You CANNOT trade cars worth 1,000,000 cr and over! Details within.

  • Thread starter kingaraya
They seem to be catering to the crowd that live in their Mom's basement, only come up for tv dinners, have no lives and can spend 20 hours a day doing these stupid endurance races or grinding Indy to get 20 million credits. Trading is the only way someone with a full time job and family can ever get a car worth 20 million credits. If they are going to take away trading then make the seasonals earn you 20 million. I don't understand why people care if someone else dupes or trades. They get some kind of gratification that they have a virtual car that no one else has. After getting that car they can pedal their bmx bike to the corner store and get a snack to celebrate their greatness.

:tup:yup that's right!! 👍
only an unemployed man or a kids with a long summer holiday, who can spend their entire day for grinding to get a few Cr, and spend it on stupid virtual game. i don't know what is PD thinking of this stupid strategy, maybe they feel they are BIG, because they have threw their 5 years to create a masterpiece that make everyone waiting for so long, and they think everyone will do what PD's wants everyone to do (stupid grinding all the day). they made a stupid mistake.
Where does this 1,000,000 limit come from? I just bought a used Ford GT '02 from UCD and tried gifting it to my main account and got the "You Cant Gift This Car To A Friend" message. The car cost 999,740 credits!!!!!!!!!!!

Am I just thick or something or is the limit lower than 1,000,000?

I'm pretty sure that the "new" price of that car is 1,000,000. It only costs 999,740 because of the few miles it had on it when you bought it. That'd be my best guess anyway.
Sigh, time to go back to assassin's creed. It seems like everytime pd takes a step forward, they do something idiotic and take it a step back.
I honestly see no need to trade anymore... I've done 30 plus trades in the past two months..and now that I have all the cars I want .There's no need to trade anymore.... Most of the people on here have traded way more than me and have all the cars anybody will ever need...GT5 has been reduced down grinding out Indy or Bspec instead of enjoying the game like GT1 thru GT4 .. This whole trade thing was great while it lasted ..but we all should have no complaints when we look in our garages and we Have 5 plus X1's , all colors of RX7LM and FTO's...Just Chalk it up.. Wait for GT6 ...
c`mon is this really the only reason u got gt5 to trade cars?? i know i tradet alot off cars to whit my freinds most and in here to get some off the good race cars i race in online whit 0 km on them to. but i still enjoy the game i race alot online and thats why i buy the game in the 1 place not to trade cars but to race them and yes im a guy ther dont work and got a lot off time to play becous off it but i do it becous i injoy it not whant to complet the game and all the races and trophe. but hey its u ther make the election and that just means i hope leass bad racers on the online tracks then that great whit me in joy btw black ops the worst call of duty game ever wher u buy all and dont earn it bye getting kills whats the fun off that ????????? ever person got ther own likes and dislikes respect it and stop playing the game if u dont like it
What about the families that can't afford a ps3 each there trading is totaly *****d and pd has only paid attention to the sort of people that send them angry emails instead of just enjoying the game like 90% of the gt5 players I owe someone a xj13 and I really hope they are in europe so I can get him a chrome line code but now my xj13 is totally worthless instead of putting stupid restrictions on why not store the garage info online there would be no duping but trading would still work and what's the problem with multiple accounts you still earned the cars didn't you gt5 is now dead to me until this is fixed
what i really disagree with this restriction is they don't give an early WARNING before they launch it, so most of my rare cars are now sitting down useless on both my dupe accounts, because i don't have time to return it back to my main account :(
Just like to remind everyone calling it the trading system its actually 'Gift to Friend' meaning giving a car to a friend not trading with people and duping to get all the cars ...

It was going to happen sometime soon because rare cares were worthless when you could come on here, say you needed (______) and someone trades you for a NSX or something .. You can still trade for the cars of less value ... if your after an expensive car then save up for it :) about time A spec comes back into fashion 👍
what i really disagree with this restriction is they don't give an early WARNING before they launch it, so most of my rare cars are now sitting down useless on both my dupe accounts, because i don't have time to return it back to my main account :(

One option is to share them, the upside is that don't get miles on them.
I still think we need an online market place for buying/selling cars.

You simply select a car in your garage to sell, set a price a price of +/- 25% of the cars original purchase value and then put it up for sale. The car in now unavailable in your garage until you remove it from the online market place.

When a buyer finds the car he wants, he buys the car and it's transferred into his garage. You can't offer more/less than the asking price and the buyer can not reject a buyer because it's not their friend. If you put it up for sale, it's a first come first severe situation.

This would nicely do away with the need for the OUD and the UD. Every car would be available to buy all the time.

I completely agree with this statement. It would also be nice if PD introduced a legit trading system instead of the "I gift to you, you gift to me" system.

I only got GT5 late January because I was lacking funds and busting my ass working to have some fun at the end of the day. The "trading" feature provided a lot of fun to me because I could collect cars that I wanted and always liked in real life. I really hope there's going to be another patch addressing this issue. Maybe even raise the limit from 1 000 000 CR to 10 000 000 CR
To me I think the game is going to be returned as its not working the way it was when i baught it... Trade descriptions act!!!!!!!!
Also the ps3 will be put on ebay as I only got it to play this (was)Good fun game... (NOW) Not fun at all.

So pd will have to sort it out or they could end up with a court case against them!!!!
Removing features after its been baught is the law!!!!
Look at the law suit that is being brought against sony for removing the otherOS!!!!!!!
PD should re patch to put things back to normal....
best patch ever, i am glad that i alrady have all x2010s (22 types) and all 1M+ cars in my garage.

