The bold part is my point, that there are double standards between Forza and GT5. You may not agree with what I post, but what the hey. [...] LOTS of words [...]
So, well, wait a second. What do you expect? Should people complain about Forza everytime they complain about something in Gran Turismo?
do realise that this is a forum that's dedicated to Gran Turismo, it's a thread dedicated to Gran Turismo and it's about an issue with Gran Turismo, don't you?
And really, does it make standard cars any better that Forza has LoD on the bot cars? In my opnion it doesn't. If Forza isn't better in that regard, will it improve my experience with Gran Turismo? Hell no, it won't. It will stay the same either way.
Let me put it this way. If your car is rusty like hell and breaking apart, but your neighbour's car is even worse, will that stop your car from falling to pieces? If it does, then I'd probably like to live in whatever reality you appearently live in, really.
Okay, so Forza's bot cars look crappy. Fine. Does it matter?
I still won't be able to put new rims on a standard car. I still won't be able to drive a standardcar from cockpit view. It doesn't make them any better.
So why bring Forza up every time?
It's not an excuse for anything!
And while the reasons behind the standard cars might be an excuse, it still doesn't make them any better, either.
I want to drive some damn cars, and own them, a lot of them, a thousand of them, and have the drive of my life! You malcontents can do whatever you want.
Heh, maybe that's the problem really. You're about quantity. About numbers.
I'm not. I'm about quality. Cars that come with limited graphics, limited features and, thus, limited quality are absolutely not my cup of tea.
But if it floats your boat to jump to GT's side and act like a white knight of some sorts, for all I care, please do. If it makes you feeel better about GT, keep reminding yourself of the flaws in Forza. But don't expect everyone to do the same.
Personally, I will keep criticising flaws about the game. And I will still like it. Maybe that's a concept
some people can't fathom at all. But everybody who's had a relationship should probably understand that you can very well love something (or someone) and still apply criticism.
And if there's one thing that I
will criticise, it's the standard cars. And I do hope a lot of people will. Even if it's just for one single reason: PD not making the same mistake with any other GT game.
Appearantly there is a pic in another thread that says that you can change and probably customize the wheels for standard cars, and that only the default wheels cannot be customized. So that should stop all of this complaining on this thread.
For chrissake, that's the exact same grasping at straws as it was with the cockpit view. The exact same kind of denial. It's the same thing really. PD could be slapping people across the face with a big sign saying 'NOT POSSIBLE!' for hours on end and someone will still come up with a reason as to why we'll still see said feature in the final realese.