One of those disconnect factors is that of interior views. You want something believable for interiors because it connects you with the car. Simulators simulate, so certain factors that aren't present in true sim racers often lead to disappointment. I'm a sim racer myself, but I even have my likes and dislikes. I'm more open on a lot of things, which explains why I'm not as bothersome or as antagonistic over the interior deal as most other people. The main point is that I realize the sim racing disconnect that not having every car with believable interiors provides. You can still have a solid racing game even without having certain disconnects featured. After all... we still loved GT1 through GT4 even without damage, right?
If this is aimed to persuade people like me to disregard their beloved interior or cockpit view and switch to a more "realistic" or "proper sim" option then I'm sorry for not being persuaded one bit.
This whole argument isn't unfortunately a poll for which view you prefer or which view is more realistic, accurate or even sensible to use.
It isn't even a choice or decision on the majority of cars in GT5 to use cockpit view or not.
If it were, I wouldn't mind that people would argue which viewpoint is more realistic or even the inaccuracy of the interior view in itself, and wouldn't mind one bit which view the others would use themselves for whatever reason.
Point is that those who do use cockpit view aren't persuaded by arguments which are in this context quite irrelevant and frankly pointless ( at least I'm not ).
If I like a certain feature, and deem it realistic or perceive it to be for whatever reason ( even when it strictly isn't but then no view is fully realistic in a videogame ) then I won't be persuaded to perceive it otherwise simply for it being absent.
I'm forced to change my preferred viewpoint to a previous one on those cars which haven't got that viewpoint, it would be foolish to change your opinion and preference purely based on it not being available.
It would not only be foolish but an easy escape route ( despite probably needing some comprehensive mindbending ) to convince yourself that it isn't realistic and therefore you shouldn't like it.
You already have your subjective realistic option on all cars, I haven't got my subjective realistic option on all cars, that's the difference ( not whether one is more objectively realistic than the other ).