Yet Another Race Story! A Story in 30 Parts

  • Thread starter Rykon Zero
I thought you'd like that. I tend to not tiptoe around the point, and instead, smash into it with a small, light blue van.
Is it OK if I borrow the idea of a stat sheet? It seems like an interesting concept.
Wow sorry, my schedule has been packed. I hardly have time to work on the story, and more stuff is happening tomorrow, so if you get a chapter tomorrow, you're lucky.

And the RSC is in storage. What's happening now is they're keeping it for retirement money. They don't really need the money right now, and they have all the bases covered by the cars they've bought or acquired. They just don't need the money, and I think you'll agree when I finally whip out their newest car.
Wow sorry, my schedule has been packed. I hardly have time to work on the story, and more stuff is happening tomorrow, so if you get a chapter tomorrow, you're lucky.
That's how mine is, as I'm trying to complete a run-through of GT4 before GT5 is released on top of writing a Race Story. It might sound a bit similar to yours at the beginning, but it has a lot of major real-world people involved. Thanks for the inspiration for me to begin writing a Race Story, which came after reading yours. (sorry about that. It isn't indended as plagiarism.)
Also, as a side note... Has anyone ever tried to make two entirely different Race Story's come together in an epic battle?
Also, as a side note... Has anyone ever tried to make two entirely different Race Story's come together in an epic battle?

That's what I thought. Someone should make one that has all of the characters from the best race stories in it. This one, Red-Zone, etc...
Someone should make one that has all of the characters from the best race stories in it. This one, Red-Zone, etc...
Or "Spirit of the Night", as soon as I do more chapters.
Maybe me & StigNumbers could combine this RS and mine (well, as soon as I do more chapters.)
Aww... I should have started reading this later. Now I don't know what the secret weapon is. Great story Stig!
Or "Spirit of the Night", as soon as I do more chapters.
Maybe me & StigNumbers could combine this RS and mine (well, as soon as I do more chapters.)

Eventually I was thinking we could combine all of the good ones...but that would take a lot of effort and stuff. But I can dream, can't I? :D

Maybe one day I'll get around to writing my own...
Or "Spirit of the Night", as soon as I do more chapters.
Maybe me & StigNumbers could combine this RS and mine (well, as soon as I do more chapters.)

That'd not work, because, well, I'm sorry to say, but Yet Another Race Story is actually drawing to a close.

That's what I thought. Someone should make one that has all of the characters from the best race stories in it. This one, Red-Zone, etc...

Nah, authors would fight over who's better.

Aww... I should have started reading this later. Now I don't know what the secret weapon is. Great story Stig!

The secret weapon will be revealed soon. I say soon, but it's not really soon at all.

Eventually I was thinking we could combine all of the good ones...but that would take a lot of effort and stuff. But I can dream, can't I? :D

Maybe one day I'll get around to writing my own...

Go right ahead, they're really very fun!

Wow, it really took a lot out of me to write this chapter. I might not be able to post a chapter tomorrow, I might have, *doo doo doo doo* more work to do. I might have to slip into a weekly schedule come school, it'll mean far less, but higher quality chapters, likely.

Chapter 24: Jack Bauer is Absent​


"Think we've beaten enough of these guys?"

"Ha! Idiot couldn't drive a Delta if it killed him."

"We might just have, wanna go for just one last race?"


It's been a few days since the night we all decided to go up against the most dangerous and strongest racing team in the world, so we've gotten our start as the Black Suns, by challenging everything that has a car, then durb stomping everything within a two mile radius. Simply put, out of the fifteen races I've just had, I've won all of them, and everyone else has raced at least ten themselves, with a similar record. As it turns out, we're easily the best racers around here. Well, except for the Solar Flares, that is. I got out of the 22B, and walked over to a bunch of terrified kids standing in front of an Evo. Then, Jason piped up.

"Who are those guys?"

There were three people walking toward us wearing black jackets. They had the emblem of the sun on them, with the words "Solar Flare" written below it.

"We've heard you guys have been doing some serious winning around here."

"Yeah, without the losing bit that usually comes with it."

