No, I'm saying that morality doesn't change over time or culture.
Oh, puuhlease. Who, besides you, seriously believes that our values/beliefs have not changed over the centuries, even decades, past? I suppose we should all have retained, for example, the Victorian morality of ages ago? Your morality, Danoff, may not change - nor should the morality change of any respectful person. But to say that morality doesn't change from generation to generation, over time and culture, is simply not historically acurate.
I'm against violence of any kind, and that most certainly includes the bombings. It was morally wrong to drop the bombs. Violence, especially on that scale, is not only morally wrong but is also counter-productive to the survival of our species. The logical end-result is our complete extinction.
But let's not pretend that our nations morality, or any culture's morality, does not change over time. Can you say '60's.
Today, networks won't allow cigarette smoking on TV as they did in the past, but it's okay if South Park drops a few "bombs." Morality falls and rises with hemlines, cleavage shoots and our tolerance for violence. And for doG's sake, don't look for your daily dose of righteous morality Sunday mornings. I seriously doubt that the Japanese have the same values/beliefs or morality as that of Americans. But I'm sure that each culture's morality will change over time.