First off do you? Only the devs working on this know how much is being used.
But as for the logic of all the other stuff on screen at once, I do know that if you pulled a few hundred polys from each car, or from some of the environments and added it to trees to go from X to at leats * you would end up with much better looking trees and cars and environments that were virtually indinstinguishable from what's there already.
I wanted skilled artists out there to be able to create all the NASCAR liveries, all the ralli liveries and the famous racing teams....
You don't really though... you kind of mention but dismiss where it's due... and we have KY's interviews to confirm some of thes shortcomings, you don't have to wait for release for those even if you are tried and true to "you don't know till it's out."
See again? Where it's less than polished, dismimsive rationlization. It's just extras... really? They went through the trouble to get licenses and we will just say they are extras?
This is exaclty the kinnd of behavior I am talking about.
I am amazed that after this many years and all the adament fan praise, "ok for a sim" cuts it for anything in GT....
BTW photos never show the real problem with X trees, that doesn't show up until you end up spining out near one and the continuity of forward motion is broken... then they stick out like sore thumbs.
I suppose the anser is "never spin out" right?
Nice, because I totally mentioned that as one of the things I was dissapointed in right? That was totally on topic right?
Oh no it wasn't. It's just standard fan practice to bring up something good about GT in every post even if it's not on point.
Uh huh... this is like those guys who said "damage is uncessary, if you were a good driver you wouldn't collide with stuff". Yeah... that's how it works at all...
BTW don't let the guys posting videos of their driving the demo see that, many of them have spun out a few times. Wouldn't want to insult them now would we?
So what you are saying is T10 has been in the semi sim business for about as long as PD has been working on GT5 alone and they have already cranked out 2 legitimately quality games across 2 generations of hardware with a third that could be viewed as a massive content update in some lights than a real new version...
That doesn't sound too shabby to me...