I'm going to explain to you like i told someone else and why your complaining is moot, PD has a total of 140 employees and we don't know how many of them are graphic artist now do we? also consider whatever the x amount of graphic artist just can't work on cars alone, and they had to start from scratch and do tracks and other elements for the environments they also had to travel around the globe to get track data record sound data take thousands of pictures etc, and that's where you fail to realize all the stuff they had to do, it took them a year to build and optimize the engine so GT5 could run on the PS3. Point 2. the 800 standard cars are GT4 models so how could you say they wasted any time to import them when hardly any work is needed and was done to do it. Point 3. As for weather time cycles and damage I'd like to see you try to do all that on a 5 year old oudated GPU with only 512MB of RAM and keep a steady 60 FPS @ 720P & 1080P and have 16 cars on track at once, that's a lot of calculations and if you knew anything about programing you wouldn't be complaining like this.
IMO 200 Premiums fine, 800 standards fine, it's just impossible to do all 1000 car exteriors and interiors in a five year period with only so many graphic artists and considering the fact that interiors wasn't on the checklist in the beginning in GT Vision i am very grateful for what they have accomplished with the PS3 hardware and you won't hear any complaints from me.