Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
Sure a hit in sales might sound mightier, but how do you quantify the number of people who didn't buy something? How do you know how many WOULD have sold had things been different? As complex as the video game market is, a few millions sales this way or that could easily be written off to any cause... was it bad marketing, time of year, competitive products, was it this feature, that feature, is the market just more/less saturated? Or did we just over/underestimate the number of sales that "should" have happened?

I have a feeling that GT5 will probably end up on the resale/used shelf at game stores much quicker than anticipated b/c of the standard car fiasco.

Imagine you don't follow and you're not a GT fan, just someone who wants a killer driving game b/c you like cars or you've heard about the graphics or whatever...basically, most game buyers.

You go to drive a car and it looks phenomenal, you change the wheels, paint it, snap some photos...use the features in the game. Then you get another cool car, but it's not as detailed. You can't use the cockpit view, you can't change the wheels, etc, etc.

To the casual gamer, I would think they'd be pissed or think the game is broken/glitched. At the very least, they'd have a WTF moment as not all the features in the game are available to all cars. ****** huh? So, you remove the game from your console and play something else you got for x-mas.

And that's key, to me at least. Frustrating gamers isn't a good thing. Remember when games have lives? Well, they all have 'saves' and 'respawns' so the disk stays in the console instead of collecting dust on a shelf...or even worse...traded in.

This is why some racers today have that 'rewind' feature. For better or for worse, it helps keep the game disk in the console instead of frustrating the gamer and forcing them to either re-start or quit altogether. Limited features on 80% of the cars in the game may frustrate many buyers as they're advertising the game as '1000+ CARS!!!' instead of '200+ premium cars and 800 cars you can't do a bunch of things with!!!'

Having a 2-tier car system is a mistake and when you look at some of the premium cars (the hybrids, EV's, and Nazi vehicles), people will question Sony's advertising and PD's decision making. If you're going to make a full game, make a full game...not this 200 cars you can do everything with and 800 you can't. There's competition in the racing genre now and GT may be the industry leader in graphics...but falls short on many other aspects, especially user generated content.

It'll sell well...and may even have legs for a while...but I don't see this as either a mega-blockbuster or something that can be played 5-6years down the road. The competition, in many respects, has caught and passed PD. Let's all hope GT6 arrives much sooner than expected b/c the competition is always gaining more and more ground.
Kings a funny guy.
He doesn't learn from his misstakes and proceeds to put foot in mouth on regular occasions.

He was adamant that RDK and Tekken had some sort of alternative version of GT5.

I told him that my DLC prologue will not work unless I'm on PSN.
He tells me I'm WRONG. My own bloody game.

I go to play it tonight and the PSN is off for maintenance. No play for me.
I think they should put some sort of patch out to enable people to play.

No offense King. I know you mean no harm.

As for rewind, perhaps it's unlockable. Lol.
This is a good example of what I mean about bringing up the other games needlessly. An entire post basically dedicated to it.
Well, dude, because a certain poster is an immense Forza fan and has nothing bad to say about it, and yet considers GT5 to be "half-assed," or at least implies it is.

There are still people mentioning sporadically that Forza/Turn 10 is the model PD should have followed, since "they produced a game with 500 cars in two years" according to some of them. As if farming out modeling work to third world countries has produced photo real, impeccable, bug free models by the terrabyte. And as if Forza ran like a brand new F1 car, rather than a Space Shuttle loosing tiles and needing an inspection before re-entry in case... you know, it blows up or something.

I don't seem to ever recall you mentioning them bringing up "other games" needlessly. I guess the only game you can be critical on a GT board is Gran Turismo, and you haven't reached internet puberty unless you've bad mouthed it a few times. ;)

I think the things that baffles me are that:

  • Some of you act like it's unnatural to have a favorite game, if that game happens to be Gran Turismo. And even if you think so, being critical of other racing games is really bad form.
  • You act like criticizing the Standards is going to make any difference, as if the game isn't on disc, boxed, and on the way to stores.
You guys stubbornly insisting that Kaz made a brain dead decision to include the Standards, even if they could be externally modded, need to get used to the fact that these are on the disc now, and no amount of "enlightened discourse" is going to change that. And do one or more of these things:

  • Don't buy GT5, and get something else. Or play GT4, Prologue, GT3, etc.
  • Buy GT5 and ignore that the Standards are even there.
  • Buy GT5 and give the Standards a fair shot.
  • Be vocal to SONY in as many ways as you can that you expect them to fund Polyphony sufficiently, and not burden PD with side projects, so that GT6 can come out within four years. And with a wealth of Premium level content, both tracks and cars, and a rich list of things that can be done to and with these marvelous cars.
I think after hundreds of pages, and as many posts from some of you, we get it, and you think not being able to change rims or drive from inside blows chunks. You need to do like the Republicans did when they were voted out of control of Congress in 2006. They figured out that America had reasons for doing it, learned their lessons, made themselves relevant and came roaring back.