"So, you think you guys are all tough and ****?"

"Stop swearing, the swear filters will edit them out."

"Yeah, well **** you! You're in our stomping grounds, and you think you can just go about your merry business? We're the Off-road Queen's lieutenants! You don't stand a chance!"

"Do these guys have to act like bad guys this much?"

"I don't know, but I never realized people could actually fit into stereotypes like that."

"Who's the Off-road Queen?"

"She's one of the founders of the Solar Flares, specializing in offroad driving. Her name is Lisa Jones. She's a good driver. Based on the character sheet from last time, she's an EX class on dirt. Sucks at all other types of racing though."

"What are you saying about our queen?!"

"That she can't race off the gravel or snow."

"How dare you-"

The person on the left, seemingly a girl, stepped forward and prepared to slap Andrea. Then it seems she realized who he was.

"Andrea Vespucci, oh..."

She stepped back and hid away from us. Serves her right for joining the evil side. Bleah.

"So, uh, you guys any good?"

"I beat Andrea twice."

"I've been trained by Andrea."

"I was trained by the man who beat Andrea."

"I can drive longer than the car lasts."


Now they really shrank away. I guess they're starting to understand what kind of people we are.

"Uh, well, we challenge you to a race! Here, around Chamonix! We want to put you in your place!"

You idiots. Even you guys know you don't stand a chance.

"They never want to race because it'd be sweet or anything, they just want to prove they're better than us."

"Yeah, I know."

"What'll we do?"

"Well, we've pretty much bypassed a huge amount of work, now that the lieutenants have showed up. Let's race them."

"Alright, we accept your challenge!"

"Well, when do you want to start the race?"

"Let us get ready a bit first."

The trio walked away from us.

"So, think we'll have any trouble with these guys?"

"Maybe. They seem to have some trick up their sleeves."

"Think so?"





Five minutes later



Sorry, I actually drove too far away to see.

"Alright, just send the cash to this address."

"Master, we're sorry for our insolence!"

The three people got down on one knee.

"What's this now?"

"We're joining the Black Suns because we fall victim to silly stereotypes anyway, so might as well become good while we're at it!"

This is more bananas than a tropical fruit plantation.

"Uh, if you want to join the Black suns, It'd help if you go to the license center, and get at least your International B license."

"Does that mean you accept us?!"

The girl who almost slapped Andrea said that to me. Talk about stereotypes, she's hot. Not as hot as the woman at the license center...

"Uh, after you go to the license center."


She kissed me on the cheek. Normally, I'd whip out some witty remark, but this was quite nice.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?!"

Kyoko blushed and stepped forward.


The girl winked at me and walked over to her two friends. The group of mooks walked away, looking noticeably happier. It seems we've already started the road to the big leagues.

"So, David, you do know Kyoko, she..."

"Uh, how could I not?"


"Kyoko's as subtle as a brick to the head. If I didn't know, I'd have to murder myself in the face."

"So you know."

"Yeah. I'll ask her out soon."

"Dude, seriously?"

"Uh, yeah. Kyoko isn't good at hiding emotion, I am."

"So, uh, can I have that one?"

"That really hot girl?"


"She could probably beat you, you know."

"I've got plenty of endurance."

"She's a dirt racer."

"In bed."

"So do I."

Kyoko came walking back.

"Oh, really?"

"Go away, Kyoko."
"Go away, Kyoko."

It's getting late, so we probably should head home now.

"It's getting late, so we probably should head home now."

"I agree. We've gotten on the bad side of the Solar Flares already, we're going to need all the rest we can get."

"Yeah. I'm wondering when we're going to face the Off-road Queen. We've taken out her lieutenants already, she'll come for us soon."



"Goddamn it, what?!"

"A bunch of guys took out my lieutenants~!"

"Stop with the tildes!"

"Alright. A brand new team came out of nowhere and defeated my lieutenants!"

"So? That's half their purpose."

"But they defected to their team after they lost!"

"Strange. Why is that?"

"They were supposedly beaten so utterly, they wanted to race for them."

"And they came out of nowhere?"

