You CANNOT trade cars worth 1,000,000 cr and over! Details within.

  • Thread starter kingaraya
You made a great point here I think one of the main goals for the one trade limit per PS3 is to force people like you and your brother to go out and buy another PS3... I say this becuase while PD was making this decision there is no way that they overlooked that issue. I myself was a little pissed to learn I had to buy a wheel to be competitive as there was no way I could make it in GT Acadamy. There was always a three sec gap... but if you just want gold licenses you can get them with a controller I'm currently 56/60 gold with four silvers and all gold's on Super. Most tests have a trick to them if you want some tips on a hard test PM me:tup: just not on the slaloms... I don't think I will ever get those haha

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this! Lol. And it's not just one extra PS3, it's two. Just imagine if my dad was into GT5, like I'm sure occurs in some households. 4 PS3s just to use the game properly! They can't surely expect people to do this can they? I really hope this is a massive oversight and we get v1.08 on March 3rd fixing this.

Hey, I can dream right? Haha.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks this! Lol. And it's not just one extra PS3, it's two. Just imagine if my dad was into GT5, like I'm sure occurs in some households. 4 PS3s just to use the game properly! They can't surely expect people to do this can they? I really hope this is a massive oversight and we get v1.08 on March 3rd fixing this.

I have two PS3's with different accounts on the same internet connection but could only send one car today (Limit reached) while yesterday two cars was no problem.

Also instead of sending 5 paints chips the number today was limited to 4.
I have two PS3's with different accounts on the same internet connection but could only send one car today (Limit reached) while yesterday two cars was no problem.

Also instead of sending 5 paints chips the number today was limited to 4.

ouch thats really sucks, even if we have two PS3, but the same IP address, we can't trade each other too? poor PD.always making the customers unsatisfied 👎👎 btw i just send 5 paints chips this morning to my other account..
totally agree with you. we pay a real bucks here, and i am satisfied because at first i thought i could collect all rare cars. and everyone enjoyed it, just look at trade suddenly i just feel bored about this game. grinding is not my hobby and i got a real life to live. PD is really dissapointed me. luckily i haven't thrown my 300 bucks on logitech g27 for this game, because i will put the gt5 cd back in the box untill PD making any change about trading policy, and i can get all my rare cars back from my 2nd and 3rd account into my main account. because without a complete garage, this game is SUCKS!!!!

I agree also, I will still play GT5 because I already bought it, but I can't even begin to tell you how ripped off I feel because so many things about this game was so poorly done. I was promised things like 1000+ detailed cars right on the box. What they really meant was 1000+ cars (most of which aren't all that detailed) that you will never be able to use unless you spend 100's of hours grinding or trade for the cars you like but can't afford. Now they tell me I can't trade for any of the really good cars anymore. I have a wife, a child, and a full time job so I don't get much time to play to "earn" the really expensive cars, so I guess I'll never get to enjoy racing with any of those. Like you can even "earn" a virtual car? I don't really understand how people think grinding for hours on end is "earning" anything. Thanks PD, way to punish the people who actually have to work 50+ hours a week to EARN the money to buy your game. Bet I don't make the mistake of spending any more of my hard EARNED money on GT6 or any other game PD puts out. They need to get their head out of their a** and start fixing a few of the poorly done features in this game instead of taking away the only way most hard working people with a family and a REAL life will ever be able to "race" with most of the hugely overpriced cars in GT5. Hey PD, either drastically lower the price of the cars, increase the credits I can "earn" per race, or let me trade for expensive cars. I would like to be able to enjoy the game I paid for without having to devote my entire life to GT5.
I can see 4 things that PD fixed with this.

1. Duping of the most valuable cars (X1s, Group C/LMP, F1s, Rally etc.) is now stopped.
2. Birthday glitching is now dead.
3. Car Values and rareness actually is back in order, as cars will actually require credits to buy.
4. GT5 is now played the way it's supposed to be played, by earning the cars, and not abusing and cheating the system to get cars for free.

