!"

I walked back to my room. It was night by now, and my mind was in shambles right now. I needed sleep to get my act together again, or something.

"Are you feeling okay?"

Kyoko walked up behind me.

"Uh, yeah, I'm pretty good right now. I just need some sleep to get my mind rearranged."

"You're lying."

"No, I'm not."

"Yes you are. Now spill it."

She had a very stern expression. I gave a sigh.

"Every single person I meet seems to be glad to throw their lives away for me. They shouldn't!"

"Did you perhaps think, they're doing it because they want to?"

"But why do they want to?! I don't like death!"

"You're a kind, charismatic person. Born in another era, you could lead a people, you could start a cause, but here, you made something more than just a group of friends, you've made a brotherhood. We don't throw our lives away, we give our lives to help each other. You just happen to need the most help."

"Huh. I won't deny that."

Kyoko always had her little way with words. She's so charming sometimes.

"But you're tired now, I can tell. Here, I'll pull up a chair beside your bed, and talk you to sleep."

"Uh, why?"

"Well, we are going out, are we not?"

Oh crap, I forgot about that. Yeah, we are.

"Yeah, I guess. It'd be nice to have you at my side."


"Sir, the Quattro escaped."

"Trifling matters, but I sent one of the best drivers there, how could we lose her?"

"There was a car left at the scene, no one there knew who it belonged to."


"An MR2, eh? Blue? Who is it registered to?"

"A Mr. David Johnson."

"David Johnson?"

So, that new upstart was there. But his name is Johnson? I knew a Johnson once. Daniel. The timing is right, could he have had a child?

"Sir, what about the car?"

"Crush it."


End of chapter 25. Yeah. Things are going down. I'll make it a sure point so the last few chapters have plenty of action, and don't worry, they will.
Why do I get the feeling our hero will meet his end soon enough? >___>

Hopefully I'm as bad as predictions as other people in the thread apparently are, though :P

Love the story, as the humour is pretty much exactly the same as my style of humour, so obviously I find it hilarious :P

Sad to see the story coming to an end, but it would be kinda difficult to keep the story going for years and years, unless theres a little known GT-funded Mobility Scooter event of course.
I dunno, ToCA Race Driver 3 had an event where you could race a lawnmower. There could be a mobility scooter event somewhere hidden. :P
NOOO, the Blue Wedge cannot die! Ah well, at least it wasn't Armageddon Van... :D Great chapter! It's definitely heating up (geddit?)!
R.I.P. the Blue Wedge. :(

My story's heading in sort of a similar direction, too. It seems Hiroto and David are very similar regarding desire for revenge.
Why can't the story end with the Armageddon Van raging into a nuclear powerplant and it blows up? At least David goes with a bang :lol:.
But he does get killed, though...
He always gets better.

I'll be putting up a chapter in a few hours. I just finished it, but I need a little time to proofread and rewrite a few things.
Ohh, so he survives the explosion and grows a third arm and seven eyes?
Must be a hell of a help for steering and hand-eye co-ordination :lol:
I just want to ask, if the Armageddon van was anywhere near the gulf of Mexico in the last few months?
Is it bad that I'm able to pronounce that volcano?

Chapter 26: She's an Ice Queen

"Morning, you two."

"Bah, what time is it?"

"It's 8:30. About an hour later than you usually get up."

"I feel like crap... Ah, well, it was worth it."

"What was?"

"Well, we sort of got a little further than talking last night, and didn't fall asleep until about three."

"Is that what that noise was?"

"Erm, something like that."

"Why isn't Kyoko talking?"

"She is not a morning person, and I think she's a bit embarrassed about her conduct last night."

"Does she like it..."

"I don't know what you're going to ask, and I really don't want to know. Simply put, we did a hell of a lot of experimenting that we probably should have waited in the relationship for."

"Uh, is your relationship okay?"

"Better than ever. But we took quite a gamble when Kyoko brought out her... Never mind, actually. We need to race soon."

"Uh, good."

"Gentlemen and little girl, behold!"

Andrea burst into the room with several coffee cups looped on his fingers.

"Coffee, thank god. Here Kyoko."

I took a cup for myself, and handed Kyoko one. I took a sip, Kyoko downed the whole cup.

"So, when's the race?"

"At ten. It'll take a good 20 minutes to drive out there, so I suggest we eat this breakfast I rather conveniently prepared to be done exactly when the two of you wake up."

"Perfect. Kyoko, you awake yet?"


"I'll take that as a no. Look, here, food."


Kyoko took a plate of food and trudged over to a table.

"Good girl. Eat the food, good."

