>Devedander trolls real hard
>Devedander trolls
Does not compute.
May I ask you why do you think Devedander is trolling? Could you cite examples too? I'll wait.
King is a pretty cool guy. eh discusses with Devedander and doesnt afraid of anything.

(Sorry, had to do it)
It's funny how some things you say could apply to you if you switched two games in that sentence.
By the way, why should he say anything bad about Forza in the first place if this is a thread dedicated to GT5?
A: Be able to change wheels on standard cars.
B: Be able to change wheels on standard cars.
1: Be able to change wheels on standard cars.
2: Be able to change wheels on standard cars.
X: Be able to change wheels on standard cars.
Y...: Be able to change wheels on standard cars.
Is that really asking too much? Really? All I ever wanted, all I ever needed, were standard cars that were not inferior in any form to GT4 cars. You want my list of what I wanted for GT5? Here you have it, you decide if I was asking too much:
1 - GT4 cars plus more.
2 - GT4 tracks plus more.
3 - GT4 features plus more.
4 - Better physics than GT4.
And the less important thing I wanted:
5 - Better graphics than GT4. (20.000 polygons per car was more than acceptable, considering GT4's cars had in average 4.000 per car and they look pretty good, as you have said so many times.) Keep in mind I'm not mentioning cockpit because it was not in GT4, and I never asked for something that wasn't in GT4 that were not cars or tracks.
So, what did we get from that? Certainly not 1 and not 2, which means a lot to me. And a new thing to ask for GT6 after seeing this standard vs premium issue:
6 -
Every car and track to be equal.
I'm sorry for asking too much, PD. :sad:
Someone who understands. Finaly.
Sorry to everyone who has to skip through this. The hypocrisy in this thread has gone way too far.