Okay, make yourselves relevant to SONY. Unlike some monopolies, they need your money. Educate them to the fact that you expect better from them and dangle money in front of them, and say, "THIS can be yours if you make me happy with the NEXT GT game. And if you want me happy, you have to do (A, B, 1, 2, X, Y...)"
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Funnily enough:

Devedander: 481
JDMKING13: 449

...and I'm third :lol:
To funny man You read my post about the days of the heated arguments right It was fun as hell man. 👍

Kings a funny guy.
He doesn't learn from his misstakes and proceeds to put foot in mouth on regular occasions.

He was adamant that RDK and Tekken had some sort of alternative version of GT5.

I told him that my DLC prologue will not work unless I'm on PSN.
He tells me I'm WRONG. My own bloody game.

I go to play it tonight and the PSN is off for maintenance. No play for me.
I think they should put some sort of patch out to enable people to play.

No offense King. I know you mean no harm.

As for rewind, perhaps it's unlockable. Lol.

Ahh don't call me King man you make me sound important. :sly: Thats a low blow man I told you I was sorry because I was talking about the disc not the downloaded version, it was a miss understanding but what ever. I never said Amar had the final version did I? I think non of them have the real version to be honest and if they can update the online aspect of the game i'm sure they can do other things. 👍

And unless I am mistaken JDM King has been as staunch in his position if not more than either of us...

Dev Im not like you man you are A serious GT critic, My problem with you has always been how can you play and love FM3 which is a fun game, but when it comes to GT you constantly complain about it and call it a half ass game. Check my post I have admitted of being wrong about the standard, I don't like the cockpit issue, and now that the wheels cant change hurts that standards even more to me. Still I will use them because I love racing. Me more staunch than you no way man I have been open minded.
My turn:

136 post in this thread(thanks to the label tag with post number per user),
I will say like 100 posts of nonsense until the last 15 or 20,the rest is just silly posts like this one.

As far as I'm concern I couldn't care less about rewind feature,that's only for Prince of Persia,I already posted why this is bad for racing games but anyway
not everything is perfect and nothing is complete c**p.
Well, dude, because a certain poster is an immense Forza fan and has nothing bad to say about it, and yet considers GT5 to be "half-assed," or at least implies it is.

Ignoring the fact that if I swapped one game out for the other, this could easily apply to you...

This imagined fandom gets kind of old. I'm looking back at the post you quoted of Dev's and can't see a single mention of the game you dedicated an entire response to. Last I read, this thread was fully allowed to have other games mentioned, in comparison to GT. Which kind of has to happen when people talk about, say, the lack of a livery editor. Because a good example of it implemented pretty well would be...

There are still people mentioning sporadically that Forza/Turn 10 is the model PD should have followed, since "they produced a game with 500 cars in two years" according to some of them. As if farming out modeling work to third world countries has produced photo real, impeccable, bug free models by the terrabyte. And as if Forza ran like a brand new F1 car, rather than a Space Shuttle loosing tiles and needing an inspection before re-entry in case... you know, it blows up or something.

There are still people mentioning sporadically that PD has made no wrong decisions. Both of these are opinions, and despite what you may think about the opinions opposing your own thoughts on the matter, they aren't any more wrong (or right) than you.

I don't seem to ever recall you mentioning them bringing up "other games" needlessly. I guess the only game you can be critical on a GT board is Gran Turismo, and you haven't reached internet puberty unless you've bad mouthed it a few times. ;)

As has been mentioned numerous times in this thread (and plenty others), people can be critical of things and still like them.

  • Some of you act like it's unnatural to have a favorite game, if that game happens to be Gran Turismo. And even if you think so, being critical of other racing games is really bad form.
  • You act like criticizing the Standards is going to make any difference, as if the game isn't on disc, boxed, and on the way to stores.

