Your thoughts about "standard" vs. "premium"

  • Thread starter LP670-4 SV

What would you have rather had PD do about "premium" vs. "standard" cars

  • Keep everthing the same

    Votes: 324 19.1%
  • Release the game later with all the cars "premium"

    Votes: 213 12.6%
  • Not do "premium" cars at all but focus on other features i.e. dynamic weather

    Votes: 134 7.9%
  • DLC packs after the release

    Votes: 844 49.8%
  • Wished PD didn't get are hopes up, lol

    Votes: 180 10.6%

  • Total voters
please avoid talking bad about MX-5's because I own one, and it's more fun than most cars on the road.

And the Cappuccino is an awesome car, I love the tuned version in Prologue.
please avoid talking bad about MX-5's because I own one, and it's more fun than most cars on the road.

And the Cappuccino is an awesome car, I love the tuned version in Prologue.
And you own this place I suppose? :dunce:
please avoid talking bad about MX-5's because I own one, and it's more fun than most cars on the road.

And the Cappuccino is an awesome car, I love the tuned version in Prologue.

While I won't say that I'm glad there are 3 premium Caps, I must admit that I did enjoy the tuned Cappuccino in GT5P as well.👍

Thats why its cool to go in with an open mindset with these cars. you never know which car you might really enjoy. It may be one that you never would've thought. Hopefully the prize cars are ones that I might never buy, because that's when you find some jewels.
I will mostly play with the standards and I am sure they will be better than in GT4, so no complaints! The Premiuns? Nice addition! Maybe we could have some DLC for premium cars like Forza did. =)
Honestly I could have been fully satisfied about the 200+ premium if only the Veyron and Countach and some RUF cars are premium, but to bad they are not. The number is okay it is just that it is mostly Nissan and some worthless cars made premium. Well anyway i will be grateful for what we have right now and enjoy it and just hope for Gt6 to have ALL CARS with cockpit view next time
Riiiggggggt wheels on a car arent that big a deal. :rolleyes:
No. ;)

Let me guess interior cockpit view also isnt that big a deal.
No. :lol:

I do find it pretty noteworthy that it's still the same handful as always who are devoutly, adamantly against the Standards. In amar212's GT5 thread, I haven't read anyone begging him not to drive a Standard car. I seriously think you guys are in the minority on this. It just seems that very few people mind. Some of us are still excited over the Standards!

You'd better hurry up and get your disdain posted, because you only have a few days left before no one cares anymore.
From Amar

Somebody asked about 16 races (as seen in both final One Lap Magic races in Licenses section so far) being mixture of Premium and Standard models. They are in fact, I took a moment to pay attention, but - you just don't see the difference during race. On my set - and I'm using an 50" plasma - all Standard cars look like a Prologue cars in-race. It is more-less visible in the replay, but overall I think PD did a very decent job in mixing the two breeds.

Thats cool to know, the standard have me upset about the wheels and the cockpit view but I will have a great time with them.
Exactly ,the man said it himself. Standard cars look pretty much like GT5P cars in a race. Good or what?
Shows how silly is to have so many cars, when most of the people who will drive them all will only be to say "well, I drove each one of them at least once".

At the moment, around 110 cars in my GT4 garage, some of them exactly the same car but tuned differently. I have basically every car I have an interest in. 110 cars, out of 600+. :ill:

But your 110 are different than mine and the guy next to me. If you they only put the cars that I want then lots of people will be pissed, same goes for your list. Thats why lots of cars are needed.

Even so i think with the half of the GT5 cars and a better selection you can please more people than with GT5 1000 cars. For such huge number is very dissapointing.

About the whole "cut 800 standard cars to add another 100-150 premium cars": It doesnt work like that, the Standard cars were pretty much free in terms of developing time cost (in 3D modelling) , they were already done, PD only move some areas of the mesh to create damage and thats all.
At most the whole work in the 800 standard cars must been like 10 premium.