"What car are you going to be using?"

"Yesterday, I realized I hate the 22B, so as a bit of added karmic retribution, I'll race with the Quattro. Do you know what Lisa will be using?"

"Not an idea."

"Damn, that's going to make things difficult."

"You can always buy a few parts for the Quattro or 22B. You still have that RSC you can sell."

"Yeah, well, I got a few plans for that. It involves my MR... Holy crap."

The events of yesterday rolled into my head again.

"How's that girl I brought?"

"More... Coffee..."

I handed Kyoko another cup.

"The doctor said she had a bit of bruising and cuts, plus a few nice big gashes. He just had to do a few stitches, but he sent her to the hospital just in case. I've hired a pair of body guards for her, don't worry."

"And my MR2?"



"You're not going to like this, but..."

"The MR2 wasn't at the cafe. according to a few people there, a bunch of guys wearing black jackets loaded it on a truck."


I ate my food, washed the dish, then grabbed a huge meat cleaver. I started to walk out the door.

"David! Stop!"

I was brought back to my senses. They took my MR2. But getting angry won't solve anything. I'll solve this like I solve everything. Sheer, unadulterated audacity. I'll win the race, then ask where my car is. I will get it back.

"Sorry about that, everyone. I was kind of out of it. You're awake, Kyoko. Good morning. Did you have a good night?"

Kyoko thought for a moment, then blushed bright red, as she presumably remembered tying me up.

"Kind of out of it?! You were practically ready to destroy half the civilized world!"

"Like I said, out of it. We're done with food, let's go."

"Alright, just got to grab a few things, and we'll be on our way."

And so, we left for Chamonix. Again. I got the same feeling I had back when I first raced Andrea. This was a nice feeling. We drove for a bit, until we saw the sign that marked our entry to Chamonix.

Black Suns VS Solar Flares

Shadow of Seattle VS Off-Road Queen

See the latest and greatest the GT Association has to offer! The new upstart from Seattle who lost only one race, David Johnson! The perennial rally queen, one of the captains of the Solar Flares, Lisa Jones!​

"Already found out my nickname, eh?"

"They tend to. Let's meet up with her."

We walked around until we found a woman with several young men around her. She looked kind of old, but she aged well, like my mother.

"Lisa? Off-Road Queen?"

"That's me. Are you the little bastard who took my Lieutenants from me?"

"I wasn't the one who had them killed."

"Wha- killed?!"

She had a very shocked expression on her face.

"Kidding. I was of course the one who had them killed. What use is a bunch of weakling racers if they defect, huh?"

"Why is your racing team made up entirely of absolute monsters?"

"Why are you so lame?"


The men all around her started laughing.

"I... I don't even feel insulted by that. That was so horrible, my mind isn't registering it as an insult."

"Your mom was registered as an insult."

"Oh my god, shut up! We need to race."

"Alright, just let me go get my car."

Lisa walked away. This was being treated as an official GT sanctioned race, so we had to follow the official rules. Hit the other car, five second penalty, hit a wall, five second penalty, challenger follows. I was the challenger, so I hopped into the Quattro, and waited for the Off-Road Queen to drive by in her ride. Like all races, this car was fitted with a wide band radio. it only took a minute, until the car Lisa was in, drove by, and stopped short of the line.


"Andrea, what kind of car is that?"

I was allowed to bring as many people in the car as I'd liked. I brought Andrea. He's a rally dude.

"Peugeot 205 Turbo. It's like my little Renault."

"Then on the snow, I have nothing to worry about."

"Yeah, you do. This Peugeot also has AWD, in addition to having a mid-engined turbo platform. This'll be a hard race for you."

"Really? I don't doubt it."

"Hey, you little twit. You're driving my lieutenant's car against me? You audacious turd."

"I thought you'd like that. Audacity is my middle name."

The lights flashed red, and as I revved my engine, they switched to green.


Damn, she's a notch above the others. She's not that great on road, though, so I might have a chance.


Then, the snow section started. She slowed way down entering the snow, when all she really needed was to take a closer line. I almost crashed into her, but then her skills really showed up.


I nearly caught her several times on the tarmac, but here on the snow, I had to race with all I had just to keep up.


"I see, you still haven't discovered the secret of snow..."

With that cryptic message, the race raged on.


But, right as my will was beginning to fade, the tarmac started again.

"I need to make my move here."

"You don't need to, but I suppose I'll give you a little hint and a bit of training when you get ahead."


I couldn't find an opening. It was almost like she got a little more skill back when she raced on the snow. But then, I remembered a flaw in her racing line. The snow was coming up, so I adjusted my line to not intersect Lisa's, then made my move.