  • I see you edited out the part of my previous post where I said I'm still picking GT. Which uh, sort of makes it my personal favourite. Being critical's fine; FM3's hopper system is lame-duck, iRacing is pricey, for both the game and the system I'd need to run it, F1 2010 is buggy, Shift (on consoles) had myriad problems, and TDU had those low-polygon-count roads that felt like driving on folded paper. It's odd when a member focuses the majority of their ire on one specific target though, repeatedly and unprovoked, in a thread. If they need to do that to feel better about their "favourite game", then cool, that's how they do it.
  • I don't think anybody's under that impression. Again, I feel like you're adding that tone to your reading to further a non-existent discussion. I'm not deluded enough to think they'll somehow change the game because of some disappointment on a forum, even if it is the biggest of it's kind. You can go point at the "GT5 Standard Wheel Change" petition (or something along those lines) I saw around here earlier today though...
Be vocal to SONY in as many ways as you can that you expect them to fund Polyphony sufficiently, and not burden PD with side projects, so that GT6 can come out within four years. And with a wealth of Premium level content, both tracks and cars, and a rich list of things that can be done to and with these marvelous cars.

I think it's odd it's always Sony that's burdening PD. Not, y'know, maybe PD themselves. Sony didn't get the idea of GTPSP out of thin air, Kaz did show it years prior.

I could use the two Nazi vehicles as an example of a poor decision, if I wanted. Are the interesting? Absolutely! Am I curious about how they drive? Again, absolutely! Will I drive them more than once or twice, for the novelty? Probably not. Maybe a few more times if friends are particularly curious. I'm not even arguing that only cars that are universally used should be included; that's silly. But cars that are almost universally unused probably shouldn't. I can't imagine many people racked up a ton of mileage on their 1886 Benzes in GT4, or even the Model T (despite the latter actually functioning as a pretty decent Kei car competitor in Arcade mode :D). People could argue, quite reasonably, that there could've been other cars included instead. Though again, I'm using this as simply an example of what people could see as a poor decision.

Unlike some monopolies, they need your money.

Er, what? "Sony, the monopoly that cares!" :lol:

Educate them to the fact that you expect better from them and dangle money in front of them, and say, "THIS can be yours if you make me happy with the NEXT GT game. And if you want me happy, you have to do (A, B, 1, 2, X, Y...)"

I kind of get the feeling, and I could be wrong here, that's exactly what Dev is saying he did... for GT5. Not the "next GT", but this one. There's a point where "I hope they'll get it right the next time" just doesn't happen anymore, and we're all different for that.

To funny man You read my post about the days of the heated arguments right It was fun as hell man. 👍

Yeah, I did... and looking back, yeah, I can't blame the staff for wanting to close it a few times. I've accepted the Standards are a (large) part of GT5 for quite some time now, though. I still don't have to like them, or their limited capabilities, but hey, I do see the reasoning behind their inclusion. I really could take either side, if I wanted, in this discussion. I can see sound arguments for both. It's just that my personal opinion lays to one side. Doesn't mean I won't be enjoying GT5's good aspects, though 👍

As for Photomode, jump on in once the game's released, the more the merrier, and I definitely want to see what you can cook up :cheers:
Yeah, I did... and looking back, yeah, I can't blame the staff for wanting to close it a few times. I've accepted the Standards are a (large) part of GT5 for quite some time now, though. I still don't have to like them, or their limited capabilities, but hey, I do see the reasoning behind their inclusion. I really could take either side, if I wanted, in this discussion. I can see sound arguments for both. It's just that my personal opinion lays to one side. Doesn't mean I won't be enjoying GT5's good aspects, though 👍

As for Photomode, jump on in once the game's released, the more the merrier, and I definitely want to see what you can cook up :cheers:

No doubt Slip cant wait to play the game I'm a little nervous about my pictures though :lol: Cant wait to see you guys work in the photo department. I know your drooling over the premium cars and what your going to do with them, I wonder whats going to be you 1st car you take a picture of.
Give standards custom wheels.

I guarantee if PD did that via a patch, a lot of people would stop complaining (like myself).

From what I gather, you can paint them, you can add spoilers to them, you can tune them, they still handle realistically, they don't look that bad, and there is a lot of them. They just need that option for wheels. That's all.
Deavedander has bee ntrolling around in this thread since it's existed. And has been bashing standard cars since. Standard cars could come with free beer for a year, a sex hole, and a million dollars, and he would still bash them.
Give standards custom wheels.

I guarantee if PD did that via a patch, a lot of people would stop complaining (like myself).

