Your internet connection?

  • Thread starter Jordan

Your connection?

  • T1, T3, OC-12, OC-48, or faster :D

    Votes: 198 19.2%
  • Cable modem

    Votes: 420 40.7%
  • DSL

    Votes: 346 33.5%
  • Dial-up modem (56k or slower)

    Votes: 69 6.7%

  • Total voters
Just got my new internet hooked-up, so i figured id post it. Very excited, best speeds i've ever had.
Got to love being miles away from an exchange that is fitted for fibre optics. They fitted every other cabinet in the area with cabling capable of up to 50 mbs, and they left our ONE out :(. Anyone want to donate to help me move/buy my own cabinet :(

Just got DSL. Wireless, about 15-20 feet away:

When I'm about 5-6 feet away, the ping is around 40-45ms, but if I'm in a wired connection, the ping raises to 50-60ms. Odd :confused:.

well ive hated mine ever since i 2011, which is when i got online for my ps3. it barely gets the job done, but it could be way better.
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We have bt infinity fibre optic, meant to be getting at least 20mbs however we are only getting this.

Not happy don't get bt, it also drops out a random times.
As I sit here on the phone about to chew out someone from Time Warner because the 🤬 modem that they are making me pay for every month to use works worse (oh so much worse) than the free one I had before:


So at least it's a bit faster. When it actually works.

My current one.

Not bad for mobile internet, but sucky compared to proper DSL.

I'll report back on Wednesday, hopefully. Should get my new internet connection up and running by then 👍

Good enough for my needs and it's completely unrestricted/unlimited. I can't really justify the expense of fibre, certainly not at 100% increase in BB cost.
Not bad of a result. And yes, fibre optics are quite expensive, used to have one but had to switch to a cheaper ISP because they were charging me way too much.

New internet connection. :D
Great Internet connection!
Set up a new computer a few weeks ago, speed tested it and forgot to post the results:


Not bad...
We got upgraded to 1 Gigabit here on the campus last year. Speedtest finally added a server that can match the potential of the connection ;)

Very pleased with it :)
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I would like to see someone post a result like that from their home. And kick me from the first place. :lol:
I just read through the first few posts of this thread, I reckon we should print the whole lot out and put it in a time capsule, it'd chart the global improvement in internet speeds quite nicely (assuming people have been posting their speeds throughout). ISDN! I remember when that was a thing... Just. And I remember seeing a news report about 'DSL' when it was about to be rolled out.

I'm really tired, I hope this made sense. And on topic, I have an 8Mb connection provided by BT so it's really only 5Mb and works maybe 75% of the time.
I just installed a wireless adapter on my desktop and it has massively increased my Internet speed. Here are my results (as a comparison it used to be 0.4KB/s download):

Fastest I ever had was 12Mbps

We got upgraded to 1 Gigabit here on the campus last year. Speedtest finally added a server that can match the potential of the connection ;)

Very pleased with it :)
Holy mother of 🤬 .

You need to tell me what cheat codes you're using :P .