You CANNOT trade cars worth 1,000,000 cr and over! Details within.

  • Thread starter kingaraya
Exactly. PD should've imposed this since the beginning of the game, but we got a lucky break for three months. GT6 is not coming next week. What's the rush?

Gt6 will not be cominhg at all lets face facts GT5 original release date was over 3 years ago and now it is released their spending all their time releasing updates for it
they should have examined the opposition then started to make the game if you dont want or no longer need a car in Forza 3 you stick it in an auction-room PD should have had this game nailed after that much of a delay not constantly up date it
This guy is 11 years old mentally... and he can't spell.

There are some many things wrong with this game - Why did they think this needed to be fixed? As thou it was hurting someone?

Couldn't have added support for the G27 Wheel, you had to fix something that wasn't broken... GOOD JOB PolyPHONY Digital. The REAL driving simulator - What a Joke.

I dont care, and you can keep whining. It's not going to change anything. I already have all valuable cars in my garage. I wonder how long is it going to take others to collect all $100,000+ cars now. :D
The Real Driving Simulator, seems that the driving is unchanged to me. Still best driving experience on a console. Does what it says on the tin.
hmmm. Good patch for the people who were smart enough to get all the interesting and expensive cars earlier, bad for the people who now must spend the rest of their lives grinding indy in order to afford anything they actually want.

All this will do is that more people will do the B day glich as we can still send tickets.
This is a joke right!!

I think 1,000,000 Cr. as a limit is far too low. Maybe 10,000,000 Cr. This now means we have to grind even more to make stupid amounts of money to buy all those stupidly over priced cars.

Patch 1.06 was a step forward, but patch 1.07 is a leap backwards. Poor show PD. Yes something needed to be done with the trading to prevent people selling stuff on eBay and people having several accounts to trade from, but this is over the top imo.

I assure you that THIS is the EXACT reason for this update. Fun and games is one thing (duping, etc.) but I'm sure when PD saw that some people were paying the price of the GAME for a car that someone has essentially "genetically engineered" it pissed PD off.

It actually makes me mad as well. I don't care about duping, but c'mon... selling cars to some poor 8 year olds... get a life.
I have only just started trading and I have really enjoyed it. Traded for a few nice cars that I can't afford at the moment. I think that it is a step backwards. If people are stupid enough to buy cars of ebay more fool them. I had a couple of trades pending that can't go through now. Atleast no one involved got stung.
I assure you that THIS is the EXACT reason for this update. Fun and games is one thing (duping, etc.) but I'm sure when PD saw that some people were paying the price of the GAME for a car that someone has essentially "genetically engineered" it pissed PD off.

It actually makes me mad as well. I don't care about duping, but c'mon... selling cars to some poor 8 year olds... get a life.

Totally agree.
Got to wonder how Polyphony can be so out of touch with their customers.

Every time they release an update that's appreciated they destroy it in the next update.

Every time they see an element of the game that's appreciated, they destroy it in the next update.

I mean are they actually trying to please the people who paid for the game or just annoy them?
I'm glad to see this update. I could care less about the small percent of the GT community who wants to cry because they can no longer cheat. Guess they will have to put in the work and earn things within the game like the rest of us now. Bravo!

It does suck for people who trade legitimately though. I doubt they're going to implement other ways to prevent duping any time soon either, so I guess I'm stuck with what I buy regardless unless I want to save/reload, which I won't.
This is really bad update for those who had lend cars to friends. In my case a lend to a friends the F10, and now guess what i lost the F10..
I agree that buying virtual cars with real money could bring some kinda of problems, but camon at least the should alert costumers first and then do the update. That would prevent situations like mine.
I still think we need an online market place for buying/selling cars.

You simply select a car in your garage to sell, set a price a price of +/- 25% of the cars original purchase value and then put it up for sale. The car in now unavailable in your garage until you remove it from the online market place.

When a buyer finds the car he wants, he buys the car and it's transferred into his garage. You can't offer more/less than the asking price and the buyer can not reject a buyer because it's not their friend. If you put it up for sale, it's a first come first severe situation.

This would nicely do away with the need for the OUD and the UD. Every car would be available to buy all the time.
Well, i trade cars. Not only that but i also dupe them. Not only that, but i also do it with 3 accounts. At least they should say "All cars that cost over 10.000.000 cr. cannot blah blah...."
Come on guys, dont cut us off like that. I agree that even a 10 lvl driver could get the X1 and really that was stupid. Still i would like to give to someone a WRC car that costs almost 2 million, or one of the Le Mans. I agree that X1 and Historic Race Cars should not be traded that easily. 10.000.000 folks, not 1.000.000..........
I am not a duper but i think this is a bad idea. and i am realy lucky i trade for my X1 1 week ago. but still it should be raised to 5mil or 10 not 1 a slow nardo is even 2mil. This is ridiculous
Really shameful for all thoose that never duped and traded legit between friends and here on marketplace.. so what if people massdupe cars? u still cant sell them and only reason i see is the loosers that put up cars on ebay and try make profit..
Patience.....lets check the next update in a week or so.
Maybe they remove the borrowing system + the gifting system so that we play fair finally :lol:
Where does this 1,000,000 limit come from? I just bought a used Ford GT '02 from UCD and tried gifting it to my main account and got the "You Cant Gift This Car To A Friend" message. The car cost 999,740 credits!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I just thick or something or is the limit lower than 1,000,000?
Well Need for Speed Shift 2 is coming out soon, as much as I love the GT series, (was the reason why I bought all three consoles) I have thousands of hours logged up in GT5. I have no interest in doing the endurence races in a-spec. Unless they come out with more cars, more tracks or something to make it worth it, i guess I'll switch to the second best,IMO, game where I can have fun modding the cars the I love so much.
Well Need for Speed Shift 2 is coming out soon, as much as I love the GT series, (was the reason why I bought all three consoles) I have thousands of hours logged up in GT5. I have no interest in doing the endurence races in a-spec. Unless they come out with more cars, more tracks or something to make it worth it, i guess I'll switch to the second best,IMO, game where I can have fun modding the cars the I love so much.
👍 +1
*Is going back to playing Black ops Domination :D *

I'm thankful I have nearly all the cars I want. Good luck everyone, hope this all works out soon enough. If this limit doesn't change then PD should defnitely make some of the cars cheaper.
Given that racing online and trading for rare cars are the only things worth doing in GT5, it looks like PD has taken a giant step backwards.

yea, the only one reason that i throw 65 bucks on real life because i want to collect and enjoy driving all the cars that PD created, and now they make it even harder for us. after the price cut at 1.06, now this crap 1.07, i will never throw my precious time again on this game anymore (imagine that you should grinding all the day, waste your life, your time with family, just to get an X2010, what a stupid waste).
and now after a month of wasting time for hunting cars, my garage collection was separated on my 3 accounts, thats great!! i would rather enjoy playing AC brotherhood better than this bull**** now :(:yuck:👎
They seem to be catering to the crowd that live in their Mom's basement, only come up for tv dinners, have no lives and can spend 20 hours a day doing these stupid endurance races or grinding Indy to get 20 million credits. Trading is the only way someone with a full time job and family can ever get a car worth 20 million credits. If they are going to take away trading then make the seasonals earn you 20 million. I don't understand why people care if someone else dupes or trades. They get some kind of gratification that they have a virtual car that no one else has. After getting that car they can pedal their bmx bike to the corner store and get a snack to celebrate their greatness.