From what I gather, you can paint them, you can add spoilers to them, you can tune them, they still handle realistically, they don't look that bad, and there is a lot of them. They just need that option for wheels. That's all.

I have to admit, I couldn't care less about putting different wheels on standard cars, to me it's a non issue, but it does seem like a relatively easy thing to put in the game.

I mean, it was in all the previous games.

Give standards custom wheels.

I guarantee if PD did that via a patch, a lot of people would stop complaining (like myself).

From what I gather, you can paint them, you can add spoilers to them, you can tune them, they still handle realistically, they don't look that bad, and there is a lot of them. They just need that option for wheels. That's all.

No doubt man the wheels look the same for the premium and standard cars to me I hope this is a joke from PD. All we need is wheels and I will be a very happy man. I will say I am happy we can paint the cars though. 👍
No doubt man the wheels look the same for the premium and standard cars to me I hope this is a joke from PD. All we need is wheels and I will be a very happy man. I will say I am happy we can paint the cars though. 👍

Hmm, a set up for me to say something positive about the Standards?

I'm going to be hunting down a Prowler so that I can paint it purple. Not gonna lie :lol:

(Also will be finding this odd Mazda3 addition, and the XFR if it really is a Standard)
Hmm, a set up for me to say something positive about the Standards?

I'm going to be hunting down a Prowler so that I can paint it purple. Not gonna lie :lol:

(Also will be finding this odd Mazda3 addition, and the XFR if it really is a Standard)

:lol: When I read that I was cracking up man. 👍
Deavedander has bee ntrolling around in this thread since it's existed. And has been bashing standard cars since. Standard cars could come with free beer for a year, a sex hole, and a million dollars, and he would still bash them.

This might be offensive so it might be a "post reported"
Wow, there's a lot of hate in this thread. Some of you guys need to chill out and take your squabbling elsewhere.

Back on topic though, I admit I would have like to have seen more of the standard cars from GT4 upgraded to Premium, but the way I see it they were magnificent in GT4, and so even the updated graphics will make them better than any other game.
Dev Im not like you man you are A serious GT critic, My problem with you has always been how can you play and love FM3 which is a fun game, but when it comes to GT you constantly complain about it and call it a half ass game. Check my post I have admitted of being wrong about the standard, I don't like the cockpit issue, and now that the wheels cant change hurts that standards even more to me. Still I will use them because I love racing. Me more staunch than you no way man I have been open minded.

You must have me confused with someone else... I don't love FM3... I liked what I played of it but it wasn't much... I LOVED FM1 becuase it represented a move in all the right directions in my eyes... doing things that GT seemed to be stagnating on... I also was pretty hot for FM2 but my lack of good wheel left me going back to my PC games like RBR and Toca 3 where my GFP worked and of course filling in some of the gaps with Rallisport Challenge :D

And it's not like I don't admit when I am wrong... if standard cars had sunddenly come out with modeled panel gaps and cockpits I would have been first to admit it was great news!

When I say you are staunch, you staunch in your position that GT5 will be great and no matter what comes flying at you I don't see that wavering a bit... you are staunch in that the final product will be good because it's GT and you are staunch in your views that nothing bad should be strongly considered until "later" at some point as we don't have enough info now... no matter how unreasonable the demand to wait ultimately is.
When I say you are staunch, you staunch in your position that GT5 will be great and no matter what comes flying at you I don't see that wavering a bit... you are staunch in that the final product will be good because it's GT and you are staunch in your views that nothing bad should be strongly considered until "later" at some point as we don't have enough info now... no matter how unreasonable the demand to wait ultimately is.

:lol: Thank for the definition, anyway thats bull please look at my messages and find where I ever said or implied GT is the best because of its name. 👎 I'm sorry for at least wanting to play the game and getting my own perspective. Everybody has their own style. This forum is proof just look how different every bodies views was when they played GT5 game that leaked. Its pointless now man the game comes out soon your buying it I'm buying it once we play for a while we can come back and argue some more. 👍
This is still going?

The bottom line is, if you think that the 800 standards ruin the game for you and you can in no way possible enjoy the game even if you ignore said standards. Simple. DON'T BUY IT.