So it would be more like 220 premium + 800 standard VS 230 premium.
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The Cappuccino has to remain premium.
Too bad the Honda Beat isn't, since the Autozam AZ-1 is Premium too.
A perfect reenactment of the '90s Japanese sporty Kei ABC* trio would have been possible...

If quoting to what I had experienced in GT4, the Honda Beat already looks quite premium in-game, especially in GT4 there seems have an option that you can pull down the roof on convertibles like Honda Beat or some Mercedes.
(Of course, if you put up the soft-top roof, the Beat will just looks exactly like any other standard cars)

Once you pull down the roof of a Honda Beat in GT4, it certainly looks quite like a "lower polygon count" premium car, like those from a really old built of GT4 HD without special effects applied (pre-GT5 but post GT4 era).
I do find it pretty noteworthy that it's still the same handful as always who are devoutly, adamantly against the Standards. In amar212's GT5 thread, I haven't read anyone begging him not to drive a Standard car. I seriously think you guys are in the minority on this. It just seems that very few people mind. Some of us are still excited over the Standards!

I see the same handful of people who adamantly insist people are wrong for not being satisfied with the Standards. Mind you, your selective reading is probably skipping over a bunch of the angry nerd-rage posts that happened, about Standards, when the Car List was posted on PD's website. Though, I can't blame you, since it's pretty hard not to skip over the barely formed sentences that made up a lot of those (usually rather new) members.

Nobody's begging anyone to not use Standards, because the people who aren't happy with them are perfectly fine with knowing it's their opinion. I don't think it's "wrong" if people want to use them; it's their choice, just like it's mine to focus on the actual new, made-for-PS3 models before I head into some Standards.

You'd better hurry up and get your disdain posted, because you only have a few days left before no one cares anymore.

Heh. Enjoy the posts that will follow post-release when people who haven't followed the entire two-tier system pop in to the internet's largest GT site, asking why their car can't take advantage of a bunch of visual modification options, is stuck on stock rims, and can't be driven from the driver's seat. Trust me, the game's release will not be the end of this issue...

Honest question though: since rim-swapping and cockpit view aren't actually important (apparently), how many other features need to be only partially implemented into the whole game, or cut back compared to previous titles, before it does matter?

Some of the new options really do go a long way into making up for these shortcomings for me, that's for sure, but to bizarrely cut personalization options for Standards that we enjoyed in GT4 seems backwards to me. After this long gestation period, I guess I just expected that particular area (visual modifications), one of GT's weakest compared to it's competition, would at least close the gap significantly. I'm still going to enjoy the heck out of the game, though. Even if how I go about playing it is apparently "wrong". :lol:
You'd better hurry up and get your disdain posted, because you only have a few days left before no one cares anymore.
When GTPSP came out, there was a flood of new members complaining "Where's mah career mode." Kaz made it very clear and was very straightforward when he announced the release date at E3 last year that GTPSP wouldn't have a career mode.
Now compare GT5, where the only thing PD gave us about the Standard cars was a single video and some words all the way up to the release date (or damn close to it, if they mention something about it between now and the 24th), apparently hoping that all of the shortcomings that are cropping up now (only because a few copies were leaked out, mind you) wouldn't pop up until after the game was out.
If GTPSP's noise was equivalent to a flood, the GT5 Standard Car issue is going to be a monsoon.
Some people are saying the posts from people 'complaining' about standard models are gonna stop or become irrelevant when the game is released.

Check out the comments on this video

There are still some people that are in the dark or just in denial, I think we're getting a binch of angry new member come release date.
Honest question though: since rim-swapping and cockpit view aren't actually important (apparently), how many other features need to be only partially implemented into the whole game, or cut back compared to previous titles, before it does matter?

GT5 has shown quite elegantly the value of releasing bad information in small pieces and preferably cryptically over time. This way your fanbase only ever has to swallow one bitter pill at a time and they have a long time to digest each one before moving one.

