Well, for this car, I'll be using a pair of picture from a magazine which I bought very recently. And when I say "very recently", I mean it; it was bought earlier today;
The Roadster Burton. Looks nifty, doesn't it? Well, what if I told you that it is based off a certain Citroen car? You know, the one which could carry eggs without breaking them and allowed people with hats the right headroom while driving?
Yes, the Roadster Burton has an additional name in its middle; 2CV, as in the Citroen 2CV. You see, since 2000, Burton creates this little thing for you, and all you need to do in exchange is provide Burton with a donor 2CV chassis and drivetrain (as long as it is either French or Dutch, that is) and they will do the rest. A polyester body, a detachable Moto-Lite steering wheel and the possibility of having three different roof setups (full convertible, full coupe or roof without the cloth on the sides, as well as an optional hard-top setup); all of this coupled with a rather elegant design based off legendary sports cars of the '50's such as the Jaguar XK120.
Does it go like stink? I'm afraid not; the engine and transmission are the ones which you provided in the first place, meaning that at best, this car will pack 29 hp (which is the horsepower rating of this example, since it uses a 2CV6 Spécial drivetrain) and hits a top speed of 130 km/h. It hardly puts the "hot" in "hot rod", but I have to say, I like this car; it's like the world's most honest and down-to-earth Jaguar XK120-esque kit car, which can pull an average fuel consumption rating of 59 MPG.
And of course, such a wacky idea could only come from a wacky place; the Burton company comes from the Netherlands, meaning that the Roadster is a Dutch special based on a French car. Prices vary from 15.000 to 25.000 euros, which isn't half bad for something that looks so elegant...