Yeah they are only valuable to you alone now since you can't trade them. I lost all desire to try to collect them all because I'm not going to grind senselessly to earn more for them. If they had more bonus races, that is cool but the same stupid races over and over is pointless.
I completely agree with this statement. It would also be nice if PD introduced a legit trading system instead of the "I gift to you, you gift to me" system.

I only got GT5 late January because I was lacking funds and busting my ass working to have some fun at the end of the day. The "trading" feature provided a lot of fun to me because I could collect cars that I wanted and always liked in real life. I really hope there's going to be another patch addressing this issue. Maybe even raise the limit from 1 000 000 CR to 10 000 000 CR

Yes, at least 5M or 10 would be better. 1Mil is ridiculous.
Yeah they are only valuable to you alone now since you can't trade them. I lost all desire to try to collect them all because I'm not going to grind senselessly to earn more for them. If they had more bonus races, that is cool but the same stupid races over and over is pointless.

Agreed, no way he got all of those without duping or trading. Funny how some who did alot of that are now against it after they got what they needed.
One option is to share them, the upside is that don't get miles on them.

Yeah, stupid there was no warning. I had just traded for a few nice ones the day before and can't get them to my main account now= wasted time. The reason for multiple accounts was to defeat the one trade per day which should have been like 5 a day. Again, we paid real $ for the game why the hell shouldn't they be happy with that and leave us to do what we want with it. If I could somehow return it to them in boycott so they lose out and understand they shouldn't mess with features they started with, I would in a heartbeat.

If they started with a trade cap, lifted it, then put it back in because things were getting "crazy" I can see that being legit. But when you buy a game it has a fun feature, then they take it away, it is kinda defeating and bait and switch as some say. Were people getting killed because of trading expensive cars? Was there any reported acts of violence? Was it making the game pointless for everyone? I want to know why they felt they needed to play parents.
I'm at work now and cant play the game... but is impossible delete the game data, install again WITHOUT 1.07 update and restore the save game?

If it was a game lock, this maybe works, but if it was in the server...
I'm at work now and cant play the game... but is impossible delete the game data, install again WITHOUT 1.07 update and restore the save game?

If it was a game lock, this maybe works, but if it was in the server...

Last night I was playing during the install and the servers were down so I wasn't on the update. I tried to do anything on the game after that and it forces you to do the update. So unless you pull the cord and go completely off line- it is pointless as you can't play without the update.
well this sux big time!

My Ferrari (which i had to tade for because i refuse to grind the crap out of a game just to buy a crappy Ferrari F1) is stuck in my 2nd account (which i am playing for the A-spec again due to lack of A-spec events) after i lent it to my bro for a few days for his seasonals and he sent it back to my 2nd account instead of my main...

Thanks for the warning PD!
well this sux big time!

My Ferrari (which i had to tade for because i refuse to grind the crap out of a game just to buy a crappy Ferrari F1) is stuck in my 2nd account (which i am playing for the A-spec again due to lack of A-spec events) after i lent it to my bro for a few days for his seasonals and he sent it back to my 2nd account instead of my main...

Thanks for the warning PD!

Yeah what sucks more is I had about 15x 1M+ cars at least in several accounts that I bought/traded. I have since passed them in the UCD and now who knows how long even until I see some of the really rare ones again that the lists say only showed 1 or 2x in over 1500 days of playing. Those UCD lists are now useless too since the update last week they scrambled the dealership.
PD 🤬 up trade section and all fun about it!!!

I was just a car collector, it was very nice to meet with GTP fellas and trading cars, I never had bad experience and it is very funny to be punished because of others... Also I never heard/red of any comment to limit trading.

As a signature edition owner today I removed GT5 disk from PS and put it in cabinet...

good for you Kazu keep going with 🤬 ideas.
Also, if you hadn't read, you can't even send more than one of the <1M cars from your other accounts because they capped the send limit per PS3 and not per user anymore. So if you have siblings with accounts who want to share or trade legit- one of you two are screwed.
PD 🤬 up trade section and all fun about it!!!

I was just a car collector, it was very nice to meet with GTP fellas and trading cars, I never had bad experience and it is very funny to be punished because of others... Also I never heard/red of any comment to limit trading.

As a signature edition owner today I removed GT5 disk from PS and put it in cabinet...

good for you Kazu keep going with 🤬 ideas.

I was just a collector too.
Now, I have a few cars that would be nearly impossible for me to obtain....unless they raise the limit to 2 million.

But still, this is bad.
The only thing I can say is why couldn't have this update been any sooner?

Let's be honest, car trading is like a drug to many. I feel this update would make the majority of traders return to grass roots racing. i.e. saving up, buying and racing, not looking up, duping and trading in about 5 minutes.

From a personal point of view, having accidentally deleted my PS3 data, I sworn to myself not to trade and this will only help me stick to my gameplan that we all had when playing the earlier Gran Turismo games.

I understand fully that collectors will feel heartbroken but those Level 1 A-Spec users who just love to destroy the market deserve this.
It would be nice to restrict trading with level system or available credit e.g:

- X car requires Level 30, then both traders should be higher than Level 30.
- Y car costs 12.000.000 credit than both traders should have more than that.

I think that would be accepted by most of members...

and also without prior notice changing trade system idea is just POS!

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