Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
I also don't think the dash view, with undrawn wheel, is right either. Anything that is cutoff at half the dash is wrong, as it's like seeing out of one eye. And, if your wheel is in your hands, the dash should be much closer to you than up on the TV screen. That's about where the center of the hood should be, which is about where bumper cam is, for someone who sits at a reasonable distance from a large TV.

Image your TV is a piece of glass. Take it with you when you sit in a real car, and imagine where your TV would sit if the seat of your car were your rig for your FFB Wheel. Your real dashboard wouldn't be on the other side of the glass (what is represented inside your TV). It would be between you and the TV. It's a pretty basic concept.

The problem here arises with how far you sit from the set... since that is not static, there isn't really a right or wrong. I figure in games the rule is you pretend the screen is your eyes. In an FPS I see the gun on the screen 10 feet away from me, IRL the gun barrel wouldn't be anywhere near that far away, but that's the sacrafice you make with games. The whole presentation of games is based around "eyeballs are the screen" positioning.

Theoretically if you put your steering wheel right up against the screen and put your pedals under and behind it like at a desk, the cut off steering wheel is a pretty close approximation.

If you are sitting across the room on your couch there is no reasonable camera as the screen is probably further away from you than the front of a real car would be.

While the realism is pretty hard to get truly right (I would think perhaps a projector screen with a big hole in the bottom to mount the wheel base through would be as realistic as possible.

So within reason it seems the ability to simply chop off the wheel on screen and show the rest of the dash is as good as you can get... to have the dash actually in front of the screen you would need peripherals to attach to your wheel/ps3 and as said, there is nothing that can be done about the fact you may be sitting a full car lenght away from your screen in the first place...

Duplicating the wheel on screen seems like a potentially necessary evil. Sure it means you see two wheels, but when playing with a controller you see a controller and a wheel... IRL you don't sit in the back seat of a car with a DS3 and control the steering wheel way in front of you either...
I think the problem with the hood cam in GT5 : it is too high a view (+ no rear mirror which is very disappointing), and the problem with the bumper vuew : it is too low a view.

for standard cars the best would have been for me : intermediate hood cam + mirror a la PGR4.

I find this disappointing polyphony digital arent proposing a realistic view other than cockpit...hopefully with GT6 all cars would be cockpit...

also is it just me or that the cockpit view in some cars are really horrible and unrealistic to drive (very restrictive view) especially the GT by is difficult to see the road ahead of us...

That's exactaly what I want, but for PS3.
For now(GT5) I hope some free dlc to add some premium cars, despite the fact I don't think they will lose the chance to earn some money on that.

I also think that is very unfair to have just one full version of gt for that console with that small amount of "full" cars. It's not that cheap to buy a new generetion console in brazil, especially the wheels. For example, I just bought PS3 and G27 because I went to the US couple of times and because I love the series since the first one.

I just want they keep the pace in GT6 with a lot of full content still at the PS3, just like they did for GT2 and GT4. Although, what dissapoints me about the premium/standard issue is the speech of Yamauchi at the most recent interview to motor trend: "What we have done is perhaps more appropriate for a future console."

Sorry for the english... not my mother tongue
Sure it means you see two wheels, but when playing with a controller you see a controller and a wheel... IRL you don't sit in the back seat of a car with a DS3 and control the steering wheel way in front of you either...

I play racing games with wheel and seat but I never look at my physical wheel, or even the wheel onscreen in (my preference) cockpit view; I look at where I am going/driving the car to.

I don't 'see' the steering wheel when I drive a real car either.

I don't understand why some seem to see both steering wheels? Or controller and steering wheel?
Theoretically if you put your steering wheel right up against the screen and put your pedals under and behind it like at a desk, the cut off steering wheel is a pretty close approximation.

And you would still be looking through a toilet paper roll. I know the 'bumper cam' doesn't offer peripheral vision, but at least it doesn't take away the little bit of vision that is there. The viewing height and angle of the bumper cam are correct for a first person vantage point, and it is the least restrictive view, or most realistic in other words.
I disagree with:

The viewing height and angle of the bumper cam are correct for a first person vantage point, and it is the least restrictive view, or most realistic in other words.

When its raining is there wipers on bumper cam?:)

But it doesn't matter; you can't see the views other racers are using so....:) and be happy:)
And you would still be looking through a toilet paper roll. I know the 'bumper cam' doesn't offer peripheral vision, but at least it doesn't take away the little bit of vision that is there. The viewing height and angle of the bumper cam are correct for a first person vantage point, and it is the least restrictive view, or most realistic in other words.

I guess that's all down to whether you consider the tv screen your eyes or what should really be that far from your eyes.

As I said, in most first person games, the screen is to represent your eyes in the game because there is no knowing how far back from the screen you are sitting to properly simulate the experience so they just go with "screen is eyes".

The bumper cam is far too far fowards to be your actual eyes in game, however if you are sitting a few feet back from your screen and consider your TV like a window into the gaming world I guess it fits a bit better.

However the bumper cam actually takes away some peripheral vission... while it feels less obfuscated, the very fact the camera is located further forward in virtual space means you can't see to the sides of your car as well as you can in cockpit view.
I was looking an old Gran Turismo video... It was 2005 and Mr.Yamauchi presented his personal vision of a future game for the new Sony's PlayStation.

Take a look at 00:48, and you'll see how could be the interior view for standard cars.

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^ yes it could be like that but it won't cause there is no interior view for standard cars and it's official. Kaz said they couldn't even put black framed cockpit.
is it confirmed the dials work in premium cars? i thought it was only a horn, headlight's with flash / full beam better damage engine and better graphics.
is it confirmed the dials work in premium cars? i thought it was only a horn, headlight's with flash / full beam better damage engine and better graphics.

Are you serious? Ofcourse the dials work, haven't you played Prologue?
As I said, in most first person games, the screen is to represent your eyes in the game because there is no knowing how far back from the screen you are sitting to properly simulate the experience so they just go with "screen is eyes".
Ok. But cockpit view is the same view as bumper except for the addition of the dash, wheel, etc.

When sitting in your car and look forward you see mostly road. Since video games don't offer peripheral vision one must assume to not worry about what one's peripheral vision is in the real world, but rather concetrate on what you really see. 90% of what I see isn't dashboard. Having a box smaller than my realistic view and clogging it up with more stuff that is really my peripheral vision is erroneous.
True its not been confirmed but aside from the quality difference why wouldnt they be? All cars are effected mechanically damage wise. All the cars run and perform on the same physics engine. From a gameplay perspective both model types are equal.
True its not been confirmed but aside from the quality difference why wouldnt they be? All cars are effected mechanically damage wise. All the cars run and perform on the same physics engine. From a gameplay perspective both model types are equal.

I was thinking it might be odd with some blacked out windows and some not, some with full beam, some without. That's all.

Plus the other differences (whatever they are).
I was thinking it might be odd with some blacked out windows and some not, some with full beam, some without. That's all.

Plus the other differences (whatever they are).

In GT5P, the GT-R Prototype had blacked out windows, and was not that obvious, unless you were looking for it.

As far as the standard headlights, it has been said that the standards only have 1 headlight setting, but I don't recall it saying that it will only have low beam lights. Their 1 default setting could be high beam lights.
I'dBe lying if i said that the no interior view for stanard cars was'nt a bit disappointing but i still think the game will be SuperSweet!!!
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The thing about selling more cars is that it means everyone, even if they don't buy the cars, will have to install patches for them. That annoys me.