"Actually, supposedly, Andrea Vespucci was with them."

"He's a good driver, but nothing that would make them defect."

"He wasn't the one racing. Apparently, the one who raced was a new upstart who lost only one race in his career."


"He claimed he's beaten Andrea twice."

A new upstart that beat Andrea twice?! Andrea was the closest to beating me in my entire career, not including Daniel. If someone beat Andrea, perhaps... Perhaps they have a chance of beating me. I want to see this myself. But he'll need to race all my captains first. But what hope does that yield, if Andrea could beat Lisa in his sleep? Ah, well.

"Go race this new upstart."


"Wait, what's his name?"

"I didn't catch his last name, but his first name is David, nickname is Shadow of Seattle."

"A nickname already?"

"Yeah. His team is called the Black Suns."

That's cheeky isn't it? It's like he's specifically put himself up against us... Strange. David, Shadow of Seattle... Maybe I'll be able to retire if he's good enough.


"Night, everyone!"



"Hey, Andrea. We need to talk."

"What's up?"

"This Kurt Rinehart, does David stand a chance?"

"No. David's a lot better than me at road racing, but he's not quite as good as Kurt. His dirt racing skills will naturally improve as he continues to drive, but right now, Kurt will win the race 99 times out of a hundred."

"So, why are we having him race?"

"This is David's will, not ours. I'm pointing David in the direction of success."

"What do you mean?"

"David's ability isn't drifting, or racing, or anything of that sort, oddly enough. It's innovation. His mind and body works almost like a positive feedback loop. If he learns something, he'll improve on it in no time. It's how he managed to become better than me so quickly in just a day."

"So, that's how he becomes so fast. But how will this help him?"

"I'll have him race against all of the captains, and hopefully he'll learn some tricks or skills from them, so he can face Kurt."

"Will he be able to win then?"

"Probably not. But this is where his skill comes into effect. He needs to race against Kurt. If he loses, he'll take what he learned from Kurt, improve on it, then be the second man in history to beat the fastest man in the world, and take that title for himself. This means he'll have to absorb a loss, but I think it's worth it."

"I agree, but the question is, will David?"

"He doesn't have a choice. Win, or lose, then win."

"What if Kurt doesn't give him a second chance?"

"Kurt's off in the head. He'll go chasing after anything."



"Yes, sir?"

"The three lieutenants that defected from Lisa's team."

"What about them, sir?"

"Kill two of them."

"Right away, sir."


Finally wrote a chapter. Took me a while for the juices to start flowing, but I think I knocked out a good chapter this time.
Very good! This story is awesome.
Sad to hear, that it's drawing to a close, but it is kind of obvious with the large race with Kurt.
This is getting tense. Why did you name the chapter "Jack Bauer is Absent"?
Why does the Solar Flares' stratification (face all the minions then the boss) remind me of a Pokémon gym? :lol: Anyway, great chapter! I love the witty, Yu-Gi-Oh The Abridged Series-style remarks (like the one about the swear filter). 👍
Good to see another chapter :), sad to see that it is coming to an end.:(
Well, my idea of combining the two was good, but that won't work now. :grumpy:
Hey, guys, I knew this earlier, and it might have been pretty evident, but the 22B handles HORRIBLY! I'm doing some plot readjustments just so I don't have to drive it anymore!
I have a 4WD rally tuning setup that works for almost any 4WD car.
If you want, I can post it on the boards on here soon...
I suppose that Andrea's Delta will be tuned up for the story, or the RSC will be brought out of storage.
Good to see another chapter :), sad to see that it is coming to an end.:(
Well, my idea of combining the two was good, but that won't work now. :grumpy:

Well what could work is basically start a new story, of another young adult/teenager/whatever of the NEXT generation, and make references to the other stories, such as the protagonist having posters of David and his secret weapon (TBA) and the Red-Zone guy in his yellow Civic. Then David and other said race story protagonists could appear in cameos. For example, the driver always wished he could one day race David, and at the end of the race story an older, wiser David (presumably married to Kyoko :D) shows up to race him. That's what I'm thinking. :D