Soon the previous bitter pills actually help you as you can do things like delay a month and people will say "who cares it's only a month!" since compared to previous waits a month is nothing... and if you have a part of your game with a lot of shortcomings, they can then take each shortcoming in stride and make it seem relatively minor to the bigger picture because "while Y may be gone, you should be happy you got X!" (and if X goes just make sure there is at least a pretty Z to keep them occupied).

When GTPSP came out, there was a flood of new members complaining "Where's mah career mode." Kaz made it very clear and was very straightforward when he announced the release date at E3 last year that GTPSP wouldn't have a career mode.
Now compare GT5, where the only thing PD gave us about the Standard cars was a single video and some words all the way up to the release date (or damn close to it, if they mention something about it between now and the 24th), apparently hoping that all of the shortcomings that are cropping up now (only because a few copies were leaked out, mind you) wouldn't pop up until after the game was out.
If GTPSP's noise was equivalent to a flood, the GT5 Standard Car issue is going to be a monsoon.

I wonder which will be bigger... the flood of users who are suddenly caught off guard with this whole standard cars issue, or the Forza fanboys who have taken so much crap for years now about how much GT5 would be perfect and slaughter the competition and now have an actual product to critique instead of vapor ware which can always be touted as "going to be perfect".
Honest question though: since rim-swapping and cockpit view aren't actually important (apparently), how many other features need to be only partially implemented into the whole game, or cut back compared to previous titles, before it does matter?
Your questions are usually honest. More honest than some of mine anyhow. ;)

Well, we lost a Livery Editor. A gob of us, me near the top of the list, were seriously pulling for this. The Track Creator we were hoping was like the one in ModNation Racers became a Course Maker track generator. Race Mod was cut back. Even though I think that the whole "We can't swap da RIMZ!" hysteria is... well, just that, I did like buying custom wheels in GT4.

Do all these matter? Well, yeah. Does it dampen my enthusiasm for GT5?

Oh hell no. :lol: I'm aching to get my hands on it and throw myself headlong into the Standard heavy used car lots and spend a good chunk of my hard earned prize money on a few hundred metric tons of cars. I LOVE THESE CARS! And the pics of all these Standards I've seen look plenty spiffy to me. Others' mileage obviously varies.

And I'm sticking with Gran Turismo as my racing game of choice. I'll give rFactor 2 a sniff and might even acknowledge that Forza still exists, but I doubt I'll be too impressed. Forza is a worthy competitor and all, but Dan G is second fiddle compared to the virtuoso known as Kazunori. And I'm pretty sure that if we see a Pontiac Fiero in a racing game, it's not going to be in Forza.

Now watch them prove me wrong out of spite. :lol:

One thing I've been meaning to say is that we do need to harness both the negative grouch energy and the positive hope emanations and start making demands of Polyphony and SONY both for GT6.

  • SONY needs to fund the hiring of more modelers for the Polyphony staff. This content takes forever to make, so if we want to see 600 well modeled cars and 90 tracks or more in GT6, that means a bigger team. SONY writes the checks, so we need to make them hear us.
  • We need to be as ambitious as Kaz and ask for the things we missed in GT5, and think of serious worthy additional content and features for the sequel. That full featured Livery Editor should be a top priority, along with more "Premium" cars and tracks - I expect no more Standards in Gran Turismo. Race Mod for every car, if possible. A true Track Creator, MNR style, where the landscape is sculpted and trackside details added, and we lay the course by hand - a good use for the Move. Weather and time of day for all tracks. Refined damage modeling. Even more Photo and Movie Mode features. Online should offer even more of an experience. And I'd love to see my concept of a lifelike Career Mode and Season Mode.
Aaand... bedtime, late as usual. :lol:

Hurry UP, wednesday!
Why haters?? just because they dont like "x" stuff, i cant believe, and you just cant say GT1 sucked, the inflection point in car/game industry, and with you criteria i must call you "hater" for say that for GT1(wich is the saint grial for me).

