No, I'm saying that morality doesn't change over time or culture.
I don't define my morality by the prevailing culture of the time. That notion renders morality right out of existence.
While we've often been across the fence from each other, I've often respected you for your objectivity, Danoff... if not for your obstinacy...
...but I do respect you as a debater and accept your obstinacy, because you often make good points... but here's something I can't figure:
The problem with defining morality as being the difference between right and wrong... and saying this is objective and not subjective... you have to define:
"What is right?"
Morality is not just defined by motive, because if we go down that slippery slope, we have mass murderers whose motives would surely exonerate them from their crimes.
Morality is definable as such: (taking from some random page off the internet... oh... Stanford Philosophical Encyclopedia...)
The term “morality” can be used either
1. descriptively to refer to a code of conduct put forward by a society or,
1. some other group, such as a religion, or
2. accepted by an individual for her own behavior or
2. normatively to refer to a code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by all rational persons.
The second definition is probably what most of us would agree upon... it's apparently the one you believe in, since you state that morality does not change, but by the first definition, which relates to the cultural aspect of morality, yes, morality may change with time and culture and from individual to individual.
But even if we consider that morality should be rationally arrived at by thinking individuals, while the moral guidelines that guide "rational" individuals may remain constant... for argument's sake... let's say that "life" is a moral value, because it
is basic... the interpretation of this in a given situation would depend on the situation itself.
If you could stop a war by killing a city, would it be morally justifiable? Arguably so.
But if you had the opportunity to stop the war by just killing the leader of that country, would it then be morally justifiable to kill a city full of non-combatants, some of whom are not supporters of that country's policy in regards to the war... Arguably not.
And to take it further, if you could end the war without a single shot by taking the leader into custody and forcing him to surrender, would it be justifiable to shed anyone's blood, friendly or unfriendly, in needless fighting?
Would an embargo that slowly starves that leader's country be more moral than an invasion that would kill a fair percentage of that populace? Or maybe starting an armed insurrection? Or even foregoing the embargo, and trying to influence change by bombarding the populace with propaganda, exposing them to your culture and way of thought?
You weigh the pros and cons, then you decide. But even given two rational beings with the same regard for life, you can't always get the same answer. You may think that the answer is simple and straight-forward, but it only is to [b[you[/b]. Others may see it differently, depending on what their cultural background is.
While the basic tenets of your morality may stay the same (I say your, because the cultural and religious interpretations of morality are always changing), the application of your morality to the situation will change.
And the culture does change. Modern first worlders are a squeamish lot. To the point that civilian casualties are described as "collateral damage", to blunt the impact of the actual occurence. The public outcry over the caning of a juvenile delinquent in Singapore? Laughably loud... especially considering that twenty years before that, it was still perfectly acceptable to belt your child black and blue if he'd done some less grievious act. But it's the culture of the times. And no, I don't condone physical torture for property damage, but hey, that kid probably won't do it again.
Whatever your morals and ethics are, they're yours. Formed by your educational background, upbringing and personality. Change any of the above factors, and your morality may change, or it may not, depending on how deep your insight is into the issues regarding religion, morality and culture are... or even depending on your genetic predisposition.
Ouch, tree'd by Famine.
But, to reiterate... I don't believe that the atomic bombings were immoral, given the situation of the time. But such an act, in these times, would be, given the alternatives available.
But everything is debatable.