Whether you think the ones mentioned above are issues, that's your opinion. On the other hand, I think this is an effective method to prevent people from abusing the system while allowing backup saves. For the people who earned their cars with their hard earned credits, this is a good thing. For the people who don't want to spend time or don't have time to play, this is a bad thing.

Yes, what you said it´s true. But in a game you should be able to play in the way you want; fairly or cheating. People want more freedom in this things, don´t think so?
Let me start off by saying that I'm not a duper, have never duped a car and I don't intend to. That being said I have no problems with how others choose to play THEIR game. This update affects EVERYONE you morons, not just dupers. Trading should be a feature and yes I know there is a "Gift" feature which is why I clearly stated "TRADING", thanks for the help though /s. It's one of the coolest and eastiests ways to acquire the cars you want to drive. Isn't that what this game is suppose to be about? Isn't that the way it was INTENDED to be played?

And the really funny/sad part is NO ONE wins. You think all of a sudden more people will start caring what car YOU have? You think suddenly MORE people are going to jump online to marvel at YOU? WOW. You people are idiots. With the share/loan/borrow feature low level drivers can still drive high level cars. Is that considered cheating to you since they still didn't "EARN" the right to drive it? Are you now going to moan about that?

You know what I'd really like and respect though? I'd like for those that are AGAINST duping to man up and keep it real. The only reason I can think of as to why they have a problem with duping is because they bought GT5 to show off and boost their weak ego.

Let's look at one main FACT here. All it takes to level up in this weak ass driving game and collect ALL the cars is LOADS and LOADS of time. ZERO SKILL IS REQUIRED. ZERO. The leveling system is flawed and you people think you are "EARNING" something by grinding? On rediculously EASY races? You can't be serious. How old are you guys? What kind of uneventful life do you have that you can sink all that time in ONE VIDEO GAME. I can't help but feel sorry for these poor slobs.

Let's look at the online, something I rarely use anymore because I've found out most of the time is wasted on "look at me and my high level cars that you don't have" rather than racing. I'm just here to race bud and I don't give a damn about what YOU are driving. Sorry, just thought I'd tell you the truth.

How does it affect you if a lvl 10 driver has a lvl 23 car? It only makes a difference because you are online to "show off" your high level car and are mad that they have the same car. Does it not occur to any of you bozo's that others are here to race, not marvel at your car?

So let's see if I've got it right:

YOU bought the game to "show off" and "brag" about your high level car online and think that's the way it should be for EVERYONE.

Others bought the game to race/collect cool cars and could care less about whatever virtual car you have.
You are now upset that less people are noticing your "greatness" and your ego now feels cheated.

Is that about right?

If I'm wrong please for the love of my sanity someone give me ONE, just ONE LOGICAL explanation how trading/duping affects YOU, other than your ego of course. I've yet to read one and when others bring up the fact about it being about ego, NONE of those people have anything to refute the statement, AT ALL. Kinda telling, don't you think...
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That's quite the rant the Vengence....impressive really.

You should look at my tuning gargage...I have a feeling you will like the name ;)
All but #2 and #3 are true. Because of the allowing of backing up saves, you can still rig tickets like the 1000 miles and the level tickets.

I duped my X2010 after sending it and i still own it. So #1 is not true
Does anyone know when on March 3rd the trading limit is put in place. Will it be midnight GMT on the 2nd? or midnight GMT on the 3rd?
Hopefully, on March 4th if this BS doesn't get corrected the twitter and Facebook attacks will begin...if Egypt can go down PD should be a cinch....

Loooove that name!! lol, you've got me as a fan buddy. Another funny thing I just discovered after checking out the online is that there are tons of "drag races" which I thought was so cool.

Now clearly this is not what PD/SONY intended because if it were there would be drag races set up, online and off, which of course there are none. Gamers saw a need and installed one, like trading. That's what gamers do. How PD didn't include such modes/features is beyond me.