But if you have enough of an open mind to first TRY the game and the standards, THEN you can have your 464 pages of bitching about them. Till then you're just bitching about a bunch of youtube videos, not the game. A big part of critisizing a game is actually playing it first.
:lol: Thank for the definition, anyway thats bull please look at my messages and find where I ever said or implied GT is the best because of its name. 👎 I'm sorry for at least wanting to play the game and getting my own perspective. Everybody has their own style. This forum is proof just look how different every bodies views was when they played GT5 game that leaked. Its pointless now man the game comes out soon your buying it I'm buying it once we play for a while we can come back and argue some more. 👍

Where did I say best? I just said great. You don't have to say "it will be great because it's GT" but when you say things like it will be good anyway or I know I will still enjoy it, that's what you are saying.

This is still going?

The bottom line is, if you think that the 800 standards ruin the game for you and you can in no way possible enjoy the game even if you ignore said standards. Simple. DON'T BUY IT.

But if you have enough of an open mind to first TRY the game and the standards, THEN you can have your 464 pages of bitching about them. Till then you're just bitching about a bunch of youtube videos, not the game. A big part of critisizing a game is actually playing it first.

Just curious, do you buy clothes (that you can't return after you try them) before examining them? I mean it's one thing to put forth the logic that you can't know until you try, but it's another to recommend spending $60 rather than forming an opinion....

I will remind you FM3 got a lot of hate from people before they played it... were you adament about defending it too?
Seriously guys get over it. I keep checking this thread to see what's going on and all I do it scroll through pages of bickering. Go and argue on youtube or something
From what I gather, you can paint them, you can add spoilers to them, you can tune them, they still handle realistically, they don't look that bad, and there is a lot of them. They just need that option for wheels. That's all.

I think he should get banned otherwise he will go on to make more than thousands of post here and it is really annoying :indiff:
Let me get this straight: He should be banned. For discussing things. On a message board.

People voice their opinion. Just because you sit around and refute every person's opinion with your own opinion does not invalidate their opinion, nor does it make you opinion any stronger.
You say that as if it isn't possible for an opinion to be wrong. Fair enough for people who are posting about how they don't think the Standards are a big deal, or they aren't bothered by them or whatever (for example, even I honestly did not care about the Standards being what they were until I started hearing all of the stuff that PD excised excised from them within the past couple of weeks. I was, and to a lesser extent still am, truthfully looking forward to driving some of the carryovers with the GT5 physics engine). This thread didn't get to nearly 10,000 posts because of people expressing sentiments like that. However, I've seen an awful lot of opinions in this thread that were pretty patently untrue. You can't hide behind "its my opinion" if you were to say "the sky is blue," for example, and people doing things similar to that is why this thread is as long as it is.

Deavedander has bee ntrolling around in this thread since it's existed. And has been bashing standard cars since. Standard cars could come with free beer for a year, a sex hole, and a million dollars, and he would still bash them.
Yes, it is a good thing that we have you to so valiantly and blindly defend them. Even those (several) times when it was colossally clear that you didn't know what you are talking about, you stood by them. It is quite commendable, such dedication. :rolleyes:
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There are still people mentioning sporadically that PD has made no wrong decisions. Both of these are opinions, and despite what you may think about the opinions opposing your own thoughts on the matter, they aren't any more wrong (or right) than you.
Well, you aren't exactly radiating with profoundness here.

I'm not sure what you're getting at with all your posts. I mention Forza because I happen to be intimately familiar with the series, having played it and endued it's weird quirks for about 20 months of play time through the three games, which is much more than I have for Live For Speed, rFactor and the GTRs, which are games I also own, respect but have much less wheel time with. I've been discussing things that sometimes don't get mentioned in Forza at ALL around here. You know, I think I'm the lone poster who has mentioned the Live permaban glitch. Now maybe it's just me, but a game that can get you inadvertently banned from a service you're paying real money for until resolved is kind of a serious bug. I think people like IVORBIGUN and me do have a few qualifications in regard to being critical of both series, and supportive of either.

I see you edited out the part of my previous post where I said I'm still picking GT. Which uh, sort of makes it my personal favourite.
It's common practice to often whittle down large posts to the point of discussion. I do believe we both do that. ;)

Being critical's fine; FM3's hopper system is lame-duck, iRacing is pricey, for both the game and the system I'd need to run it, F1 2010 is buggy, Shift (on consoles) had myriad problems, and TDU had those low-polygon-count roads that felt like driving on folded paper. It's odd when a member focuses the majority of their ire on one specific target though, repeatedly and unprovoked, in a thread. If they need to do that to feel better about their "favourite game", then cool, that's how they do it.
I'm glad you finally agree it's okay to be critical.

