Well, dude, because a certain poster is an immense Forza fan and has nothing bad to say about it, and yet considers GT5 to be "half-assed," or at least implies it is.
Ignoring the fact that if I swapped one game out for the other, this could easily apply to you...
This imagined fandom gets kind of old. I'm looking back at the post you quoted of Dev's and can't see a single mention of the game you dedicated an entire response to. Last I read, this thread was fully allowed to have other games mentioned,
in comparison to GT. Which kind of has to happen when people talk about, say, the lack of a livery editor. Because a good example of it implemented pretty well would be...
There are still people mentioning sporadically that Forza/Turn 10 is the model PD should have followed, since "they produced a game with 500 cars in two years" according to some of them. As if farming out modeling work to third world countries has produced photo real, impeccable, bug free models by the terrabyte. And as if Forza ran like a brand new F1 car, rather than a Space Shuttle loosing tiles and needing an inspection before re-entry in case... you know, it blows up or something.
There are still people mentioning sporadically that PD has made no wrong decisions. Both of these are opinions, and despite what you may think about the opinions opposing your own thoughts on the matter, they aren't any more wrong (or right) than you.
I don't seem to ever recall you mentioning them bringing up "other games" needlessly. I guess the only game you can be critical on a GT board is Gran Turismo, and you haven't reached internet puberty unless you've bad mouthed it a few times.
As has been mentioned numerous times in this thread (and plenty others), people can be critical of things and still like them.
- Some of you act like it's unnatural to have a favorite game, if that game happens to be Gran Turismo. And even if you think so, being critical of other racing games is really bad form.
- You act like criticizing the Standards is going to make any difference, as if the game isn't on disc, boxed, and on the way to stores.
- I see you edited out the part of my previous post where I said I'm still picking GT. Which uh, sort of makes it my personal favourite. Being critical's fine; FM3's hopper system is lame-duck, iRacing is pricey, for both the game and the system I'd need to run it, F1 2010 is buggy, Shift (on consoles) had myriad problems, and TDU had those low-polygon-count roads that felt like driving on folded paper. It's odd when a member focuses the majority of their ire on one specific target though, repeatedly and unprovoked, in a thread. If they need to do that to feel better about their "favourite game", then cool, that's how they do it.
- I don't think anybody's under that impression. Again, I feel like you're adding that tone to your reading to further a non-existent discussion. I'm not deluded enough to think they'll somehow change the game because of some disappointment on a forum, even if it is the biggest of it's kind. You can go point at the "GT5 Standard Wheel Change" petition (or something along those lines) I saw around here earlier today though...
Be vocal to SONY in as many ways as you can that you expect them to fund Polyphony sufficiently, and not burden PD with side projects, so that GT6 can come out within four years. And with a wealth of Premium level content, both tracks and cars, and a rich list of things that can be done to and with these marvelous cars.
I think it's odd it's always Sony that's burdening PD. Not, y'know, maybe PD themselves. Sony didn't get the idea of GTPSP out of thin air, Kaz did show it years prior.
I could use the two Nazi vehicles as an example of a poor decision, if I wanted. Are the interesting? Absolutely! Am I curious about how they drive? Again, absolutely! Will I drive them more than once or twice, for the novelty? Probably not. Maybe a few more times if friends are particularly curious. I'm not even arguing that only cars that are universally used should be included; that's silly. But cars that are almost universally
unused probably shouldn't. I can't imagine many people racked up a ton of mileage on their 1886 Benzes in GT4, or even the Model T (despite the latter actually functioning as a pretty decent Kei car competitor in Arcade mode

). People could argue, quite reasonably, that there could've been other cars included instead. Though again, I'm using this as simply an example of what people
could see as a poor decision.
Unlike some monopolies, they need your money.
Er, what? "Sony, the monopoly that cares!"
Educate them to the fact that you expect better from them and dangle money in front of them, and say, "THIS can be yours if you make me happy with the NEXT GT game. And if you want me happy, you have to do (A, B, 1, 2, X, Y...)"
I kind of get the feeling, and I could be wrong here, that's exactly what Dev is saying he did... for GT5. Not the "next GT", but this one. There's a point where "I hope they'll get it right the next time" just doesn't happen anymore, and we're all different for that.
To funny man You read my post about the days of the heated arguments right It was fun as hell man. 👍
Yeah, I did... and looking back, yeah, I can't blame the staff for wanting to close it a few times. I've accepted the Standards are a (large) part of GT5 for quite some time now, though. I still don't have to like them, or their limited capabilities, but hey, I do see the reasoning behind their inclusion. I really could take either side, if I wanted, in this discussion. I can see sound arguments for both. It's just that my personal opinion lays to one side. Doesn't mean I won't be enjoying GT5's good aspects, though 👍
As for Photomode, jump on in once the game's released, the more the merrier, and I definitely want to see what you can cook up