Should we get up in arms over this because others are drag racing(having fun) and not playing the game as intended(grinding)? I'm just blown away at how far others will go to short change others just to feel good about themselves.
@ Vengence999

That was extremely well said bro, i feel you hit that right on the nail, some people think there so crash hot cause they have grinded (Put bob on auto pilot all night) That is not grinding and as far as i am concerned, its cheating more so than the people collecting cars through multi trading across 16 accounts and also duping...

Not to mention the people that bitch about the whole duping scenario is mainly conceived of the early dupers and collectors who have it all and feel the need to bitch and carry on over the whole, Duping is killing the servers...

Furthermore I'm guessing a lot of these so called bitches are in fact the ones that actually do that pathetic trick with the rubber band lol. WTFU people and get over yourselves. if people want to collect or dupe and you think its unfair, why don't you just do it anyhow. It will save all the flaming on the anti 1.07 and the duping threads.

As fr everyone crapping on about acomplishment and reward for the so called Grind, this game is ****all of a grind go play a MMORPG like World Of Warcraft and grind some of the rep lol. take you bloody ages and alot more time than this game. Also i would like to add that this racing element is so damn easy and boring and not enough content at that, you are cheating yourselves if you think you have accomplished greatness...

LMFAO Go play Iracing or Rfactor and then see how much you accomplish with the skills necessary to go through GT5. If PD actually gave a hoot about after sales happiness of there customers Maybe they would incorporate all the features as promised or took another 2 years to actually finish the game to begin with. Or completely took Duping out of the game altogether and I am 100% positive they knew full well this was going to happen and a simple coding would have fixed all of it, and another thing why have the birthday cars anyhow Another mistake lol. The only type of game where it may come out in a unfinished unpolished state is really a MMORPG, which will get major patch development through its life. Not an arcade simulator lol.

Not to mention fix all the problems with the game instead of nerfing all the features that this community fell in love with in the first place. Lol for such an awesome Franchise this last installment is nothing special at all...'s not hard to amass credits since there's seasonal events and remote b-spec. Seasonals supposedly come every week. Remote B-spec allows you to earn money without doing anything. You honestly don't have to choose to grind at Indy if you don't want to. Just take the game at a slower pace and enjoy some online racing and remote b-spec while waiting for the next set of seasonals.

:crazy:online doesn't pay very much and remote racing requires you to leave your system reserved as a server so its basically a b-spec that is mostly beneficial to others (mostly because you can only enter one of your own drivers in it)
:crazy:online doesn't pay very much and remote racing requires you to leave your system reserved as a server so its basically a b-spec that is mostly beneficial to others (mostly because you can only enter one of your own drivers in it)

Create a second account, with your first account as a friend. So you do remote races on your second account using the six B-Bobs of your first account.

Be your own best friend
agreed, I'd like an answer to that. Reset is 7pm est here, does that mean that we can trade up until 7 pm march 3?
This update is stupid, it will happen like what they did with quickscoping on Black Ops, since early black ops, they have patched the snipers to de-nerf them everytime more. PD should learn something from Treyarch, as their updates have actually pleased around 97% of the community (that 3% being comando knifers if u know what I'm talking about).

GT5 was a great experience right out of the box when I got it in X-Mas eve, its all going downhill with the 1.07 update. I liked 1.06, but I think the limitations for duping and Glitching affect the legitimate players, and those players are at around 70-75% of the community. Any car in GT5 worth less than 1m credits is most likely worthless in the trading of GT5. I also think that duping and glitching isnt really a problem for the online "Economy" as you are not actually trading credits, just cars, kind of like a trading card game. Even though it "Could" be affecting the value of a car, its ALL the cars, so its technically not doing anything wrong if no cars are getting more expensive/harder to get. Also, if you dupe/glitch a car for offline purposes, such as collecting, then it just does not affect the community at all. Another factor could be online races, and yet that is not being affected, as users can set their own custom regulations in each race, and its a VERY small part of GT5 that a mere 5-10% of the community uses.

