Dunno about everyone, but as far as I am concerned, I freely admit that Gran Turismo will still be my game of choice. And I can freely admit that it's the best of its kind in my opnion. Blowing Forza and every other racing game out of the water is, again, something that I fully expect GT5 to do and I am indeed willing to admit that much.
And while I can't speak for others, and probably shouldn't, I haven't seem that many of the other guys opposing the standard cars claiming Gran Turismo to be a bad game. Disappointing because it didn't live up to the hype, because we expected more out of a GT game and because PD was very, well, careful with what they wanted to showcase about the game for a long time, yes, that's true. But if you look at some of those who did post negative comment in this thread a lot, like analog, Lucas, Toronado, SlipZtrEm or myself, none of those people actually said they hated the game. On the contrary, as far as I remember, everyone was voicing that, despite being disappointed, despite expecting more, they're going to get it.
Sorry to the users I mentioned specifically in my post, I didn't mean to speak on your behalf without your consent or anything, I just thought that it might be a somewhat important point to make.