I have to say, I hope that is only the replay HUD. I can't remember the Time Trial Demo, but I don't recall it being anywhere near that bad.
The story behind that was someone created a thread called "Epic whiners ragers and emos" or something like that as a sort of way to take a stab at anyone who had a negative opinion... I think trying to make people so ashamed of it that they would shut up and leave. Ironically people did just what the thread asked, kept the negatives to that thread more or less and it went on for dozens of pages I believe...
Which was basically what happened with the thread I made about the Standard cars people were looking forward to. I made a big grandstanding opening post taking the piss out of everyone to try to lighten the mood, and half the posts in the thread basically ended up being whining about the original post not taking their opinions seriously enough (even though the original topic specifically lampooned an idea that I have completely supported from the start).
I know they say "Expect perfection", but anyone that honestly believes perfection is attainable is foolish.
And yet an awful lot of people seem to use it as a justification. There was a straight faced example of such just a couple of pages ago.
I just don't see how you can be so disgusted by the 'fanboys' who have to praise the game at every opportunity, all the while taking any chance to highlight the negative. It's a direct equivalency.Though you are quite often reasonable and rational with your discussions, frequency is the problem. That, and the fact that you have to latch on to every possible complaint. I know they say "Expect perfection", but anyone that honestly believes perfection is attainable is foolish.
Though, it's not you entirely. As I said, you can be quite reasonable, but with the usual suspects that accompany your sentiments, it becomes a mirror image of those you decry in you signature. Just like those with legitimate concerns are not monolithic, or ignorant to the high points, neither are the 'fanboys' monolithic and ignorant to the faults.
I've basically followed Devedander through most of the stuff he has said. I've done it in this thread, I did it in the Rewind threads, and I've probably done it in other GT5 threads. And I'm pretty sure (?) I did the same thing back when GTPSP came out, when people were falling over themselves to justify all of the problems people had with that game.
Strictly speaking, I don't even really agree with Deve all the time (regardless of what some of the more obnoxious trolls have said). I think Rewind is a terrible idea, and I never wanted GT5 to have it (I just never actually cared if it did end up with it). And, other than lack of interiors, I couldn't care less about the Standard/Premium differences. But I cannot stand people who are intentionally ignorant (and no, I'm
not saying that everyone I've disagreed with have been intentionally ignorant), and while I agree that there are two sides to every coin, surely you must understand that the foolish people of the internet joining a GT fansite just to go all Sony Defense Force on people will more than likely come down heavily in support of GT rather than against it.
I have a long and storied history in the Sonic fanbase, where everyone hates everyone else over things far more trivial than anything (well, almost anything) I've ever seen mentioned on these boards; but it still, for lack of better terminology,
pisses me off to see those same kind of blind fools prancing around the GT fanbase, literally calling Kaz some kind of deity and acting like everything that can be viewed as a failing on PDs part simply
must be the fault of someone else or not a failing at all. And while expect Deve probably doesn't feel as strongly about, his raison d'être probably stems from largely the same idea.
Now, of course there are people who represent the other side with completely level headed, well-written responses and ideas that I simply disagree with rather than hold in contempt (Tenacious D is an example), but by and large they seem to be the minority rather than the majority. And like Deve said, every week or so there are new members who basically parrot the same fanboy ideas that everyone just finished talking about, and the cycle begins anew.