I said gt3 sucked... i loved gt1.... that game is what made who i am 2day lol:cheers::cheers::cheers:
One thing I've been meaning to say is that we do need to harness both the negative grouch energy and the positive hope emanations and start making demands of Polyphony and SONY both for GT6.

I thinkt he first step in that is to tone down the apoligists and denialists who are sure that:

GT will be great
Complaining will get you nothing
We should always be happy for what we get
Will buy it no matter what

Sony is a company.... they are there to make money and when making money you want to invest the least to get the biggest return.

If they can half ass it and have a couple of million people willing to bend over backwards to show their appreciation for it and money comes pouring in, what incentive exactly do they have to do more?
Oh yea, PD needs to have a lot more modelers on their staff.

I think PD should make a subscription for 29.99-39.99 for all future DLC. These hired people will work on making current cars premium and update them. People with this 30-40 buck package will be able to download it and everything else they make. Occasionally they will make a car NOT already in the game. This will leave the main PD camp to work on what ever they want, and GT6... Heck, maybe they can have one even more expensive, for 49.99-59.99 just like the game and it will have all the new cars included no matter how many are released for GT5's life, and also Tracks they make. This will be like a Gold download where you get everything they make. But this will say that how much they make available will cost MUCH MUCH MUCH more than 50-60 bucks if you bought it in pieces when they are released. This could easily make a replacement of GT6:P for funding the next game. Just saying, I think a lot of people would buy more content for GT5...
I thinkt he first step in that is to tone down the apoligists and denialists who are sure that:

GT will be great
Complaining will get you nothing
We should always be happy for what we get
Will buy it no matter what

Sony is a company.... they are there to make money and when making money you want to invest the least to get the biggest return.

If they can half ass it and have a couple of million people willing to bend over backwards to show their appreciation for it and money comes pouring in, what incentive exactly do they have to do more?

I agree. If people dont let them know its half ass, they'll do it again. As consumers, its our duty to give this feedback.
Exactly ,the man said it himself. Standard cars look pretty much like GT5P cars in a race. Good or what?

If that is true then wehey! I found the GT5P cars to be fantastic looking (maybe my standards are just lower than other people's) :sly:
Sony is a company.... they are there to make money and when making money you want to invest the least to get the biggest return.

Hardly feel you can say that about GT5 considering $60-80 million was spent on developing the game. I can't think of any racing game that has had such a large budget.

You can call this game half ass if you want but based on what i've seen it looks a stunning game. Im a realist who realises it would of been impossible to model all cars to premium standard plus have all the wonderful features that GT5 has. Also worth mentioning that in gameplay you cannot tell the difference between a grid consisting of standard/premium cars and this is based on those who have already played GT5.

No doubt you will ignore my post and continue to be negative. Funny how I still haven't seen one positive post from you in the other threads. I imagine you will continue to be negative on these forums whilst the rest of us are enjoying playing GT5.
If they can half ass it and have a couple of million people willing to bend over backwards to show their appreciation for it and money comes pouring in, what incentive exactly do they have to do more?
I would use these words to describe a certain game coming from Redmond, Washington, and the car company which makes and manages it. ;)

Is there hope that Forza might one day reach the level of Gran Turismo, mostly free of bugs, and flaws carried over from the FIRST game?? I don't know, they haven't seen as interested in that as chucking games out the door on a two year rotation.

I associate myself with the remarks of IVORBIGUN. Especially since the main factor in this whole debate is Kazunori Yamauchi. You can replace Dan Greenawalt with any yahoo and Forza will most likely still be Forza, and the same for any game from Codemasters, Simbin, you name it.

But there are certain game companies which are headed by very unique visionaries, such as Ted Price and Insomniac, Hideo Kojima and Kojima Productions, and Kaz and his family which make up Polyphony Digital. And it seems that after a little vacation, Kaz and the lads are going to be hard at making the Gran Turismo game he originally wanted. More than likely, SONY will invest in the vision because they know a winning formula when it's staring in their face with 52 million sales. And counting, to say the least. ;)