Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
What are the differences between standard and premium cars? Standard cars are less detailed and don't have cockpit camera, anything else?
Ah yes, damage, forgot about that. All in all it's not that bad. I'm sure the standard cars will still look great, and you have to admit that having this huge amount of choice will be alot of fun. Think about the possibilities online, the diversity we will have.
The odds are about 80% that the first car you drive will be in a standard, They will likely fall under the used car category, which will be affordable ones to begin with.

I think we will see a lot of races, where Standard & Premiums cars are on the track at the same time & some races where it's Premiums cars only.
The let down will be, there will be a lot of races where both Standard & Premiums cars compete, the visual damage will be turned off.

I think the game will be less enjoyable if the cars are segregated.
I'm sorry if this has been asked or posted before - this thread has become to huge to look through - are there any pictures of standard cars, which we can compare to premium? As people are saying they look bad.
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I'm sorry if this has been asked or posted before - this thread has become to huge to look through - are there any pictures of standard cars, which we can compare to premium? As people are saying they look bad.

Starting with page 4 and going for another dozens of pages.
TGS is the next major presentation, if at that time we don't see new video, bullshots or photmode stills of Standard cars, then this will say a lot about Kaz's confidence in there quality.

Surprising that they make up 80% of the car roster & seen so rarely.
i prefer a separation, those standard will ruin also the premium experience...

I don't believe that will be the case but I'm not a premium graphics junky, at least not at this point.

I do know that after playing GT4 in 1080i on a HD TV for a while, I could not go back and play GT3 because of the much poorer graphics. Haven't played it since.

I don't see or anticipate that pronounced a difference in this case, but if after playing the game I get a similar inclination, it will be a big disappointment.
I like it when people come along, remind us we don't know how many people at PD do what and what the real story is and we aren't programmers so we don't know the real toils... then tell us what really happend at PD, who did what and how long it took, how hard it was to do with the hardware etc etc etc...

Basically lemme come in here, dispute your opinion based on your ignorance, then state my opinion as if it's fact and reason despite the fact I can't possibly know more than you on the subject.

And I love how the logic is always: There were only x number of employees and this much time and money...

As if that is some fixed universal constant... a game house can't have more than 140 employees and the money they spent was all the money possible to aquire or something.

It's not that we don't understand WHY things are how they are, we just STILL don't think it's good enough reason to dismiss it all.

Hire more employees if necesary... GT was last stated at being a $60mil budget which is speculated to be as high as $80 by now. GT5P probably made about $20mil profit already and I wouldn't be at all surprised if PD is pulling in revnue or at least trade of product deals with some car manufacturers to offset costs.

The point is, like any business, the product is the product, and why it is how it is doesn't change that it is how it is.

And as for appreciating the blood sweat and tears they put into their product... it's a company, making a product they are going to sell. It's not at all unacceptable to be honest about how you see the product regardless of how they worked at the compmany. Every game that is produced is treated the same way and the programmers on almost every game work hard and long hours. I don't know why we should be all sappy over PD because they did what ever other game house does by working hard.

This isn't my grandma baking us a pie, or a friend painting me a portrait for my birthday where I appreciate their effort as much or more than the final product... it's a business creating and sellilng a game.

If you feel like PD is like your buddy and KY is like your uncle or something and you are going to get all perosnal and offended when people are open and honest about the product, you are setting yourself up for a rough time.
And I love how the logic is always: There were only x number of employees and this much time and money...

As if that is some fixed universal constant... a game house can't have more than 140 employees and the money they spent was all the money possible to aquire or something.

This whole limited resources thing is mostly always used in other cases ( other games or products in general ) to signify a massive achievement if the product turned out to be more than what could reasonably be expected and used as a compliment.
If a product is poor or just mediocre ( not meaning GT5, just talking in general ) it never gets mentioned, let alone being used as an excuse.
And PD isn't exactly a cash-strapped company short on options.
TGS is the next major presentation, if at that time we don't see new video, bullshots or photmode stills of Standard cars, then this will say a lot about Kaz's confidence in there quality.

Surprising that they make up 80% of the car roster & seen so rarely.

Because they look like Madonna without any make up.

They just look bad! Even in that standard car video, which just shows replay scenes (Ingame they will look worse!), they look like gtpsp.

Im not a graphic whore, but I won`t drive any standard car in gt5. I love the cockpit cam to much and I don`t need a driving experience via bumper cam.
What do you mean with GT Life?

GT Mode? Do you really believe that there won`t be any used premium cars? What about this old Supra, seen in recent screenshots? 💡

Btw: Even If there won`t be any used premium cars for beginners, I can still upload my GT5P and GTpsp car roster! ;)
From a few of his comments at Gamescom, my guess on some of this situation is just the irony you get with Kaz.

He makes a great game, and maybe this has been said before, but he seems to be like a kid in a candy store. I want to have this and that and that and this, so on and so forth.

But when its checkout time he can't carry all of it out the store, so he has to scurry around agonizing over what to put back on the shelf.

I think thats the essence of the 5yr blueprint and part of the reason for this situation.

Because they look like Madonna without any make up.

Whoa! nothing looks that bad. :lol:
Im not a graphic whore, but I won`t drive any standard car in gt5. I love the cockpit cam to much and I don`t need a driving experience via bumper cam.

So what did you use before GT5? Did you refuse to play GT1-4 because there was no cockpit view?

I think it's silly to ignore 800 cars because of the view, but that's just me.

Considering they will all drive differently than in GT4 and GTPSP because of the new physics engine, why deny the option to use these cars?

At some point you will likely be forced to if you want to complete the game. One make races anyone?
What do you mean with GT Life?

GT Mode? Do you really believe that there won`t be any used premium cars? What about this old Supra, seen in recent screenshots? 💡

Btw: Even If there won`t be any used premium cars for beginners, I can still upload my GT5P and GTpsp car roster! ;)

GT mode is now called GT Life :)
And yeah that's true there probably will be premium used, but not many lol :)
I hope the rest of the premiums to be announced will be some very basic sports cars like Celica, Civic Type R, MR2, Silvia, SVX, 300ZX etc. Otherwise the GT Life Mode could end up being a mixed experience with the standard cars having most of the affordable tuners to begin with.
So what did you use before GT5? Did you refuse to play GT1-4 because there was no cockpit view?

No offence Seismica but that argument is just a bit silly in my opinion, that could easily be said of any improvement or new feature not seen in any previous GT-game.
What if online or the new physics engine was only available on Premium cars?
Thing is we thought we got a taster of GT5 with Prologue in regard to all cars having cockpit view and some got used to this feature and couldn't concieve going back again ( me included ).
In previous GT-games this option was simply not available and thus not being experienced before ( as most driving games of that generation didn't include this feature unlike today ).
Progress and new benchmarks set changes peoples expectations and it should, otherwise we still would be living in the stone-age.
I'd say all the Prologue cars are premium, so theres a pretty good mix between affordable starter cars and more expensive ones.