Really stupid update in regards of restrictions, then again, its not like there's a real "Economy" behind GT5, more like a desire for something new. The E-Bay sellers most likely dont even get bids at all, anyone stupid enough to buy them off of E-Bay is was probably left with a cracked head under a bridge. Now, a solution would be to completely remove the gifting (takes out B-Day gifters) and put in a real marketplace (bids/auctions) and also a trading interface (between users, such as in mmorpg's). Dupers could be completely banished by just making those cars from the trade appear directly on your garage. I dont think however that duping is a problem, as I think grinding for credits to buy a fictional car is just NOT WORTH IT PEOPLE!!! I think that 10-12.5 mil Cr for a F10 and F2007 is stupid, as you cant even use them in A or B spec.
This is an OUTRAGE!

It definately is, they are gonna have to face the facts however: They will have to return the game to stock eventually. And I have to say it again: There is no real Economy in GT5, there's just a need for completion, since you arent really dealing with any sort of money, just a bunch of cars everyone wants.
Hopefully, on March 4th if this BS doesn't get corrected the twitter and Facebook attacks will begin...if Egypt can go down PD should be a cinch....

I'm astonished they haven't been DDOS'd into oblivion by now.
*Disclaimer* I don't condone this behavior in any way shape or form :)

agreed, I'd like an answer to that. Reset is 7pm est here, does that mean that we can trade up until 7 pm march 3?

The announcement says "the limitation will be re-enabled March the 3rd", so it should be March 3rd 12:00AM GMT. I would try slipping one through at the reset just in case they're late (log in before the reset, and be ready to send).
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Well after seeing all the discussion about this restriction, I will make my opinion

The restriction creates a doubt me, I have a mania about the game that led me to perform many hours of play consists of several things.

1. I never sell or use the cars obtained as a result of the prizes in competitions, I like them 0km, but if there is one that I like and want to try, I seek to have him back without touching that I have.

2. Collect all the cars that exist in the game, but if hajj cars are my favorites, lleog to have several of the same model

GT5 is now competitive vehicles like Ford GT40 Race Car '69, if not for the timing of receipt of gift, it would be impossible to achieve in 0Km state, you can get in UCD but miles included in these cases as means that could have multiple 0Km to use one and leave another in its original state? Not to mention models that are not competitive but are of years ago.

That's the downside I've seen with this restriction.

PS: if it is a ridiculous obsession for many, but it's the way I've always played GT and the reason why since I have multiple saves GT1 is more in GT4 I have ordered as follows

1. Memory Card of Gift cars
2. Memory Card of Used Cars
3. Memory Card of 0km cars
4. Memory Card of favorities.
Just some thoughts for PD's decision:

1. If their problem is the birthday glitch, why do they prohibit gifting the expensive cars only and don't just get rid of the whole birthday present aspect?

2. If it's the car & item duplication, why prohibiting the expensive cars only and not gifting altogether?

3. If it's the trading on e-bay, why didn't they go after or at least threaten the traders (e.g. for illegally trading PD's intellectual property)? AFAIK they didn't even post a warning.

4. If their problem was too much trading (although I can't imagine what problem would that be), why didn't they just stick with the 1 car/day restriction?

5. Finally, if their problem (or actually, Sony's problem) was the overwhelming number of accounts being created, why didn't they just allow trading between different users on the same console (thus, avoiding the need to create alternative/fake PSN accounts)?

As I see it, someone at PD must have said one day:
- Kazunori-sama, you remember all those cars that would be almost impossible to obtain by anyone that has a life outside of GT-Life?
- You mean the ones we would make available as DLC later on?
- Exactly sir. Well, it appears the GT community has exploited a couple of loopholes and now these cars are all over the place.
- F...!
I have a trade lined up for reset tonight which is the 2nd on my calender.I'm kind of thinking the limit will go back in place right around the time the seasonal events are updated.I've had many perfect trades thus far and would hate to botch one now.Could PD be so cruel as to not consider that it's still the 2nd in the US?I hope not.
Any updates if gifting 1mil below only has been implemented? it's already march 3, 12:32am here. Someone tried to do the trade GMT +8?
damn, this whole stupid grinding thing will kill my PS3 system for running too many hours just to get an X2010!! this is bull****.. what an smartass PD!!