I think it's odd it's always Sony that's burdening PD. Not, y'know, maybe PD themselves. Sony didn't get the idea of GTPSP out of thin air, Kaz did show it years prior.
Polyphony didn't create the PSP GO or decide it needed to support it with a flagship title when the company happened to be in the thick of building a previous flagship title.

I could use the two Nazi vehicles as an example of a poor decision, if I wanted. Are the interesting? Absolutely! Am I curious about how they drive? Again, absolutely! Will I drive them more than once or twice, for the novelty? Probably not. Maybe a few more times if friends are particularly curious. I'm not even arguing that only cars that are universally used should be included; that's silly. But cars that are almost universally unused probably shouldn't. I can't imagine many people racked up a ton of mileage on their 1886 Benzes in GT4, or even the Model T (despite the latter actually functioning as a pretty decent Kei car competitor in Arcade mode :D). People could argue, quite reasonably, that there could've been other cars included instead. Though again, I'm using this as simply an example of what people could see as a poor decision.
You act like I've never discussed this situation. ;)
Yeah... some of the Premium choices baffle me, and leaving the Veyron off the list is frankly bizarre. Not that I care much, but you have to know it smarts for the supercar freaks.

Well, we lost a Livery Editor. A gob of us, me near the top of the list, were seriously pulling for this. The Track Creator we were hoping was like the one in ModNation Racers became a Course Maker track generator. Race Mod was cut back. Even though I think that the whole "We can't swap da RIMZ!" hysteria is... well, just that, I did like buying custom wheels in GT4.

Do all these matter? Well, yeah.
And I've mentioned my bafflement over the German military Fleuffelvagens before, or whatever they're called, but I'm getting sleepy and not very effective or willing to do another board hunt.

Er, what? "Sony, the monopoly that cares!" :lol:
You know, the problem with abusing definitions until they become meaningless is they... well, become meaningless. I guess all big businesses are monopolies now? Let's see what Mr Dictionary says the real actual definition of monopoly is from

  • 1. exclusive control of a commodity or service in a particular market, or a control that makes possible the manipulation of prices. Compare duopoly, oligopoly.
  • 2. an exclusive privilege to carry on a business, traffic, or service, granted by a government.
  • 3. the exclusive possession or control of something.
  • 4. something that is the subject of such control, as a commodity or service.
  • 5. a company or group that has such control.
  • 6. the market condition that exists when there is only one seller.
  • 7. ( initial capital letter ) a board game in which a player attempts to gain a monopoly of real estate by advancing around the board and purchasing property, acquiring capital by collecting rent from other players whose pieces land on that property.
Let me know when SONY fits any of those criteria. Or are you of the opinion that McDonalds is a monopoly because only they sell a burger known as a Big Mac? ;)

Now, thank GOD!, Microsoft has been loosing marketshare over the past few years as many large businesses have grown tired of their price gouging for products and services which in many, many cases seem to be in perpetual beta form, and turned to other sources, even Linux. So by the strictest definition of the term M$ is no longer a monopoly. But, they have been taken to court even by the federal government many times for... something. Maybe you'd like to do a book report for the class on that?
I know that the forza argument is done and over with but I did some research and found a way to get a hold of one of the models. Just wanted to show you guys that the forza 3 models are in fact as good as the premiums. GT5's render engine is what makes these cars look so amazing. PD COULD have outsourced the modeling and in 5 years time we would HAVE had at least 600 premium quality cars. Not 200 premiums and 800 crap

I can't believe some of you said GT4 models are better than these.

Here are some renders I did (not real time obviously)



screenshot of the triangulated model in C4D.

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everybody knows GT4 is better than Forza 3, even GT is!

These standard cars all look way better than Forza 3, especially this highly detailed Micra!


You guys are so funny. Stop being dumbed by this game and have a brake of fresh air.

HD by Polyphony Digital :


Love the rims of the Micra and the detailed Alfa 147 at the back...

Premium cars are way nicer than the Forza 3 cars but the 800 standard are all complete crap...
I believe standar cars will look great but im concerned of how much it will annoy me that you cannot change the wheels :(

As long as the standard wheels are in great detail and look real and not flat like previous GT games
is there any word/confirmation on spoilers being available on standard cars? i know rims is purely cosmetic but spoilers are important. sorry if its already been discussed, the search function wasnt helping and i cant watch youtube at work
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