"Woah, what?"

It surprised her, so she backed off and let me take the lead.

"You drive like Ayrton Senna, you know?"

"Really, how?"

"You are so aggressive, you enter the opponent's racing line and force them to back off."


Lisa tried to fight back, but she couldn't, and I fairly cemented my lead.


"Now that you're ahead, I'll go ahead and give you a few tricks to racing on snow."

"What's that?"

"Here is the largest hint I can give you: Don't slide."


Don't slide? What does that mean? Don't let the back end step out?



I dropped the line I used back when I did the dirt racing, and tried to apply my normal racing line. What happened was, I entered the corners slower, but went through them quicker, and exited them faster.

"You learned with just two words. I can't believe your ability for improvement."

I did the rest of the race using this technique. Focus on smoothness and steadiness, and apply a conventional racing line. The lead I gained began to grow, and by the time I finished, the lead grew to more than three seconds.


I pulled over to the side of the road, and got out. I have a plan I need to work out, and I need to get my car back.

"You managed to beat me by a huge margin. Only Andrea there has done that before."

"Can it. I need to ask you something."

"Oh? So direct. What is it?"

"Where is my MR2?"


"My blue, supercharged MR2. Where. Is. It."

"I'm not telling you."

I pulled the gun out of my back pocket. It was technically illegal, but I don't really give a damn anymore.

"I said tell me goddamn it."

"I have body guards, you know."

"I can pull a trigger faster than them."

There was an awkward silence, then Lisa finally spoke up.

"It's in an abandoned factory. I was going to bring it with us, so you could watch me crush it, but I got the feeling I'd lose today. It's going to be crushed at a mill in five hours, here's the address."

She gave me a sheet of paper.

"Your car has a connection to you. I don't think I could have bared to watch it get crushed. Go get it."

"Thank you."

I got in the Quattro with Andrea, and drove to the address. I found a large, seemingly abandoned mill sort of thing. It looked pretty run down, but I couldn't find the MR2. I looked around, then finally peeped into a small hole in the wall.


There she was! I broke open a small door, ran in, and hugged my MR2. Some idiot had left the lights on, but other than that, the car was okay. Andrea found a large door that opened up, and let me and the MR2 out. We drove all the way back to the house, and after a bunch of applause about my win and getting my car back, we sat down to talk.

"Alright. Now where?"



"Two captains live there, at the track your mom used to race. They're twins, one focuses on the actual racing, and the other deals with time attacks."

"Cool, but that'll take two chapters."

"No, just have the time attack guy do a lap, then break it while racing."

"Alright, cool idea. I think we should go pretty soon."

"We're all packed."


One day later

"This is where my mother lived?"

"Yep, this very house."

"Cooool. This looks remarkably like that side road in Chamonix."

"I wonder why... Anyway, the race with the twins is tomorrow. Their names are Hans and Franz."


"Yeah, I know."


End of chapter 26. And you guys thought the MR2 would actually get crushed. You sillies. :P

So, next chapter, David tackles Hans and Franz. Hell yeah.
Actually, I was 99% sure the Blue Wedge would get saved. That's why I said NOOO not R.I.P. :D And I think David and Kyoko got a bit farther than "a little further than talking". :lol: Cutting to the chase, eh? Well, you can only fit in so many chapters. :sly:
It may or may not become a major plot point, depending on how crazy I'm feeling.

And yeah, it was slightly further than just talking. Just a little.

EDIT: When I finish the story, I'll go ahead and post a few of the alternate endings you could have seen.
It may or may not become a major plot point, depending on how crazy I'm feeling.

And yeah, it was slightly further than just talking. Just a little.

EDIT: When I finish the story, I'll go ahead and post a few of the alternate endings you could have seen.

I'm now wondering what taking it a lot further would mean in your book...
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I just found this and I love it. I am only up to chapter 7 so far.

so far my favorite quote is: "and if there is a single person in the world with enough balls to win a late-braking battle with me, they don't drive an Alfa."

I can't wait to read the rest.
To the furthest extent of the imagination, my friend. And I've been there.

I found a good reason for this story not to continue.
Some parts of the imagination are best left unknown to the public

I found a good reason for this story not to continue.
Some parts of the imagination are best left unknown to the public

I think leaving it unknown to the public isn't going to help any, I already know what you're getting at...:scared:
I'll be staying away from that topic for the remainder of the story, if you don't mind. ;)

So, any questions thus far?
The kind of people who speak in this color generally are dumb as bricks and are as important as the individual grains of sand are to Florida's beaches.

So, it'd be a mook.

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