Your internet connection?

  • Thread starter Jordan

Your connection?

  • T1, T3, OC-12, OC-48, or faster :D

    Votes: 198 19.2%
  • Cable modem

    Votes: 420 40.7%
  • DSL

    Votes: 346 33.5%
  • Dial-up modem (56k or slower)

    Votes: 69 6.7%

  • Total voters
We got upgraded to 1 Gigabit here on the campus last year. Speedtest finally added a server that can match the potential of the connection ;)

Very pleased with it :)

Glassfiber internet FTW. Too bad it's not available for privat homes. But then, God knows what that would cost :lol:!
Glassfiber internet FTW. Too bad it's not available for privat homes. But then, God knows what that would cost :lol:!

Glassfiber is being put in the ground here in the Netherlands as we speak. The highest speed for homes is now 500/500. €85,- a month.
Glassfiber is being put in the ground here in the Netherlands as we speak. The highest speed for homes is now 500/500. €85,- a month.

Damn, that's nice. I'm moving back in with my father in Belgium at the end of this month. He has Telenet's basic package, which is 30mb down, 2,5mb up for 25 euros a month. For comparison a basic package in Norway is 1mb down, 0,4mb up. Due to every village being so spread out, it's so difficult getting any decent internet in this country unless you live near a city at which point you could opt for a 25/25 fiber or higher.
Enough for me.

Here's my speed, however i do regret switching to the Super Hub they provided as its just rubbish. I could use it as a modem but then i'll have issues with my PS3.

Anyone else found a suitable setup for the Virgin SuperHub? (modem/router combo)
Combined modem/routers delivered by a provider usually are crap when using them for a console. I have had nothing but trouble with all the ones they gave me. In the end I demanded just a modem, and I bought myself a router which I could properly tweak to my demands.
Combined modem/routers delivered by a provider usually are crap when using them for a console. I have had nothing but trouble with all the ones they gave me. In the end I demanded just a modem, and I bought myself a router which I could properly tweak to my demands.

I might give that a go, but apparently Virgin media have discontinued the old modem i had; so doubt i'll get my hands on one. 👍
Holy crap, I just did a check test since a certain website I was on wasn't responding as well (turned out to be on their end) but during this check I caught really high numbers!

Usually the highest I get is 50! haha
Bog standard Telecom Italia 7Mbps plan here:

Luckily, it's pretty consistent with what they advertise: 7Mb down, 384Kb up (I even get 8Mb down sometimes!). There is just one downside: we pay an awful lot compared to
Telenet's basic package, which is 30mb down, 2,5mb up for 25 euros a month
, or almost every other country in the world: 20€/month!
What's sad is there are still 18% that are slower than you.

It's insane! And I'm paying €35 a euro a month for this rubbish! Although to be fair, sometimes it does pick up, best I have ever seen from it is 2mbps, but that was about 2 years ago....

Even more impressive is that I have managed to use that pathetic excuse for a connection to play GT5 online!


Just thought I would test again, and I nearly fell off my seat!

It's fastest ever!!
Where I am, paying $100s is common. Yes, I get 65 mbps down, but... It's really not great. Even that's slow from time-to-time, and I imagine it's just because of the distance between my house and the server.

Also, $300+ per month is the best fibre price I've ever seen. And, it's not available, either. I'm happy with 65 mbps. I just feel like we're all overpaying by a lot...
gotta love my BT Infinity this picture is from a while back its slightly slower at the moment since its peak internet time here in the UK.

Bopop: is that downtown Guelph? University of Guelph? Or, Flamborough? :lol: That's the sort of connection we have in K-town, but, I'm curious if it works for all of the local counties; Guelph and Flamborough and all of those places are all in a different country, right? Wellington County? I'm on the opposite end of Waterloo Region (literally walking distance from Essex-Kent or whichever...)

Bluemoon: very nice!! You've got me beat by 6 mbps. :lol:

So this is what I'm dealing with where I am. It was 2Mb up until a year ago, though actually I must admit BT solved the constant disconnects we were getting, and it only took them 10 years!
Sorry I didn't think it was worth making a new thread for this pic but its kind of related to internet speed. My internet usage over 22 days :lol: . It should be higher because it hasn't updated what I used yesterday when I downloaded the 6.2GB defiance BETA.
